Doctor Rebirth: Start The Game With A Craniotomy For The Future Wife

Chapter 87 From Now On, Please Give Me More Advice

Su Che was stunned in place, and said:

"But I have Ruoli, I can't give up Ruoli and choose you!"

However, Wan Yaoer didn't feel any frustration at all, she still had a smile on her face:

"It's okay! We're still young!"

"I have plenty of time to spend with you!"

"As long as you don't get married for a day, I won't give up for a day!"

"Of course, I won't use despicable means to force you to break up with Bai Ruoli, I will compete fairly with Bai Ruoli!"

"In the future, please give me more advice~~"


Wan Yaoer left immediately!

Su Che is completely stupid!

Isn't this little demon girl too crazy!

Wiping his mouth, a sentence burst out of his mouth.

"Damn! If I were a woman..."

"If you do this, you are believing in harassment, okay?"

"Once last night, and again this morning!"

Su Che is really speechless!

This is Wan Yaoer who knows everything.

She still wants to start chasing herself like in her previous life.

Originally, she thought that Wan Yao'er would restrain herself a bit if she didn't talk about what happened last night.

In the end, she went straight to the showdown?!


Isn't this woman too tiger!


Su Che didn't panic because of this.

In his previous life, he fought wits and courage with Wan Yao'er for ten years.

She didn't even beat herself, so she still wants to win herself in this life?!

no way!

Back to the emergency department.

Qiao Junliang couldn't help asking curiously:

"Didn't you two leave together? Why didn't you come in together?"

Su Che said with a calm face:

"I stood outside for a while, so I came in late."

Qiao Junliang didn't doubt it, but he said:

"Xiao Su! I think you should pay attention to this Wan Yaoer!"

"How to say?"

"This Wan Yaoer seems to be interested in you! And knowing that you have a girlfriend, I am worried that this little girl will do something that is not good for your girlfriend."

Su Che looked at Qiao Junliang in surprise!

He actually knew?!

But on this point, Su Che said very reassuringly:

"Her? No way! As long as she doesn't do anything against me!"

Just at this time.

beep beep beep ∼∼∼

The sound of an ambulance sounded.

Today the emergency department ushered in the first patient.

And this patient was sent by two policemen to "Five Five"!

One of them was the policewoman who brought An Youling to the hospital.

"Doctor! There's a tramp over here, fainted on the road!"

"Hurry up and see what's going on!"


This proves it.

This is a patient with no name and no family members.

But even so, the hospital will not ignore it.

According to state regulations, Anonymous was sent to the hospital, and if he needed medical treatment, the state would pay for it.

If the person is alive, the country will find the family members of the patient.

If there are no family members, the state still bears the cost.

But if the family members are found, then the family members of the patient will bear the cost.

So, even if you know you are a tramp.

The hospital will still do its best to treat her.

After a series of rescues.

The man finally woke up slowly.

after waking up.

Su Che immediately asked:

"Do you know where you are?"

The other party looked around and said slowly:

"Hospital... am I in the hospital?"

"You're still sober, tell me what's wrong with you? How did you faint?"

"Just... sometimes my stomach hurts, and then I can't use my strength."

"Well, what is the color of the stool usually?"

"It should, it should be off-white. It's been like this recently, and it's very itchy."

Su Che was very indifferent, said:

"During your physical examination, it was found that you have a lump on your stomach, and you still have jaundice. According to your current statement, you should have bile duct cancer."


Terrible cancer!

The tramp is clearly getting a little scared!

The tramp hesitated, and said:

"Has it been confirmed that I have bile duct cancer?"

"If yes, is there an operation?"

Su Che said directly:

"I'm just guessing that you haven't been checked yet, and you won't know until the inspection report comes out."

"However, according to my medical experience, there is a high probability that you have cholangiocarcinoma. If it is true, you will definitely need surgery.

The homeless man glanced at Su Che, his eyes full of apprehension.

It seems to be saying: You are young, where does your medical experience come from?

But he did not say that, but asked:

"If there is an operation, then I have no money!"

During the conversation.

The tramp actually wanted to get up.

But the moment he got up, he felt his eyes darkened, his feet softened, and he couldn't stand up.

And then fell straight onto the bed!

This series of actions is very fast.

Su Che and others were taken aback.

The nurse on the side couldn't help but blame:

"Oh! Don't you know that you are very sick yourself?"

"He's still getting a needle! It's a shame! Just get up like this!"

The bum wasn't just sick.

Moreover, I hadn't eaten for several days, and was malnourished, so I couldn't stand up naturally.

The homeless man was lying on the hospital bed, and after finally regaining consciousness, he waved his hands again and again.

"I don't care about my life! Anyway, I don't have any money, so I definitely won't get medical treatment! And I won't do any tests!"

During the conversation.

The homeless man wanted to get up again, but with his physical condition, it was difficult to stand up.

After a while, the police who sent the homeless man came in.

But only one came, and the other went on another mission.

Here comes a policewoman.

She is wearing police uniform.

After seeing the homeless man, he asked:

"How is it? Are you feeling better? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

The homeless man seemed to remember something when he saw the policeman.

Before he fainted.

It seems that this policeman came to look after himself and then sent himself to the hospital.

So when he saw the policeman, his attitude was good, and he hurriedly said:

"The doctor said I had cholangiocarcinoma and needed surgery."

"I don't have money for surgery, I'm not hospitalized, I want to be discharged!"

Don't wait for what the police say.

The nurse on the side quickly said:

"You want to leave the hospital! Then you have to have the strength to leave the hospital!"

As he spoke, he looked at the policewoman:

"It's not that we don't want him to be discharged from the hospital, it's that he doesn't even have the strength to stand up!"

"And Doctor Su said that he has cholangiocarcinoma, and it is estimated that he has cholangiocarcinoma!"

"This disease is fatal!"

"And with his physical fitness, if he doesn't undergo surgery, he will definitely die!"

"Sister police, hurry up and let him go for an inspection, so that he can figure out the situation!"

The nurses in the emergency department speak directly.

Words like death are often talked about by them, and they never shy away from it.

Not because they are cold by nature.

But those who come to the emergency department, and those who can enter the emergency room, are all hanging by a thread.


It is what they often have to face.

It's not that they want to be indifferent, but the reality makes them have to be indifferent.

Otherwise, all you have to face every day are all kinds of uncomfortable and cruel facts.

The beautiful policewoman understood very well, and began to persuade the tramp very professionally.

"This doctor is professional, since he thinks you are seriously ill, he must have a reason.

"What's your name? Do you have any family? You don't have money, but your family has money, right?"

"Even if you don't believe what the doctor said, at least do this test first?"

The homeless man was still very weak, shaking his head repeatedly on the hospital bed, and said:

"I have no family! I don't know my own name!"

"Anyway, I won't treat the disease! I want to be discharged! Let me be discharged!"

Of course, the policewoman will not let him out of the hospital.

If he is healthy, he can even walk out on his own.

That's understandable.

But now the homeless man doesn't even have the strength to stand up.

So she had to say:

"In your current situation, you will definitely not be able to leave the hospital."

"In this way, you don't need to tell me your name or your family's name for the time being."

"You can live in the hospital with peace of mind and cooperate with the doctor's examination and treatment."

"All the expenses are paid by the state, you don't need to spend money."

Although the tramp was a little weak.

But when she heard the policewoman say that, she was obviously shocked.

The country should pay for his medical treatment for free?

real or fake?

The policewoman smiled and said:

"Then let's do that, can we cooperate with the doctor for an examination now?

The other party hesitated for a moment, did not respond, and did not speak.

This is the default.


Su Che arranges people.

Took this bum for a checkup.

Then, the policewoman couldn't help shaking her head slightly:

"Looks like it's busy!"

"Not only to carry out the task, but also to find out this uncle's life experience."

Hearing this, Su Che turned his head and glanced at the other party, and said:

"Sister policeman, is today our second meeting?"

"I want to trouble you with one thing, just because I'm afraid you think I'm too abrupt."

The policewoman saw Su Che busy saving lives in the emergency room last time, and she smiled immediately:

"Doctor Su! If you want me to help you, just say, as long as I can help you!"

Su Che hesitated for a moment and said:

"Well... I have a distant relative, her name is An Youling, she should be 8 years old now.

"Because of some things, we separated a long time ago. I don't know if she is doing well now. I want you to help me find this person."

long ago.

Su Che wanted someone to help find An Youling's whereabouts.

But no suitable candidate has been found.

can now.

Isn't the policewoman in front of you the most suitable candidate?

Who in this world has more information than the police?

So, asking the policewoman to help find An Youling is the best way!

The other party didn't think much, just asked:

"Are there any photos or something? If it's just the name and age, it's hard to find, because there are too many people with the same name and surname.

Su Che smiled helplessly:

"No, because when we met for the first time, the other party was very young.

"And we haven't seen each other in years, and she's an orphan."

"I hope that after I find her, I can take care of her. After all, we still have a relationship."

When the policewoman heard this, she immediately felt distressed.

An 8-year-old child, an orphan

At this time, she said:

"If it's an orphan, if nothing happens, it should be in an orphanage or adopted by someone."

As he spoke, he called up the input method on his phone and handed it to Su Che.

"You write me that girl's name!"

"When I'm free, you can find me.

Su Che gave An Youling's name to the policewoman, and thanked: "Thank you!"

"It's okay! We are all serving the people!"

"You serve the patients, I serve you, the same!"

After the two communicated for a while, they learned that the policewoman's name was Ren Xiangnan.

Originally her name was Ren Xiangnan, because the family always wanted a boy.

However, after Ren Xiangnan was born, he was not disliked because of patriarchy, and later changed his name to Ren Xiangnan, a name more like a girl.

Afterwards, Ren Xiangnan had to leave first because of a mission.

After saying hello.

Su Che continued to get busy.

The homeless man's final test results came out soon.

Exactly as Su Che guessed, it was cholangiocarcinoma.

Moreover, it was more serious than Su Che imagined.

Because it is advanced cholangiocarcinoma.

such a situation.

Basically there is no possibility of surgery.

When Qiao Junliang learned of this situation, he shook his head again and again.

"The cancer cells have already spread so much, and they've infiltrated so badly!"

"I don't know what's going on here!"

"It is estimated that whoever comes, this operation can't be done!"

"Besides, the other party is a homeless man, and those from the liver and gallbladder department probably don't want to operate on him.

After all, there is no money to make, and it is a difficult operation.

Of course no one dared to take it!

Su Che looked at the test results, and said lightly:

"When did I say that this patient should be handed over to the hepatobiliary department?"

Qiao Junliang was taken aback by this, and said:

"You mean, are you going to do this operation?"

Su Che nodded:

"Well, although the infiltration is serious, there is still a chance of surgery, arrange for him to be hospitalized!"

Qiao Junliang hesitated for a moment...

His face was full of embarrassment, as if he had something to say.

Su Che glanced at him:

"Director Joe? Any questions?"

Qiao Junliang laughed dryly at this moment, and said directly:

"It's not that I don't want him to be hospitalized. It's that we've had a lot of surgeries in the emergency department recently, and there aren't enough beds in the emergency department..."

This is the truth.

When did the beds in the emergency department ever become full?

However, since Su Che came, I don't know how many large and small surgeries have been done.

Even with Su Che's superb surgical skills, patients can recover faster and be discharged from the hospital.

But there is still a time for recovery, and the hospital bed is not so easy to be vacated.

Also because of this, many times the patients cannot be accepted even when they come.

I can only help other departments.

This made Su Che a little helpless:

"If this is the case, then I can only arrange to go to the hepatobiliary department!"

He has been a doctor for so many years.

If there is no hospital bed, there is really no way.

Especially for patients like homeless people, it is already at an advanced stage.

Coupled with malnutrition, careful monitoring is required before surgery.

If there is no condition for surgery, even if there is a glimmer of hope, there is no way.

Without any choice.

The tramp had to be handed over to the hepatobiliary department.

But when the hepatobiliary department admitted this patient, Jiang Yang, the director of the hepatobiliary department, shook his head repeatedly.

"His condition is very serious! There is no possibility of surgery! No surgery!"

The director of the department said so.

Naturally, other doctors in the hepatobiliary department have no other judgments.

But a little intern couldn't help it and spoke in a low voice.

"Director Jiang, will Dr. Su have a solution?"

The words fell.

Others were reminded of the patron saint of their hospital.

"Yes! Dr. Su can do so many surgeries!

"Could he even be able to do this bile duct cancer operation?"

"I think so too. Do you want to consult Dr. Su?"

"Director Jiang! Dr. Su is amazing! I think Dr. Su can give it a try!"

As a result, Jiang Yang couldn't help frowning and said:

"You think I haven't thought about it?"

"But this patient was sent from the emergency department!"

"If Doctor Xiao Su can do it, why would he send it to our department?"

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

Even a little disappointed!

It turns out that Dr. Su also has operations that he doesn’t know how to do~~

However, Jiang Yang was not disappointed, on the contrary, he was a bit of a minister!

Fortunately, Dr. Su does not know how to perform this operation.

Otherwise, their hepatobiliary department is afraid that they will be wrapped up by Dr. Su's divine light~~

Not bad either!


Once wrapped by Su Che's divine light.

Then he, the chief doctor, will no longer be the most powerful presence in the liver and gallbladder department.

As the head of the department!

There is still some face and vanity~~


Jiang Yang took the inspection report and went to the ward to see a homeless man.

He didn't hide anything from the tramp, and said directly:

"Your test results have come out, and I won't hide it from you!"

"Your situation is very dangerous."

"It's an advanced stage of cholangiocarcinoma..."

Before he finished speaking, the homeless man let out a long sigh of relief.

"Since it is late, there is no possibility of surgery!"

"Well, very good! Thank you doctor!"

These words.

It made Jiang Yang completely stunned!

What's the meaning?

There is no possibility of surgery.

Why do you think he is happy?

0.2 The tramp said with a smile:

"Doctor, the policeman said before that they will pay for everything.

"Anyway, I definitely can't do the surgery!

"Shouldn't there be many days left to live?"

Jiang Yang was stunned again.

He had seen many patients who became manic and anxious because they were diagnosed with cancer, but this was the first time he saw such a calm patient!

After hesitating for a while.

Jiang Yang still informed the other party:

"Estimated... a month!"

The homeless man lay on the hospital bed, nodding in a whisper.

" month! It's good!

"It's been a long time!"

"Thank you, doctor!"

Jiang Yang for a while.

I don't even know what to say!

This is a little too calm!

"That doctor, I have no money with me, and I can't walk now!

"Can I stay in the hospital for a few more days?"

Jiang Yang came back to his senses at this time and nodded.

"Of course no problem! This has been agreed a long time ago!"

"When you recover, you can leave the hospital."

This time, when Jiang Yang said the three words "get better".

Everyone was lost in thought!

Get better?

This man is getting better!

The tramp still had a smile on his face:

"Okay! Thank you, Doctor!"

"Um, you're welcome! Then you have a good rest! I will come to see you later!"

With that said, Jiang Yang left directly.

It's just that after leaving the ward, Jiang Yang always felt uncomfortable!

Until the end of the afternoon get off work time!

He finally can't take it anymore!

Just ran to the emergency department to find Su Che!

"Where's Dr. Su?"

"Doctor Xiao Su went to the cafeteria, together with Director Qiao, what's the matter?"

"Oh! It's okay! You are busy! I will go to the cafeteria to find Dr. Su!"


He almost trotted to the cafeteria.

After patrolling for a week, they found Su Che and Qiao Junliang.

At this time, Qiao Junliang was chatting with Su Che.

Jiang Yang sat directly opposite Su Che.

"Doctor Xiao Su! I have something I want to ask for advice!"

Su Che looked at each other, a little stunned!

Because he doesn't know each other!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for subscriptions.

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