Doctor Rebirth: Start The Game With A Craniotomy For The Future Wife

Chapter 45 Don't Hurry Up, Something Will Definitely Go Wrong

The patient's situation this time is very similar to that of Rong Xu's father, that is, Grandpa Rong Yitong.

It is even more complicated than the situation of Grandpa Rong Yitong.

The difficulty of the operation naturally increased a lot.

Due to long-term myocarditis, the patient's mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis were induced, and the heart was in the infected stage.

If the operation had been performed earlier, this would not have been the case.

The operation begins.

Liu Qi is very serious. He knows that the patient's condition is not normal, so he must be extra careful!

Because of the age of the patient and the hardening of the arteries, the arteries will rupture if you are not careful!

This is very dangerous!

Such an accident.

Absolutely can't happen.

I'm an expert from Kyoto, and I have to let them know that the experts from Kyoto are more than one grade better than them!

And that intern standing over there!

Turned out to be the first choice doctor for this operation? !

This Jiang Cheng Ninth Hospital is really bad, it doesn't even have a reliable doctor!

For such a difficult operation, you are planning to let an intern do it? !

What else did he say that he had operated on Colonel Rong's father?

Absolutely blown!

Did not see evidence.

Anyway, Liu Qi wouldn't believe it!

He hasn't even had the chance to operate on Colonel Rong's father!

An intern!

It's a bit too nonsense!

On the operating table, Liu Qi upholds one hundred and twenty seriousness.

He is not young, and the scalpel is held very firmly.

This type of surgery is his forte.

Thoracotomy, exposure of the surgical field...

A series of basic exercises are very silky.

Su Che could tell that this Liu Qi had some skills.

At this age, it is not bad to have done this surgery.

that is……

A little boring!

too slow!

I feel a little dizzy...

Human instinct, seeing things that feel slow, will have some reactions.

Su Che couldn't control it, and couldn't help yawning through the mask.

This yawn.

Some unexpectedly made a sound.

very quiet.

But in the operating room.

The voice was still very eye-catching.

Liu Qi couldn't help looking in Su Che's direction.

The second assistant Liu Junfeng looked at Su Che with a frown.

What's up with this intern? !

Yawning in the operating room? !

Liu Qi just felt that he was not respected!

How many people want to watch her own surgery!

You're in the operating room now!

Can you be serious!

Are you yawning for me? !

Simply ignore me!

However, Liu Qi put on a magnanimous look and deliberately asked:

"Little friend, did you not sleep last night?"

Su Che yawned again and said:

"A bit! The emergency department is too busy recently."

"Director Liu, don't worry about me, just concentrate on the surgery!"

"It's been ten minutes now, and we haven't gotten to the point yet."

"This operation lasts too long and is not good for the patient."

Su Che pointed out the problem directly. The patient's operation was delayed by one day, but the situation is different.

Looking at the speed of Liu Qi's operation now, I just want to shake my head.

Don't hurry up, something is bound to go wrong.

Liu Qi:! ! ! !

How the hell did I get lectured by an intern? !

Liu Junfeng almost cursed out loud!

What's the matter with this intern? !

Are you so arrogant?

How will my father perform surgery? !

Is it your turn to chime in? !

Rong Yitong was beside him, and couldn't help looking at Su Che.

Even if you really operated on my grandfather.

But when someone else is doing the trick.

This is not good!

Liu Qi was a little upset, but felt that it was not good to scold other interns in other hospitals with his status, so he looked at Ye Jianguo.

The meaning is obvious:

Look at your interns, they are so rude!

Ye Jianguo met his eyes and said seriously:

"Director Liu, Su Che is right, we have to finish the operation as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, it will be life-threatening for the patient if the time is delayed!"

Liu Qi:! ! ! !

What happened to the doctors in this hospital? !

From top to bottom!

Don't know what respect is?

I am extremely annoyed!

What's more annoying is...

Su Che is indeed right!

The patient's tolerance is not high, and the operation must be completed as soon as possible.

Otherwise, patients will be in danger.

But I have accelerated as much as possible.

Any sooner, there will be an accident.

But the meaning of what the intern said just now is obvious, isn't it just that he is slow?

never mind!

I will settle accounts with you later!

Put your unhappiness aside.

Liu Qi took the scalpel and continued the operation.

The patient is not young, and the blood vessels are severely sclerotic.

The operation can only be continued in areas with a small area of ​​elasticity.

Liu Qi chose one of them and carefully cut open the elastic aortic valve.

at this time!

Puff Chi~~~~

Blood gushed out in large quantities.

It was immediately attached to the abdominal cavity.

Didi Didi...

The life monitor immediately sent out a dangerous signal.

"Not good! The patient is bleeding profusely!"

"Director Liu! What should we do now!"

Liu Qi looked calm, and immediately ordered:

"Start the blood transfusion! The operation continues!"

"Anesthesiologist! Keep an eye on the patient's condition!"


"The anesthetist over there, hurry up! Didn't you see that the patient here is in danger?!"

The movements of his hands visibly quickened.

I was careful just now because I was afraid of causing the arteries to rupture!

Unexpectedly, no matter how careful he was, it still broke!

no way!

Vascular condition of this patient.

It is much more fragile than imagined.

Didi Didi~~~~

life monitor.

Still making harsh noises like crazy!

The anesthetist is also in a hurry to deal with it!

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