After Hu Hongsheng nodded.


Immediately called the emergency department.

"Hello, Emergency Department."

"Hello, this is the cardiac surgery operating room. Please call Dr. Su from your department. The dean is in operating room No. 10. I hope he can come!"

"Okay! I'll call Dr. Su right now!"

After hanging up the phone, the nurse immediately told Qiao Junliang about it.

Qiao Junliang was shocked immediately.

"How did you find Xiao Su for this heart surgery?"

"Or is it the operation performed by the dean himself?"

"Could it be that you have encountered some trouble? So you need to use Xiao Su?"

Don't dare to think too much.

He hurriedly contacted Su Che.

Su Che was catching up on sleep, when he heard the phone ring, he answered it subconsciously.


Hearing Su Che's lazy voice, Qiao Junliang said:

"Xiao Su, did you disturb your sleep?"

"It's okay, Director Qiao, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. The dean is doing a heart surgery. It seems that he has encountered some trouble. I hope you can come!"

"Oh, okay, I'll come now."

Such an urgent situation of being called up.

For Su Che, it's almost normal.

After getting up, he wiped his face and went directly to the hospital.

Before entering the operating room, I asked the nurse next to me.

"Which one of you has coffee?"

All of a sudden, several nurses rushed forward.

"I have, I have!"

"Doctor Su! I'll soak it up for you!"

"Doctor Su! The temperature of my cup is better!"

"Doctor Su! Me too!"

Su Che just smiled and chose one of the glasses.

He poured black coffee into his stomach in one gulp.

In an instant, people were much more awake.


As he spoke, he returned the coffee cup to a female nurse.

The other party was very happy, showing off that Dr. Su used her cup everywhere.

After Su Che entered the operating room.

Everyone outside went crazy.

"Fuck! Did you hear that! The dean personally asked Dr. Su to go to the operating room!"

"It seems that something went wrong with the operation, I need to consult Dr. Su!"

"My god, is the dean going to ask Dr. Su for advice?"

"I'm still just an intern, can I serve as a consultant to the dean?"

Everyone, I have a little more respect for Su Che.

When Su Che entered the operating room.


All eyes.

It all fell on Su Che.

At this time, Su Che was wearing a surgical gown, a mask, a hat and gloves, and strictly abided by the aseptic operation in the operating room.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, everyone present who knew about Su Che's deeds were inexplicably excited.

This is the famous Dr. Su!

An intern in the emergency department!

"Dean, Director Ye."

when it comes.

Director Qiao told himself who was in the operating room.

I am just an intern now, so of course I have to be polite.

Originally, I felt that an intern was pressing me down and making me feel uncomfortable.

But in the face of Su Che's politeness, Hu Hongsheng put on a bit of airs.

"Xiao Su, you completed a Fallot quadruple correction yesterday, what do you think about rheumatic heart disease?"

Su Che didn't answer directly, and walked to the patient's side.

Take a look at the situation in the patient's abdominal cavity.

Can't help frowning slightly:

"The arteries are sclerotic, and the operation is very troublesome."

Hu Hongsheng and Ye Jianguo.

Looking at Su Che's eyes at this moment, something is obviously wrong!

Haven't seen the patient's film yet.

One glance at the operative field can tell that it is vascular sclerosis!

Undoubtedly, Su Che knows this kind of surgery very well!

Ye Jianguo responded immediately:

"Yes, the judgment of the dean and I is that the operation cannot be continued in this situation."

Su Che said directly:

"Without surgery, the patient may not live for three days after the chest is closed."

This conclusion once again made Hu Hongsheng and Ye Jianguo look at it with admiration.

Su Che knows!

Know everything!

Without waiting for the two to speak, Su Che continued:

"Let me come! Although it is difficult, there is a glimmer of hope that cannot be missed."

With that said, he walked directly to the position of the chief surgeon.

It seems that Hu Hongsheng was not asked for his opinion.

this behavior.

Hu Hongsheng was a little dissatisfied.

He hesitated for a moment, then said:

"You can operate, but you have to know that the patient's tolerance is very weak."

"Once the operation starts, it must be completed within 20 minutes!"

"If it exceeds this time, it will be very dangerous!"

Su Che just nodded lightly:

"Well, I know."

Everyone said so calmly.

Hu Hongsheng refused to give up his position.

Something seems wrong!

After all, he invited it himself!


Hu Hongsheng retreated directly from the main surgeon to the first assistant, and Ye Jianguo changed from the first assistant to the second assistant.

The lineup of this operation shocked the anesthetist, and his heart was shaken.

"The dean and Director Ye are actually working as assistants for an intern?!"

"It's so awesome!"

Su Che stood at the chief surgeon's position.

With a scalpel in hand.

Stare at the patient's abdominal cavity for a while.

Immediately under the knife!

Do not hesitate to move the knife directly behind the elastic aortic valve to cut it open!

Then, start cutting the leaflets...

1 minute……

2 minutes……

5 minutes……

8 minutes……

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