Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 674: "pregnant?"

Its daybreak.

The golden sun was dazzling, hanging high along the window.

With this sleep, Yannian slept dimly.

After waking up, he had a headache, and his head seemed to explode.

"You are awake." Ding Baoyi put a bowl of hangover soup on the table.

This was delivered by Jiang Beiyuan after he had cooked it, still steaming.

Yannian rubbed her aching temples, propped her arm up, and looked around.

White ceilings, purple curtains, purple beds and futons, no wool carpets.

"Where is this?"

"Nonsense, you stayed with me for a few days without knowing it was my home?"

Of course Ding Baoyi would not say that Jiang Beiyuan sent her here.

"Why am I in your house?"

Yannian was confused and her brain hurts, she shook her head vigorously, and then looked down at her wearing pajamas.

"Why am I still wearing pajamas?"

"Stupid? Can you be naked without wearing pajamas?"

"Yes, I slept in Jiang Beiyuan's arms--"

Before he finished speaking, he stopped.

She pressed the corners of her mouth vigorously and swallowed the rest of the words together.

Ding Baoyi sighed, "He doesn't want you anymore, and he still thinks about what he does."

He doesn't want you anymore.

Like a basin of cold water suddenly poured over, from head to toe, the words and thoughts were poured thoroughly.

She remembered.

Jiang Beiyuan no longer wants her.

This time, he took the initiative to abandon her.

All the sobriety and reason returned at this moment, the confusion and confusion were absent, and only a desolation and loneliness remained in my heart.

What is it?

The storm is coming, she is on the boat, and he is underwater.

Ha ha.

"Do you cook the soup for me?" He turned off the subject without changing his words.

"Ang, who else could it be, dog?"

Ding Baoyi didn't have a good air.

"Hurry up and drink it while it's hot, I'm going to work after drinking it!"


Yannian picked up the bowl and took a couple of sips. Is it her illusion that the soup has the taste of Jiangbeiyuan.

Is it because I miss him too much.

I can dream of him even in my dreams, his face, his appearance, he is holding her, and tells her that he is afraid of losing her.


After drinking the third sip, the nausea came up, and Yannian grabbed his stomach and got out of bed.

"What happened to you?"

Ding Baoyi asked with concern, but was pushed aside by Yannian, watching her hurriedly toward the bathroom.


Heart-piercing vomiting.

All the vomiting was drinking wine, and her stomach acid was coming out when she vomited.

"Is it all right?"

Ding Baoyi walked in and stood behind Yannian and patted her on the back.

"I thought you were pregnant if you didn't know it."

Throwing sound.

Ding Baoyi's hand froze.

Yannian's body also froze.

She vomited for more than one day or two days.

If your stomach is upset, you won't vomit for so long.

"Ding Baoyi..."

"Huh?" Ding Baoyi's eyelids twitched and looked at her.

"Why don't you buy me a pregnancy test stick."

All women know each other well.

"Uh, that's all right, you wait, I will go to the drugstore to buy it now."

Although Ding Baoyi was not the person involved, she was a little panicked.

This happened.

When pregnancy is not good, when there must be conflicts.

By the way, she doesn't want Yannian to become pregnant at this time. She is pregnant. What if Jiang Beiyuan asks her child to be destroyed?

If you don't get rid of it, you really get divorced, what about Yannian being a single mother?

Ding Baoyi was too big to think about it.

I hope I'm not pregnant, this is the best way.

I bought a pregnancy test stick and came out of the pharmacy.

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