Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 862: I'm afraid that something will happen to Jiang Beiyuan

"Well, it's okay."

Jiang Beiyuan held the corner of the table with one hand, his hand tightened slowly.

Yannian came over and asked him with concern. He drank and shook his head, "It's okay, I'm in a hurry."

"Don't scare me! How about I go to the hospital with you for an examination?"

Yannian shook his hand. At this moment, her heart was beating very fast, and she was very afraid of Jiang Beiyuan.

"No, you go to see your son. I have an operation in the morning. I have to go there soon."

"Don't always do surgery! You have been too tired recently, take a good rest for two days!" Yannian held Jiang Beiyuan's hand tightly, his fingers were also a little cold, this feeling is very bad!

"Well, I will ask Wang Shuang for two days off this weekend."

Jiang Beiyuan's face had recovered, and he reached out and touched Yannian's face.

"Your husband is not weak."

"Then I'll take you to the hospital, anyway, my son is not in a hurry to go to kindergarten."


Jiang Beiyuan did not refuse.

The three people went out together and drove with Yan Nian. Jiang Beiyuan sat in the passenger seat, leaning on the back of the chair, and rubbing his temples with his eyes closed.

His posture is as lazy as usual, his sleeves are half rolled, and his body is as long as a bamboo.

But Xu's weakness this morning left words and thoughts lingering, so he always felt that his face was paler than usual.

When he arrived at the hospital, Yannian stopped the car and asked his son to wait in the car first, while he went in with Jiang Beiyuan.

Yu Lili came on.

Yu Lili was wearing a white coat and her hair pulled up.

With her eyes facing each other, Yannian gave her a hard look.

The lingering woman.

However, in front of many patients and doctors around, Yan Nian and Jiang Beiyuan got on the elevator without responding to her.

There were only two of them in the elevator, and Yannian hugged Jiang Beiyuan's neck directly.

"Please, after that operation today, you have a good rest! I'll bring you food at noon, OK?"

"worry about me?"

He looked down at her, hooking his mouth.

"Of course I am worried about you! You are the backbone of the family, without you, I can't support this family!"

"Well, it won't happen, your husband is only in his early 30s."

"No, no matter, you will have to go to bed early in the evening. Every day is not serious, and you are not allowed to stay up late!" Yan Nian refused to listen to his practice, and said to herself.

Hearing this, Jiang Beiyuan was not happy anymore.

"Before twelve o'clock, it's not called staying up late."

"No matter, I'll go to bed at ten o'clock! Don't let it be late!"


Seeing that her eyes were red with anger, Jiang Beiyuan followed her words, the elevator door opened, and Jiang Beiyuan went to the lounge to change into a white coat.

Watching him enter the operating room, Yan Nian withdrew her eyes, the worry and anxiety in her eyes did not disappear.

Zhang Fan came over.

Yan Nian nodded at him as a greeting, and sighed at the same time.

Zhang Fan smiled, "What's wrong, what do you sigh in the morning?"

"You are brother Jiang Beiyuan, take the time to do a check on him. He almost fainted during dinner this morning."

"True? Isn't he too tired these days? Lao Jiang has had many operations recently!"

In Zhang Fan's eyes, Jiang Beiyuan was physically strong.

However, no one's body is beaten by iron.

Yan Nian explained a few more words to Zhang Fan, and didn't say much. Jiang Qingchi was still in the car, and she wanted to send her son to the kindergarten.


At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Beiyuan came out of the operating room with fatigue between his eyes.

In fact, he only had one operation this morning, but a car accident happened on the Beihuan Road at noon, sending several patients with combined chest and abdomen injuries. He is a knife on the chest, and he is usually indispensable in the scene of a car accident.

After this busy work, it was almost dark.

"Hey Lao Jiang," Zhang Fan is a general foreigner, waiting for him in the Jiang Beiyuan lounge for half an hour.

Seeing Jiang Beiyuan finally returned, he smiled at him.

"Are you going to have a brain CT or a whole body?"


"I ran into your daughter-in-law in the corridor this morning and urged me to do a check on you. Fainting is no small matter."


Jiang Beiyuan Diaoerlang sat down and took a bottle of yogurt on the table at will. His eyebrows were like new leaves and his eyes were calm and loose.

I drank two bites of yogurt.

"Don't worry, your grandpa must live longer than you."

"Hey! Worried you don't know if you are worried! Not for your own good!"

"I have time, I will go to the scanning department myself."

Jiang Beiyuan put down the yogurt and rubbed his wrist bones.

The phone rang suddenly.

It was from Yannian.

"When are you coming back? How is your health? Are you still dizzy? I called you at noon. Your director said that you are undergoing an operation, so I didn't come to look for you!"

The feeling that someone is worried about is good after all.

What's more, the person who is thinking about him is the one he likes very much.

Jiang Beiyuan curled his eyebrows, his face felt like a spring breeze, and his voice became warm and warm at the same time: "Now I am ready to go back, I am fine, Madam."

"Oh... if there is nothing wrong with you, come back quickly, son, something has happened!"

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