Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 937: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (9)

The sales employee said that Zhen Meili was the head of the sales department.

This person is also a well-known snobbery and money worshiper in the company.

Zhen Meili turned his gaze at Xu Kuangjie several times, but Xu Kuangjie did not kill her, and made it clear long ago that Zhen Meili is not her own food!

But Zhen Meili never gave up.

There is an old saying that people want their faces and skins, and the cheapest people are invincible. Zhen Meili heard the news that Xu Kuangjie always ran to the sales department, so she would not let go of the chance to post.

"Mr. Xu, why do you always go to the first one these days, and don't come to our second one to see, Mr. Xu is partial!"

At this time in the company's restaurant, Zhen Meili almost put her entire body on Xu Kuangjie's arm.

The latter was just about to push her away, and looked at Ding Baoyi who was sitting in front of him eating.

This is an opportunity.

Xu Kuangjie resisted the urge to vomit when smelling the pungent perfume, and stroked Xia Zhen's beautiful hair with a smile.

"Hey, go to your office in the afternoon."

While talking, she looked at Ding Baoyi at the table in front from the corner of her eye.

Ding Baoyi didn't respond.

Xu Kuangjie was unwilling, and his voice rose twice: "Group leader Zhen, why don't you have a meal together tonight?"


Zhen Meili hurriedly agreed, but this was the first time Xu Kuangjie took the initiative to invite her to dinner.

Ding Baoyi still didn't respond. After eating, she left for herself, as if she hadn't seen Xu Kuangjie, and she seemed to have seen it, and she didn't care at all.

Xu Kuangjie stared at her back, frustrated...

What happened to this world now?

Why are all men jealous!

He also wanted to be like Jiang Beiyuan, and several women were jealous for him. How could it be so difficult.

The more Xu Kuangjie thinks about it, the more annoying he gets, pushing away Zhen Meili and getting up and leaving.

Zhen Meili followed him, "Mr. Xu...I want to eat at the mountain top restaurant tonight!"

"Eat your sister, get out--!"

Zhen Meili was taken aback.

"Mr. Xu, weren't you okay just now?"

"You stay away from me. I feel sick when I smell the perfume on your body! If you want to continue working in the company, that swearing posture should be restrained. Don't let people make fun of our company as socialites!"

Zhen Meili: "..."

It is said that Xu Kuangjie's mouth is not polite, and it is true.

But it's faster for a man to turn his face than to turn a book.


Xu Kuangjie drove directly to Ding Baoyi's house in the afternoon.

he is very angry!

Why doesn't she care about him? why? why?

An hour later, Ding Baoyi fumbled around the bed, took out the cigarette case, and lit a cigarette.

Camellia smoke.

Few people now smoke such light cigarettes.

Xu Kuangjie took her cigarette and extinguished, "Quit smoking in the future!"

"Between superiors and subordinates, don't worry about so much."

A pun.

Secretly mirroring Xu Kuangjie and Zhen Meili today.

In fact, Ding Baoyi is not stupid, I can see that Xu Kuangjie is acting.

But she was very busy, she had to use her strength to block the mouths of the long-tongued women in the office, and she had no time to cooperate with his performance.

Xu Kuangjie was frustrated...

"I wish you could control me, really."

Looking at Jiang Beiyuan before, he felt that a man was being taken care of by his wife, so how could he let a woman ride on her head, and fear that she would run away all day long.

Now the mood is different.

It turned out to be a kind of happiness to be controlled by someone you like. Xu Kuangjie also wanted to experience this kind of happiness, but Ding Baoyi would not give him this opportunity.

Ding Baoyi stared at him for a moment: "Do you think we can get married?"

"What do you mean?"

"Dating in love without the purpose of getting married is a hooliganism."


Xu Kuangjie was silent for a moment.

Sitting up from the bed, shirtless, the afterglow of the setting sun cut his chest half bright and half dark.

"I'm thirty-six, and my parents are urging me to get married and have children. Originally, because of my physical problems, I resisted marriage and planned not to marry, but now we have been working together for a while. I have found myself in my body. To put it plainly, you are my salvation. I believe you are my beloved. If you want to marry, I will definitely marry you."

"Ha ha."

Ding Baoyi laughed.

Not a real smile.

The laughter was three-point sharp and seven-point self-deprecating, which was very uncomfortable in Xu Kuangjie's ears.

"Don't laugh."

He doesn't like to see her smile that way.

Ding Baoyi suppressed her smile, cleared her throat and looked over, her glamorous phoenix eyes were enveloped by a mist, she said:

"Mr. Xu, adult world, don't take it too seriously."

Xu Kuangjie: "..."

Is he taking it seriously?

In her eyes, it's just for fun, right?


After that night, Xu Kuangjie never went to Ding Baoyi's house again.

He also didn't let Ding Baoyi come to his home.

For more than a week, he was pure-hearted and low-spirited, thinking that this would cause some irritation to Ding Baoyi, but he was wrong.

The latter worked like a silly person. Because of outstanding performance, he was promoted in just half a month and became the team leader.

Ding Baoyi's ability and strength made those in the same office who laughed at her strength to slap her face.

Xu Kuangjie knew about Ding Baoyi's promotion.

He said nothing.

He wanted to wait for her to take the initiative.

Even once.

just one time.

Also good.

Two more days later, Xu Kuangjie's mother returned from abroad on the weekend.

As soon as his mother came back, she urged the marriage, which was completely expected by Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie didn't want to hide from her: "Mom, I have a girlfriend. It will take a while to get married."

"Do you have a girlfriend? Who? Which one?"

"..." Xu Kuangjie was silent.

He didn't say how to ask him.

Xu Kuangjie’s mother was named Wu Ting, and she was a shrewd master. If Xu Kuangjie didn’t say anything, she wanted to check it, but she didn’t worry about finding it out.

Then Ding Baoyi was found.

Wu Ting read Ding Baoyi's information all over.

Looks OK, you can hit 9:5.

She is 30 years old, a bit old, but her son is 36, so I can barely make do.

Looking at the family background, there is nothing. My parents are ordinary well-off families doing small businesses in other places.

In this way, Wu Ting knows how to count, and Ding Baoyi meets in private.



Wearing fashionable purple fur, Wu Ting looked at Ding Baoyi.

"Miss Ding, I am Kuang Jie's mother. My son said you are dating him?"

Upon hearing this, Ding Baoyi smiled.

"Auntie, your son will definitely not say that. You investigated me, right."

A flash of appreciation flashed through Wu Ting's eyes, "You are quite smart, I admire smart women, but I don't like the wrong door."

"Yeah. I know."

"So tell me, how much will you give you, you broke up with my son?"


Ding Baoyi suddenly lowered her head and laughed, her shoulders trembled and tears came out.

Wu Ting was unhappy, "What are you laughing at?"

"Hahaha... Auntie, let’s tell you, I have to thank you for fulfilling my dream of an idol drama. I want to try this scene once in my dream."

"Don't be blind to me. I'm serious. Seeing Kuangjie's meaning, I am tempted to you, but marriage is not only tempting. I want you to break up with him immediately."


Strictly speaking, she and Xu Kuangjie have broken up and haven't reunited yet.

However, she didn't need to explain this to Wu Ting.

"It's okay to break up, the aunt will give me ten million, okay?"

"You want ten million?"

"Ah no, you should give me fifty million!"

"Thirty million is good," Wu Ting looked disdainful, "I think you are worth that number."

She has no quality and no tutor. She is just a vain woman. Fortunately, she sees it through, otherwise her stupid son will definitely be deceived.

Facing Wu Ting's sarcasm and sarcasm, Ding Baoyi nodded to herself, with no emotion on her face, "Auntie, you are right. I am worth thirty million. When will I give it?"

"I can give it to you now, provided that you want me to see your actions, when will you break up with my son?"

"You give the money, I broke up with him immediately, and promised not to contact him in the future, is that OK?"


Wu Ting was satisfied, took out a check from her bag and gave Ding Baoyi 30 million.

Ding Baoyi took the cheque and went away happily.

Wu Ting turned around and went to Xu Kuangjie's house, telling Xu Kuangjie about the situation.

While talking, fan the flames.

"She is greedy for our Xu family's money. Fortunately, your mother, I saw her through with my eyes. Don't worry about this kind of stuff. You have plans to get married. That's good. Today, your Uncle Zheng's daughter is pretty pretty. It’s Miaocheng, why don’t you two have a dinner together? It’s been a long time since you two met?

"Mom, leave me alone!"

Xu Kuangjie was speechless.

Speechless Ding Baoyi.

My mother is speechless.

Wu Ting is not happy anymore, "I'm all for your own good, all right, I'll let Qiaoqiao go to the company to find you in the afternoon, let's have a good chat!"

"I don't like Zheng Qiaoqiao."

Xu Kuangjie left after speaking.

To the company.

He thought Ding Baoyi must have resigned.

It didn't.

She was sitting in the office, working, and there was a bowl of instant noodles next to her. It seemed that she did not go to the restaurant for dinner.

The afternoon sun was shining and golden, shining on Ding Baoyi's body, she raised her hand from time to time to stroke the broken hair on her forehead, her posture was lazy and charming, her wrists were slender and white as jade.

Xu Kuangjie was angry and at ease.

To be at ease, she has not left yet, she is still under his nose.

Naturally, she was angry with Wu Ting's money.

Xu Kuangjie walked over.

"Why do you charge my mom?"

"Oh, Mr. Xu, you came just right. I was just about to tell you that, except for work matters, we will stop contacting the two of us. I have promised your mother to cut off contact with you. Of course, if you want to fire me , I have no objection, I can—"

"Stop it!"

Xu Kuangjie made a pause gesture.

"Just for the thirty million?!"

"is it not OK?"

"Ha ha."

Xu Kuangjie's heart was suffocated, as if a hand had been playing with his heart wantonly.

He didn't know what Ding Baoyi thought in her heart. He always felt that he was different from those vain women.

But facing her indifferent and relaxed, is he wrong?

"My mother is right, you are worth thirty million."


The same words were spoken by different people, and the taste changed.

Ding Baoyi squeezed her fingers, the palm of her hand was sore by her nails, she was calm on her face.

"I have 30 million. I can buy the best house in the city center, buy a good car in the middle price range, and use the remaining money for investment. If I have money, I will give myself safety. You don’t need to rely on people. Why not do such a life?"

Xu Kuangjie already understood what she meant.

Can't tell what it feels like.

I want to take back what I just said, but I have already said it.

"I really want to be nice to you."

He says.

The throat rolled and rolled, all sour.

"I don't know that I have said this sentence several times. I think I am different from the scumbag you have met before, but you have never opened your heart to me, and I have nothing to do."

"In your heart, Ding Baoyi, whoever lives away from everyone is the same, but now I have to rely on you to cure my illness-forget it, I am a passionate person."

Xu Kuangjie finished speaking and left.

The back reveals a wave of determination.

This time seems to be over.

After all, it is adult love, huh.


The intersection of Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie is getting less and less.

Ding Baoyi's immediate boss is the supervisor, and further up is the minister, so she cannot negotiate with Xu Kuangjie in person.

Everything seems to have returned to the original track, just like this for a few more days...

The year-end assessment was approaching, and the deputy minister was so busy, seeing that Ding Baoyi was free, and asked Ding Baoyi to send the department report to Xu Kuangjie.

Ding Baoyi didn't want to go.

The vice minister thought she was high-minded: "Isn't you happy to let you run a leg? You will sit in my position in the future, so you have to deal with Mr. Xu, and I don't know what to do."

It makes sense.

Escape is not a lifetime thing.

Besides, it’s okay to send something, isn’t it?

Ding Baoyi knocked on the door and entered the president's office.

At this time Xu Kuangjie leaned against the desk, chatting and laughing with a young girl.

Ding Baoyi's expression was indifferent: "Mr Xu, this is a report from the sales department."

"Well, put it on the table."

Xu Kuangjie's tone was cold and uninteresting, without any emotion, even from Ding Baoyi to the present, he has never seen her directly.

"What do you want to eat at noon, I'll take you to eat." Xu Kuangjie squeezed the face of the girl in front of him.

She is a girl from Xiaojiabiyu, Guazi has curved eyes and a head tied with a flower bud. She is a cute little white rabbit.

"Brother Kuangjie, you can be considered generous!"

"Smelly girl, when have I been insensitive to you?"

As soon as Xu Kuangjie's voice fell, Ding Baoyi had already left.

My heart aches.

Once upon a time, Xu Kuangjie once said--

"The little girl, don't irritate the big guy."

Little girl.

Just that once.

But just that time, her heart moved slightly, and she was overwhelmed with joy.

Now he has his stinky girl.

The little girl will always be her own little girl.


Ding Baoyi made an appointment with Yannian for dinner.

Now that Yannian didn't go to the bar to death, the two ordered a beer in the hotel box.

Ding Baoyi poured two glasses of wine, and one of them was handed to Yan Nian, who hurriedly waved his hands like seeing poison.

"I can't touch any alcohol right now, otherwise Jiang Beiyuan won't let me go."

"It's nice that you have a husband..."

Ding Baoyi was slightly drunk.

There was a bit of redness on both sides of the cheeks.

Yannian sighed, "If you're tired, get married. You've been on it for too long."

"No, don't get married, and resolutely don't enter the grave of marriage."

Ding Baoyi poured wine glass after glass.

It wasn't until Yannian couldn't help mentioning the name of "Xu Kuangjie", Ding Baoyi's eyes flickered, and she didn't say a word, but she was more anxious when she was drinking.

She is not someone who is willing to use alcohol to alleviate her sorrows.

Unless she is really depressed, she can only use alcohol to numb herself.

"Okay, it's the fifth bottle, don't drink it!"

Yannian got up and called the waiter to check out, then helped her out.

"Again, give me another bottle of Erguotou, I can still drink, hiccup!"

When women are drunk, they are often better than men.

Yan Nian was out of anger and stuffed Ding Baoyi's hand with a bottle of pulse.

Immediately after that, the man was honest, holding the pulse, like holding a baby, walking staggeringly, and laughing silly, pitiful.

The two came out of the hotel, saying that they wanted to take a taxi to leave, and saw Xu Kuangjie and several big bosses coming out of the hotel just now.


Yan Nian beckoned and shouted Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie walked over.

Yannian: "What's the matter with you? I don't worry about handing over my girlfriend to you. That's how you treated her? Do you know how much wine she drank today? Drinking and crying while talking about you Name, I miss you!"

In fact, the last sentence was made up by words.

But Xu Kuangjie believed.

Looking at Ding Baoyi's eyes, there was a soft warmth in the bottom of the eyes.

Miss him?

Oh, still this woman has a conscience.

"Give her to me, I will send her back!"

Xu Kuangjie said, and took Ding Baoyi from Yannian's hand.

Ding Baoyi closed her eyes and didn't know who this person was. She only smelled the mint scent on this person who was very familiar and very clean, giving her an inexplicable sense of steadiness, so she hooked her mouth and hugged it in her arms.


"Well, go to sleep."

Xu Kuangjie raised his hand, clasped the back of Ding Baoyi's head, and pushed her into his arms.

From the perspective of words and thoughts, Xu Kuangjie's eyebrows can be seen in the eye, so he can trust Ding Baoyi to him.

"You must take good care of her, the heavens will come down to the people, you must first—"

"You come here too?!"

Xu Kuangjie stopped the loss in time, picked up Ding Baoyi, turned and left.


parking lot.

Xu Kuangjie put Ding Baoyi in the back seat of the car.

Just about to get up, the latter kicked his face.

A hard kick.

Xu Kuangjie's left face immediately had a large shoe print.

"Scumbag to die!!!"

Ding Baoyi half-squinted her eyes, her expression blurred.


Xu Kuangjie is very thankful that Ding Baoyi is not wearing high heels today, but sports shoes, otherwise his face should have been poked now.

Just thinking about it, the second kick kicked over firmly.

So immortal, the angle kicked perfectly on the other side of Xu Kuangjie's face.

Xu Kuangjie couldn't bear it, holding on to her tumultuous legs.

"Dead girl, should I call you Ding Dajiao? Huh?"


Ding Baoyi fluttered twice, struggling to stay still, and did not move any more when there was enough noise.

Xu Kuangjie randomly wiped the footprints on his face, closed the door of the back seat, and walked to the front to drive.

The car stopped in his neighborhood.

Da Heng picked her up, carried her home, carried her to the master bedroom, and put her on the bed.

I want to take off her shoes, but Ding Dajia is online again——

The third kick was caught off guard on Xu Kuangjie's belly.

Xu Kuangjie stood up, clutching his stomach, and he immediately became angry, "Will you kick me? Now let you kick it enough!"

Pulling off the tie irritably, bending over, tied her two wrists.

He turned his eyes slightly and saw her delicate profile, he leaned over and kissed her face.

But Ding Baoyi cried suddenly.

The cold liquid smashed down the corners of her eyes, like broken beads.

Xu Kuangjie sighed and untied his tie, "I won't tie you up, don't you cry!"

Ding Baoyi's eyes were blank.

"Go away, I hate you."


"Go away-you already have your little girl, I'm just a stinky girl."

Hear the words.

With the corner of Xu Kuangjie's lips, he already understood why Ding Baoyi was crying.

"Being jealous, it proves that you care about me, in fact, you also like me, right?"

"Like a fart! Go, go, go--"

Ding Baoyi fluttered his legs irritably, and tried to kick him again.

Xu Kuangjie quickly grasped one of her legs with eyes swiftly, and bent her body and pinched her chin.

"Come on, say you like me, let me listen!"


Ding Baoyi didn't say anything, she kept muttering, "Go to die for the scumbag, die for the scumbag, die for the scumbag...".

But Xu Kuangjie’s deep voice echoed in her ears like hypnosis...

"You like me, you like me, you like me."

Ding Baoyi was bewitched by a certain kind of fatal, "You like me..."

"You like me."

"You like me..."

"No, you like me."

"No, you like me..."

Xu Kuangjie: "..."

She is stupid, why is he stupid too? !

Xu Kuangjie stared into her eyes:

"I like you."

Word by word, for the first time he felt that these four words were beautiful, that kind of pure beauty.

"I like you……"

I like you.

With a little hoarse voice of a woman, with her seven-point drunkenness and three-point ignorance.

Regardless of whether the phrase "I like you" came from her heart, Xu Kuangjie took it seriously at this moment!

He hugged Ding Baoyi suddenly...


A good night dream.

Good dreams are limited to night.

When Ding Baoyi woke up the next day, her hair was exploded.

Looking around, the strange environment and the shirtless man lying beside her made her temples jump.

Xu Kuangjie!

I really served his uncle!

Xu Kuangjie was still asleep.

His eyelashes are also quite long, but no one notices it.

Now she is sleeping quietly, her sleeping face is clean and steady, with thick eyebrows and nose, like an exotic prince.

Ding Baoyi didn't care whether he was a prince or not, so she took Xu Kuangjie's ear and twisted it hard.


The scream like a pig cut through the ceiling.

"What are you doing? Murdering your husband?!"

"What the **** happened last night, say!"

"What's going on, just like that, you are drunk, and you have to keep me stuck!"

"I haunt you?"

Ding Baoyi feels that the credibility is so low.

"What about words?"

Isn't she drinking with Yannian?

Xu Kuangjie: "When you saw me, you dumped her and clung to me like a bear."

"Hehehe, I believe in your mother's stomach! Get out, don't let me see you again!"

"This is my house, where would you let me go?"

"Okay—I get out."

Ding Baoyi gritted her teeth and got dressed to leave.

Xu Kuangjie refused to let her go and bound her forearm.

"Get back together!"

He admitted that this woman brought her a lot of joy and surprises.

He didn't want to lose her.

Ding Baoyi sneered and threw away his hand: "You and that girl are a good match, honestly."

"She's called Zheng Qiaoqiao, the daughter of a friend of my father. Our family is a family friend. My mother wants to match me with her, but I don't like her. I was nice to her last time and I pretended to show you. It turns out that it works well!"

"Thirty-six men, are they still so naive?"

Ding Baoyi curled her lips coldly.

"I took your mother's money, I can't be with you."

"Money, money, money, have you lost money?"


Ding Baoyi was noncommittal and calm.

"My family is not as rich as yours. I know that to gain a foothold in this society, money is capital. These days, women can only be safe when they get money, because money is dead and people live, people will count you, money will not."

"I don't know how to calculate you! If I say it several times, I am different from the scumbags who used to calculate you!"

Xu Kuangjie was going crazy by her.

What should he do with her?

"Since you want money, I will give you one million a night, so satisfied?!"

"One million, are you sending beggars?"

"How much do you want?"

"Ten million."

Ding Baoyi was expressionless.

"Didn't you say that I am a chicken, then I will be a premium chicken."


Xu Kuangjie's fists falling on both sides suddenly tightened, clenched, and loosened weakly after a few seconds.


The cruel words spoken are like spilled water and cannot be collected.

But is she right now that she abuses herself like this? !

Xu Kuangjie gritted his teeth: "Yes, ten million is ten million. I will call you in the future, and you will be on call, regardless of occasion."

Ding Baoyi said yes.

She put on her clothes and shoes, and left Xu Kuangjie's home without looking back.


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