Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 825: My pet dog of Jiangbeiyuan

Good weight……

With a lead tied to one leg, he couldn't move at all, as if he was paralyzed.

"Dad! I don't want to tie this! So annoying!"

"In a minute, bring it back to me." Jiang Beiyuan didn't move.


Jiang Qingchi could only crawl, crawling over, finally picked up the ball and handed it to Jiang Beiyuan, who threw the ball out again without saying a word.

This time it was thrown farther than before.

"Go and pick it up, it's still within a minute."


This time Jiang Qingchi tried to walk. He was heavy with lead in his left leg. After a few steps, he staggered and fell to the ground. Finally, he had no choice but to climb over to pick up the ball.

Again, Jiang Beiyuan threw the ball away.

Repeated this way, I don't know if it was a few rounds, the little guy was already tired and sweating, his back was sweaty, he was lying on the ground, panting, tears and sweat.

"Dad, I'm so tired, don't do that!"

Jiang Qingchi was very afraid of such a serious and unfamiliar Jiang Beiyuan.

Condescendingly, Jiang Beiyuan overlooked him from a high ground, expressionless.


"Hmm, tired!"


"Hmm, it's painful! And, and..."

"And what?"

"And I feel so humiliating, Dad is bullying people!"

"Is Yuli not humiliated?"


"I'm not happy, so I asked a lame dog to be your pleasure. It limped again and again to pick up the ball for you. It is as painful and humiliating as you are now, but it can't be said."


Jiang Qingchi was silent for a moment, lowered his head and panted, biting his lip hard.

"Do you know why Yuli's legs are like that?"

"Why dad."

Jiang Qingchi raised his face, his eyes flushed a little.

"Three years ago, it used its own leg to save the lives of you and your mother. Without this dog, you would never have been born."


Listening to this, don't talk about Jiang Qingchi, I want to cry.

Over the past two years, I have been busy and sometimes forget about Yuli. Because of her son, her focus has shifted, and she has often ignored Yuli.

Only Jiang Beiyuan treats Yuli very well day after day. The meals are on time every day, and he regularly takes Yuli to get vaccinations, takes it outside and talks to Yuli alone.

Yuli was very good to Jiang Qingchi, never barked at Jiang Qingchi, and obeyed Jiang Qingchi's orders.

It may be because of getting older, so Yuli has become a lot lazy recently and stopped playing with Jiang Qingchi.

Children are the masters who love the new and hate the old, just like toys. In Jiang Qingchi's eyes, Yuli should be the same as toys!

As Yan Nian was thinking about it, Jiang Beiyuan in front of him threw the ball directly in front of Yuli this time, and then looked at Jiang Qingchi:

"This is the last time, this time I walked, fell down, and got up again. There is no need to cry, because no one will help you."

"I know Dad!"

Jiang Qingchi sucked his nose vigorously, raised his sleeves and wiped the tears and nose.

He wants to prove that he is still very sensible, and he should not be a bad boy.

The lead lump on my feet is heavy, like the previous few times, I took a few steps and fell down!

Then he got up and kept walking, and fell down again!

The little guy stood up with trembling legs. Although there was a carpet on the floor, it was too heavy when he knocked down, and several bruises came out.

It hurts him...

It turned out that walking on one leg was so difficult, so difficult, and painful.

It turns out that picking a ball back is more difficult than reaching the sky.

Jiang Beiyuan watched this scene quietly, not stepping forward, not talking, just as he said, no one would help him up.

Yannian's heart is soft, watching his son fall down N times, countless times thinking about helping him, but also understand that if he helped him this time, he would never grow up.

Only a few meters away, Jiang Qingchi walked for more than half an hour.

He finally got the toy ball as he wished and put it on Yuli's back.

Yuli turned his head and bit the ball, gently placed it in front of Jiang Qingchi, licking the back of his instep.

He was so right to it just now, this dog is not even angry with it!


Jiang Qingchi let out a cry, then knelt on the ground holding Yuli and cried.

"I'm sorry Yuli! I'm sorry! I'll never make fun of you again! I don't like Da Hei anymore! I just like you!"

"..." Yu Li was held tightly by Jiang Qingchi and licked the child's clean face.

For dogs, their mission in life is to protect their masters, and they will never care about their masters.

But Jiang Beiyuan taught Jiang Qingchi this important lesson, Jiang Qingchi remembered.


Ten minutes later, Yannian took her son back to the room and washed his face.

Jiang Beiyuan squatted on one knee in front of Yuli, watching it and smiling.

"Thanks for your hard work. These years."


"You have paid so much for us, knowing that you love him, but don't get used to him, otherwise he will become a villain when he grows up, and you don't want to see him go bad, right?"

"..." Yu Li looked straight at Jiang Beiyuan.

it is more than words.

Jiang Beiyuan reached out his hand and touched its head, and sighed.

"Next time that kid bullies you again, just tell me that my Jiang Beiyuan dog is not allowed to be bullied, not even my son."

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