Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 657: "I'll tell you, let's not take it as an example!"

Jiang Beiyuan rolled over with difficulty, not wanting to pay attention to the noisy sound, subconsciously wanted to cover his whole person with a quilt, only to find that he was lying on the cold floor, empty, where's the quilt.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The knock on the door became more irritable.

Jiang Beiyuan frowned and got up, stepped on the empty wine bottle, and went out to open the door.

The moment Xu Kuangjie looked around, Xu Kuangjie was shocked.

The man in front of him with messy hair, sloppy beard, gray face and bloodshot eyes is really Jiang Beiyuan?

That Jiang Beiyuan, who has always been horribly tidy in his mind, and meticulous in everything? ?

Xu Kuangjie rubbed his eyes vigorously, thinking that he was dreaming.

Just rub your eyes and the dream will wake up.


Jiang Beiyuan remained silent, and wanted to close the door impatiently.

"Hey-wait a minute!"

At the moment he was about to close the door, Xu Kuangjie hurriedly pushed in.

The eyeballs that hadn't had time to withdraw, suddenly became bigger!


There were empty wine bottles and cigarette butts piled all over the floor, and the air was filled with a heavy smell of soot. The furniture was also sloppy and messy. There was no clean place to sit in the house. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was smoky.

"Jiang Beiyuan?????"

Xu Kuangjie issued a torture from the depths of his soul.

Jiang Beiyuan ignored him, walked to the window sill and opened the curtains.

The long-lost dazzling sunlight told him to close his eyes subconsciously, and his long eyelashes flickered.

It turned out to be sunny.

He quietly stared at the fountains and green fields in the distance, the long and cold sunlight outside the window fell on him, feeling lazy, but the laziness was almost suffocating.

He remembered.

I already told her that I was divorced.

For the rest of my life, she will never be there again.

He hooked the corner of his mouth, feeling self-deprecating, and his eyes were unwavering, deadly empty, like two deep vortexes.

I don't know how long it has been before, when he heard movement coming from behind him, Jiang Beiyuan turned around slowly.

Xu Kuangjie is cleaning.

The cleaning is almost done, the empty wine bottles are thrown into the trash can, and the ground is also swept, just to drag it again.

Jiang Beiyuan watched him calmly, he was like a dead skinny man, without a soul, only a surviving body.

"I don't understand it. Didn't it mean that your mother asked someone to hit her ten years ago? She is doing well now. What are you afraid of?! Don't you understand this?!" Xu Kuangjie stared. Looking at the man by the window sill.

"If there is still her dad."

Jiang Beiyuan's voice was hoarse and dry as if it had been roasted by fire.

He hasn't spoken a word for several days.

"What do you mean?!"



Jiang Beiyuan did not explain.

He leaned against the window, motionless, as if petrified.

Xu Kuangjie sighed heavily, followed by throwing away the broomstick in his hand, without a word, walked over to embrace Jiang Beiyuan's neck, and led him to the bathroom.

Looking at it from a close distance, the man who used to be mad at him, now as if he is dying, he looked angry and distressed!

Pulling him directly to the sink, turning on the faucet, he personally washes his face.

"Jiang Beiyuan, it's the first time for me to wash a man's face!!!"


Jiang Beiyuan remained motionless.

The handsome face reflected in the mirror, and after washing her face, it was refreshing and refreshing.

He hadn't shaved his beard for several days, and the green stubble on his chin gave him a sense of vicissitudes.

Xu Kuangjie took the foam shaving cream from the side and applied a layer on Jiang Beiyuan's chin.

"It's the first time I shaved a man!!!"


The parties still did not respond.

Xu Kuangjie felt frustrated. The next second, he suddenly raised his hand and punched Jiang Beiyuan on the cheekbones.

Jiang Beiyuan staggered for a while, and soon stood upright, still no response.

Xu Kuangjie was speechless.

"What do you want?! If you want to die, you can jump straight upstairs. If you don't want to die, don't be so disgusting!"

"Do you remember when I drowned when I was a child, you saved me!"

"Actually, they don’t know. I really wanted to die at the time. My parents quarreled every day. I really wanted to die if I had enough. Others thought I was really drowning. Only you, Jiang Beiyuan, saved me after I got ashore. Punched me—"

"Tell me, this is not an example."

"At that time, I knew that you, Jiang Beiyuan, understand me so much!"

"That's why I am willing to be your brother!"

"I also want to be bullied by you!"

"Now I will give you a punch too. I will tell you not to be an example. Have you heard me come back alive!!"


A slight fluctuation appeared in the latter's calm eyes.

It was like a faint flame burning.

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