Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 949: I'm apostate for you (5)

Jiang Beize shivered for the first time.

It's not cold, it's fear, the fear of water from the bottom of my heart.

Jiang Beize was afraid of water since he was a child. When he was young, Jiang Beiyuan wanted to teach him how to swim. He cried and did not dare to go into the water. Finally Jiang Beiyuan gave up. For Jiang Beize, people may not know how to swim, just like some people can not sit in their lives. The same as an airplane.

Song Nan's tomb also knew that Jiang Beize was afraid of water and never dared to go to those places on the seashore.

But now, the boy standing by the pool, wearing a thin black cotton-padded coat, with one hand in his pocket, watching him like a stranger, without any distress or guilt in his eyes.

Jiang Beize only glanced at the tomb of Song Nan, then withdrew his gaze, and turned to walk towards the shore.

Now the water in the pool is not deep, he stood up straight, the water did not reach his upper waist, but Jiang Beize was still scared to death, because he could feel that the depth of the pool was rising a little bit, and the biting coldness would spread to his heart .

The moment he approached the shore, someone suddenly grabbed his wrist and raised his eyes to meet the eyes of Song Nan's tomb, who squatted and stared at him.

"Jiang Beize, what are your special meanings, today and now, let me explain to the Lord!"

"Are you sick? I'm tired, I want to sleep!"

Jiang Beize seldom scolded people, at least he had never scolded Song Nan's tomb. This was the first time.

Song Nan’s tomb pressed his shoulders and prevented him from coming up, "Answer me! How do you want to live in the future, how do you want to go, how I think about you, what attitude you have towards me, tell me today clear!"

"How can I live? Break up, I am annoyed to see your face now." Jiang Beize said without opening his eyes.


Song Nan's tomb can't tell what it feels like, swallowing his throat is bitter.

The temperature of the outdoor swimming pool is not low, and the wind is always going down, why is there still a fierce wind rushing up, shattering his heart, and swallowing the little expectation in his heart bit by bit.


Song Nan's tomb immediately let go. Jiang Beize's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell straight back. With a "plop", a huge splash of water splashed in the water, and the boy fluttered and struggled in the water.

The tomb of Song Nan standing on the shore was condescending, and his eyes were even colder than before:

"Do you know how I came here in the past half month? Just like you are now, fear, fear, anxiety, and unsuccessful struggle. You are afraid of water as much as I am afraid of losing you."


Jiang Beize didn’t know whether he heard Song Nan’s tomb, but he kept rushing. From the perspective of Song Nan’s tomb, he saw his increasingly pale face. Water splashed around him. He was waiting for Jiang Beize to say save me. Just call his name.

Or call him Nan Ge, call him Master, say anything, just a word...

He waited for a long, long time, staring at him for a long time, only his reflection was in his eyes, he was struggling, and he was struggling, it was a swamp that no one saw, only he himself was behind bars.

at last--

Jiang Beize was silent.

The body sank completely.

Song Nan's tomb panicked and shouted his name. He jumped down without taking off his clothes and fished the person out of the water.

"Ozawa, don't scare me...please, eh?"

Put Jiang Beize on the ground, Song Nan's tomb pressed his heart and lungs, listened to his heartbeat, and gave him artificial respiration.

The tomb of Song Nan admitted that he had thrown Jiang Beize into the swimming pool on purpose today. He was really angry, irrational and emotional. Knowing that he was afraid of water, he wanted to see him surrender, so it would be good to apologize to him.

When did he become so stubborn, that Jiang Beize who had acted with him before, such a soft boy, is now silent, life and death is a matter of life and his teeth are so tightly closed.

When did he become like this...or, he really never liked him before, being with him was just because of moving, because of guilt...

"Ozawa..." Song Nan's tomb burst into tears. He couldn't lose Jiang Beize.


After coughing up several mouthfuls of sea water, Jiang Beize became sober and felt his face sticky, hot and humid liquid dripping on his cheeks drop by drop, not like water, but he didn't want to know what it was.

He also didn't want to open his eyes to see, because he was afraid that his heart would hurt, he would be sad, and would pounce on Song Nan's tomb and cry bitterly.

He is so tired, so tired...

Jiang Beize had a dream. He dreamed of the setting sun, of Orange Island, and of two pure teenagers on the grass.

He is wearing a white sweater, and the other teenager is wearing a black sweater. The boy in black likes drinking cola, likes to play the guitar, likes to whistle, he sings very well, his voice is inlaid with a little dumb texture...

"Whoever you desperately fall in love with today, I won't learn to face it calmly, even if I spend ten years with you, it doesn't matter..."

It's been a long time since I had such a beautiful dream.

It was an old time that hasn't passed away, and people are immersed in it, and don't want to wake up.

But when the picture changed, several people who couldn't see their faces knelt on the ground and took his clothes by the hand, begging him to let go of Song Nan's tomb.

He finally woke up.

Lying on the bed at home, wearing clean pajamas, I looked around, no one was around.

Last night’s memory fragments came to mind, giving Jiang Beize an illusion that he was thrown into the swimming pool by Song Nan’s tomb and was choked by water to the point of drowning. Is that a dream?

"Woke up."

The bedroom door didn't know when it opened, and a person he knew very well walked in. The person was holding a bowl of steaming porridge in his hand. He threw it on the table, then leaned forward and stretched out his hand to cover his forehead naturally.

Jiang Beize was taken aback.

The face of Song Nan's tomb is close at hand, his eyes are aggressive, "I had a fever yesterday, now I'm back."


"Drink some porridge, I cooked it myself, the taste is not guaranteed."

"No, I'm not hungry..."

Song Nan's Tomb sneered, "I run into my dream every night, how can you have time to eat."


Unexpectedly, he would suddenly make a joke. Jiang Beize lowered his eyes, but the corners of his mouth bend a little. With a very shallow arc, a layer of golden light and shadow fell on his long eyelashes.

Seeing him smile, Song Nan's tomb also hooked the corner of his mouth, held the bowl on the table, and ordered Jiang Beize to open his mouth.

Jiang Beize was a little cautious, "I'll do it myself."

"Chirp. Open your mouth."


He opened his mouth and his throat hurts. The feeling of being sick is really uncomfortable. He felt like he had a cold when he went home yesterday, dizzy, and was thrown into the swimming pool by Song Nan’s tomb in the middle of the night. Weird.

The tomb of Song Nan didn't speak, and fed him porridge one by one. Jiang Beize cooperated with him to eat, and the two of them were speechless.

After feeding a bowl of porridge, Song Nan's tomb wiped the corner of his mouth before asking how the porridge tasted.

Jiang Beize felt amused, "I have finished drinking, now is it meaningful to ask."

"Meaningful, very meaningful."

"That... not bad, not bad."

Song Nan's tomb hung his head, with his forehead touching his forehead, Jiang Beize hid afterwards, and he held the back of his head.

"Brother, try if you still have a fever."

"You just tried it."

"Try a few more times, try different methods."

He has been watching his eyes, this posture does not allow him to avoid dodge and can only look at him.

The best organ for emotional communication between people is the eyes.

The eyes can convey a lot of emotions, what you want to express, what you don't want to express.

Song Nan's tomb saw through the sadness and pain in Jiang Beize's eyes. He didn't know what he was hurting. It seemed that he had done nothing wrong. The servant was always awkward and ignored him.

"Is it annoying to see my face now?" Song Nan asked, his strong aura sprayed on Jiang Beize's face.

Jiang Beize was silent. During the recent period, he is good at using silence to cover up many of his emotions.

Song Nan's tomb continued to stare at him: "Say annoying, I will disappear now, disappear immediately, OK?"


Annoying is just a word, so stuck in the eyes of the throat, and can't make it out.

If Jiang Beize didn't look at the eyes of Song Nan's tomb, he could tell, but now that person deliberately told him to tell the truth, and the palm of his head was forced to prevent him from dodge.

Jiang Beize didn't say anything in the end...

The annoying word rolled around his throat, hot like a soldering iron, burning his throat, but his mouth just couldn't open.

He admits it, his temperament, just like this, no cure.

Before his answer, Song Nan's tomb didn't feel like he was grimacing, and he grinned. Jiang Beize shook his head with a mouthful of white teeth.

It seems that I haven't seen him smile like this in a long time.

"Okay, don't quarrel with brother, we are the same age, you see which time is not brother let you, don't know if you hurt you, there are so many wild flowers and weeds lined up for brother to pet."

He finally let go of Jiang Beize and touched his soft head.

Addicted to touching your head.

Jiang Beize’s hair is soft, dark and dense. Song Nan’s tomb likes to scratch his head. It feels like touching a little milk dog, but this little milk dog is just his own little milk dog.

Jiang Beize coughed twice and lay down, "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep."

"You fall asleep naturally when you get sick. Just take you out for two laps in the afternoon and sweat."


Jiang Beize dislikes sports most, he likes house.

Song Nan’s tomb didn’t tell him this kind of problem, and touched his head again, “I’ll dry your wet clothes last night, and you will sleep.”

"You know my son, you are really long-winded."

son? ! !

The tone of Song Nan's tomb came up, good guy, I haven't recognized who is the father yet, right? I want to punch him twice to make him grow two big bags on his forehead, but seeing him so weak, I can't bear it.

"Cheng, my father."

He left after speaking.

Jiang Beize did not expect that Song Nan's tomb would have no bottom line this time.

The phrase "daddy" still echoed in my ears, and I laughed at the corner of my mouth, and soon I couldn't laugh again, and my eyes were painful.

Such sweetness is not much.

Before Songnan Tomb I bought two sets of sportswear, black of the same style, size L for myself and size M for Jiang Beize.

The sun sets in the afternoon and there are not many people in the park, suitable for running.

Jiang Beize didn't want to run in his heart. He was dragged up from the bed by Song Nan's tomb and put on the same outfit as him. Then the two ran around the park twice like fools.

After running to the third lap, Jiang Beize didn't want to run away. He looked sideways at the tomb of Song Nan next to him, wanting to tell him that he was tired.

There were fine beads of sweat on his forehead, dripping down the line of his jaw. He was running with headphones, but the pace was slow, and the setting sun fell on his broad shoulders, adding a touch of gentleness.

Jiang Beize discovered that from just now to now, Song Nan’s tomb has been running very slowly, and the speed has been the same as him. I think his 186 tall man was still in the sports department before school. If you get serious, throw him two blocks away. Not too much.

Although Song Nan's tomb was wearing headphones, the corner of his eyes kept watching Jiang Beize, taking off the headphones and looking over.

"What's the matter, what do you stare at your face?"

"Ahem," Jiang Beize coughed in his throat, "It's nothing, let's--"

Before these words were spoken, Jiang Beize swallowed, and swallowed the rest of the words.

I never thought I could run into Song Yikai here.

Song Yikai now pays great attention to health preservation, and will come to the park to walk briskly after get off work to exercise.

Now it hits the top, Song Nan Tomb and Jiang Beize are wearing the same sportswear and running together.


Song Nan's tomb stopped and glanced at Jiang Beize, his eyes were very clear, and his tone was so clear and simple:

"Hey, this is my brother Lao Song, should you recognize it?"

"Smelly boy, I am not a seven-year-old eighty!"

Song Yikai wanted to draw the head of Song Nan's tomb, but his younger brother was too tall and he could only give up.

Looking at Jiang Beize, he secretly gave him a meaningful look. Jiang Beize just greeted Song Yikai, and he didn't know if he realized what Song Yikai meant.

"It's okay, let's go first, and I won't go back tonight."

After Song Nan's tomb had finished speaking, Song Yikai frowned.

"Where do you live if you don't go back? How can you have the money to live in a hotel now?"

"Live in his house."

He knows who he is.

Jiang Beize sighed secretly, God sincerely opposed him, right? It won't work for a day, "You go home, or Assistant Song will worry about you."

"You are sick, who am I to take care of you?"

"Smelly boy, the Jiang family is so rich, and some of them are taken care of by a private doctor, but you still have to worry about eating carrots?!"

Song Yikai stood on tiptoe, picked up Song Nan's tomb's ear, and dragged him away.

Song Nan's tomb wailed and was dragged away by Song Yikai, while still winking at Jiang Beize, asking him to keep him at night!

Jiang Beize pretended to be invisible, turned and left.

The oncoming wind blows away the bangs on his forehead.

The wind suddenly grew a lot...


Song Nan's tomb was dragged to a restaurant by Song Yikai.

Someone called the tomb of Song Nan.

Looking over, and seeing the person waving at him, Song Nan's tomb wanted to vomit blood.

"Song Yikai, what a great turtle grandson!"

"I'll settle the account with you tonight. You will accompany Song Yuan to dinner now. They will go abroad for a painting exhibition tomorrow, and I won't be able to return for a while."

"I don't like her! Can you leave it alone with me?"

"Boys can't be stingy, of course you have to treat this meal," Song Yikai said to himself, then stuffed three hundred yuan into the pocket of Song Nan's grave and left.

Song Nan's tomb walked over and felt that it was necessary to clarify with Song Yao again:

"I really don't like you, I don't feel about you, can't you tell my brother clearly?!"

"It feels like it can be cultivated in the future. If I want to stay with you for a long time, how can I care about it overnight?"

Hearing that, Song Nan's tomb made a vomiting action, and he was not used to this literary accent.

"Song Nan Tomb, I actually envy you very much."


"I envy you after torrenting and bravely advancing, you can still maintain the same original intention, envy you dare to love and hate, pursued and possessed, and able to release and collect, I like it.

"Wait a minute, can it be released or retracted? Which one of your eyes sees me can release or retract?"


"The moment I let go, I will never take it back,"

Song Nan's tomb interrupted Song Yao's words, his eyes were calm and quiet, "So I won't let go, should you understand what I said? As long as you are not a fool, you can understand."

"Hehe, then I just fell in love with you, what can you do to me, now in the eyes of your brother, I am the most suitable person for you."

"It's me who lives, not him. It's useless to put that secular stuff on me~"

He left without paying.

Song Yuan took a deep breath, it seemed that she was not perfect enough.

She took out her phone and dialed a number...

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