Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 864: Can you chase her?

Yannian listened happily.

"Huanhuan, do you know what a male **** means?"

"It's the man every girl wants to marry!"

"Hahaha, you know a lot!"

Children nowadays are too precocious!

"Huanhuan, when I grow up, I will also become a male god!"

Seeing that Cheng Huan had been boasting Jiang Beiyuan, Jiang Qingchi felt aggrieved, why not boast himself.

Hearing that Cheng Huan laughed, tears came out.

"But you are short and fat, male gods are big and tall, not short winter melon."

"I'm not a short winter melon! I just didn't grow it!"

Jiang Qingchi's eyes were red with anger, and he gave Yannian a fierce look.

"I won't eat snacks anymore, you can eat it yourself! Humph!"

"Apologize to your mother."

Jiang Beiyuan looked at his son blankly.

"Humph! I didn't say anything!"

Jiang Qingchi is angry now, and no one wants to take care of it.

"Okay, let's eat."

Yannian is the first two big people, so at home I am afraid that the old and the young are noisy.

"Jiang Qingchi."

Jiang Beiyuan put down his chopsticks and called his name without anger.

In fact, Jiang Qingchi was particularly afraid of Jiang Beiyuan's anger, and was also afraid of him frowning.

"I'm sorry, Mom, Ochi shouldn't lose his temper at you. Mom is the best mother in the world."

"I know! Let's eat!"

Yannian was helpless and wanted to laugh, her nose sour.

At any rate, there is Jiang Beiyuan in the family. Without him, she would definitely not be able to teach her children so well.

Yannian didn't dare to think about the days without him. Both she and her son depended on him very much.

After eating, Jiang Beiyuan walked to Jiang Qingchi, condescending, and asked him if he wanted to hug him.

Jiang Qingchi nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

He likes being held by his father the most.

Jiang Beiyuan picked him up with one hand and sank a little, it was indeed good to lose weight.

"Uncle handsome, hug me too!" Cheng Huan pitifully opened her arms, her mouth pouted, showing her cuteness.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't look at her, and walked away holding Jiang Qingchi.

He doesn't have much fraternity, he has very little love, and he is even hot and cold towards his children, not to mention the children of other people's families.

What's more, this child is Xu Anqing's child.


Cheng Huan rubbed his eyes and cried sadly.

"Auntie, why doesn't handsome uncle hug me? Am I not pretty?"

"of course not."

Yannian patted her head and handed her a piece of chocolate.

"Because Uncle can only hold one child at a time, next time, he will definitely hold you next time!"

"Um... next time I have to let handsome uncle hold him, I won't sleep well if I don't hold him."

Cheng Huan wrapped Yan Nian's neck sadly.

Yannian picked up Cheng Huan.

Although this is Xu Anqing's child, she really likes girls, and she wants to have a daughter in her dreams. Now God let her be pregnant with twins. I really hope it is two girls!

In this way, having children and daughters and fulfilling her life, she will have no regrets anymore.


Jiang Beiyuan put Jiang Qingchi in the bathtub, rolled up his sleeves, and squatted in front of his son.

His score is very precise.

Give him a bath early and let him sleep so that he and Yannian can go to bed early at night.



"I like Huanhuan!"


Jiang Beiyuan wiped the shampoo with foam on his hands and wiped his son's hair.

"I want to chase her, can I?" Jiang Qingchi held his breath.


Jiang Beiyuan was very calm.

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