Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 879: What is it, and also like Lao Jiang?

Just think about it, Xu Kuangjie is furious.

Anyway, if you use your mind, think twice before acting. If you don't have a last resort, you can't move your mind!

"I will not have surgery for now."

Jiang Beiyuan was expressionless, his elbows bent on the table, tired between his eyebrows, but determined.

"Go out when you're done."

"Surgery must be done! Let's not listen to what the old man said to have a craniotomy, I'll see a doctor for you—"

Before Xu Kuangjie had finished speaking, the internal phone of Jiang Beiyuan's office rang.

Let him go to the meeting.

He greeted him, hung up the phone, put on a white lab coat, his slender fingers tied the three buttons at random, and his hands were dazzlingly white when the sun shone.

Chen Shuo lay on Gao Wei's shoulders and sighed slightly sadly, "The first time I saw Lao Jiang in a white coat, he was so handsome..."

"Have you not seen it before?"

"I didn't come back in the U.S. before. I never had a chance to meet. You guys wouldn't take a few secret photos of me."

While they were speaking, Jiang Beiyuan walked straight past them, with a faint smell of disinfectant on his body.

Xu Kuangjie strode out afterwards.

Chen Shuo shook his head speechlessly, "After so many years, why does Lao Xu still like Lao Jiang..."


Zhang Fan's eyes were about to fall in shock.

"Xu Kuangjie also likes Lao Jiang?????!"

"Don't you know?" Gao Wei raised an eyebrow.

"When did this happen?!"

Zhang Fan really doesn't know, he has never lost his memory!

Chen Shuo snorted and shrugged, "We don't know, guess."

"Dare you guess?!"

"Otherwise, you said, the old squad leader, why hasn't Xu Kuangjie been looking for women for so many years?" Chen Shuo said.

"That's, you say, why is Xu Kuangjie always single and no match?" Gao Wei also echoed.

Hearing that Zhang Fan was blocked and speechless!

He was also curious, why Xu Kuangjie never looked for women!

Moreover, falling in love is gone!


Zhao Quan, who didn't speak, had small eyes focused, rubbed his chin with one hand, and looked at Zhang Fan meaningfully.

"Old squad leader, what does Xu Kuangjie mean that he likes Lao Jiang?"

"Did I say "also"!"

Zhang Fan coughed vigorously, his face flushed.

"I didn't say, you must have heard it wrong!!"



"Jiang Beiyuan!"

Xu Kuangjie grabbed Jiang Beiyuan's arm.

He is about the same height as Jiang Beiyuan, but he doesn't have the incomparable temperament of Jiang Beiyuan.

Xu Kuangjie thinks the relationship between people is strange!

Obviously, when I first saw Jiang Beiyuan when he was a child, he felt that he was impolite, superior and defiant, and knew that he didn't like others to approach him, but he still wanted to be friends with this kind of person.

Jiang Beiyuan brushed away his hand.

"Don't worry about my business, I have a sense of measure."

"I know what you're worried about! Yannian is pregnant again, right? You are thinking about waiting for the baby to be born safely before having surgery, right?"

Xu Kuangjie sighed heavily.

"But it takes ten months to be pregnant, it takes a year! What if your condition suddenly worsens during this period?!"

"I said, I have a sense of measure."

"Then I have a sense of measure!"

Anything, Xu Kuangjie can listen to Jiang Beiyuan.

His move "So God will surrender great responsibility" is very lethal.

But not this time.

"As your youngest and best friend, you have to perform this operation. I will find an expert in this area for you, and try to finish it before next month!"

The sound of the crisp high heels gradually approached...

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