Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 648: "I like reading it the most."

"what happened?"

"I remember that the seats in the cinema are uncomfortable, you are not used to sitting!"

Thinking of the last time he was asleep when he watched a movie, Yannian felt distressed and stopped watching the movie. Without a word, he took him to go shopping.

The central radio in the store is broadcasting "Mong Kind", which is the hottest song at the moment.

Yannian would also sing this song, and couldn't help but hum along the radio, "When I think of you, I will woo~~~~"

Jiang Beiyuan has been watching her.

Look at her with bright eyes and a beautiful smile.

"Mr. Jiang, I haven't heard you sing before. Can you sing too?"

"I do not know."

"A liar! Last time at the wedding, didn't your brother Gao Wei say that you can sing well?!"

"He's nonsense." Jiang Beiyuan copied his pockets with one hand, with a calm expression.

"Then I will teach you!"

In the next second, Yannian waved her small hand in front of him, "When I think of you, I will woo~~~~"

Without saying a word, Jiang Beiyuan grabbed her small hand that was moving, and clasped her fingers tightly.

His eyes were ashes that she couldn't see.

I can’t give up: "Sing, sing, just sing one sentence!"

"Go to the movies."

"Huh? Forget it, let's not go, watching movies is boring!"

"I find it interesting, let's go."

Jiang Beiyuan arbitrarily took her to the movies.

He knew she wanted to watch.

He doesn't need her to accommodate her.

In Yan Nian's memory, there are not many experiences of watching movies with Jiang Beiyuan like this. The last time I watched a cartoon, they are all adults. I can't always watch cartoons.

So this time, Yannian chose a romance film specially, the kind of pure love.

As last time, she still bought the last row.

And Jiang Beiyuan two people to book the last row.

Where it used to be.

Memories of the past are flooding.

Fortunately, people in the past are still people now.

that's nice.

Yannian sat next to Jiang Beiyuan. The movie hadn't started yet, she held her cheek with one hand and looked at his delicate eyebrows under the light.

"Mr. Jiang, remember the last time you watched the movie, did you and your wife adjust the weather?"


Jiang Beiyuan leaned on the back of his chair, his brows and eyes curled, as if he was reminiscing, so his eyes became warm and warm.

"Mrs. Jiang dislikes your husband's lack of affection."

"Just remember it!"

As Yannian said, her eyes rolled slyly, and then she moved to his ear, opened her mouth and bit the tip of his ear.

Between the entwined breath, she exhales like blue:

"Now, last time you asked me whether Nian Nianxi liked Teacher Jiang, now answer you."

Cleared her throat, Yannian stuck in her voice, deliberately pretending to be sweet and tender as a little girl: "Niannian likes Teacher Jiang the most~"

Jiang Beiyuan's heart was moved and he buckled her waist.


He hugged her calmly.

She didn't see the water lurking in his eyes.

Immediately, leaning over to cover her ears like her, the magnetic mellow voice fell:

"Ms. Jiang likes to read it the most."


Yannian smiled like a two hundred jin fool.

The movie started soon, and Yan Nian returned to her seat and sat down.

This time, for her lack of concentration, she couldn't get into the movie at all, and turned her head to look at the man beside her from time to time.

He found that Jiang Beiyuan had one elbow bent to prop his chin, staring at the screen intently, motionless.

Did he look inside?

Yannian suddenly felt happy.

It is rare that he can watch a movie.

Although, she felt that this romance film was not interesting at all, it was nothing more than the separation film of dog blood. In the end, the female protagonist got cancer and died. The male protagonist never married for life, guarding the lonely grave.

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