Suddenly, Grimmjow’s face changed.

He sensed the danger coming from all directions.

“Okay, let Kuang San handle the 100,000 troops.

Seeing the sudden tense atmosphere, Dai Qi spoke up to stop it. He started to assign tasks again.

“Tiger King, Golden Iron Beast, the invading garrison of the Kingdom of Noxus, you are the one who will lead the army of Black Iron Beast to deal with it.”

“As for the final Kingdom of Noxus, it’s up to you, Grimmjow.”

With Tokisaki Kurumi’s spirit ability, with one space shock, it is estimated that the fleet in the entire sea area will be destroyed and sunk into the sea!

To deal with an army of 100,000 with nearly 100 ships, it is like using cannons to hit a beehive, one hit a large nest. They ca n’t even run away.

The army of Black Iron Beasts led by Tiger King and Gold Iron Beast is just a legion on land.

It is still very easy to deal with an army composed of ordinary people.

After all, the Black Iron Beasts are a group of steel soldiers!

As for the Quincies, of course they are responsible for patrolling the safety of the entire palace and the royal city.

As Quincies with the shadow field, they are first-class talents in lurking and gathering intelligence!

Next, Dai Qi will make good use of this power.

The power of the Quincies is definitely a powerful force that cannot be underestimated.



After hearing Dai Qi’s rearranged tasks, Grimmjow had to obey Dai Qi’s orders no matter how reluctant he was.

With the special bond after summoning, Dai Qi was not afraid that they didn’t know where the enemy and the target were.

Dai Qi directly transferred the memory with one click, allowing them to have a general understanding of the situation in their own kingdom.

Not only can they obtain part of the summoned character’s strength, but they can also use mental links to convey information.

They can also use the summoned character as an anchor point for remote transmission!

“Go, it’s time to announce our arrival to the world, it’s time to conquer the world!”

At this moment, Dai Qi’s ambitions gradually began to show!

Soon, everyone left the hall.

Then he summoned the Black Iron Beast Army at the port, which shocked everyone present.

During this period, Dai Qi had also informed many ministers about the identities of Yaskin and others.

The result was naturally the shock and disbelief of many ministers and the middle and lower classes.

After all, a full 20,000 Black Iron Beast Army appeared out of thin air, and the domineering scene of the steel torrent that was displayed was still quite shocking!

It showed a wave of shock from the summoner to the ministers, officers and soldiers of the kingdom.

Shocked by the Black Iron Beast Army The steel torrent, and the powerful ability of His Majesty the King!

What kind of top-level devil fruit can do this?!

After doing all this, he ignored the ministers who misunderstood his ability.

Dai Qi directly teleported back to the King’s Palace through the anchor point of the Quincy guarding the gate.

And the World Government personnel mentioned by the Minister of Intelligence also came to the outside of the palace in time.

But when a group of World Government personnel saw Dai Qi for the first time.

Looking at Dai Qi’s handsome and handsome smile, they suddenly felt a palpitation.

The young king in front of him seems… not that simple!….

On the other side.

On the blue sea dozens of miles away from the Kingdom of Zodanos.

More than 80 large and small ships were sailing at a medium speed, gradually heading towards the Ikewhite Sea, the capital of the main island of the Kingdom of Zodanos.

After occupying several towns in Zodanos, the Kingdom of Noxus seized more than a dozen ships.

Therefore, there were more than a dozen ships that could be used for battle.

This fleet of up to 100,000 soldiers was heading towards the Kingdom of Zodanos.

On the deck of the largest flagship ship.

A group of people surrounded a middle-aged man with two swords on his waist and a cross scar on his face.

He was 3.6 meters tall and weighed 240 kilograms.

He was muscular, had a Mohawk hairstyle, and wore a close-fitting combat uniform.

The general of the Kingdom of Noxus, Epiro Octor. He was the strongest man in this kingdom. The cross scar on his face was left when he was defeated by the general Tek.

The reason they gathered together at this time was to discuss the allocation of resources after the complete capture of the Kingdom of Zodanos.

After all, the plan against the Kingdom of Zodanos was funded by many forces.

However, when their discussion was coming to an end, they suddenly heard a burst of pleasant laughter from girls.

The laughter was full of bad fun and deep evil thoughts, which made people feel uncomfortable and cold all over!

“Hehehe, invade the royal city and behead Dai Qi for public display?!”

“You are a bunch of lowly bastards, how dare you say that~”

A cold and eerie girl’s voice came from the void around them, lingering in everyone’s ears.


“Who is playing tricks?! Get out here!”


Seeing the space around them suddenly turn scarlet, Okt and the others were all shocked.

Okt’s face suddenly turned ugly.

“A ghost devil fruit user? Or someone with some other ability?!”

As the supreme commander of the kingdom, Octo obviously knew about the existence of devil fruits.

Because, after all, he is now a devil fruit user!

This time, it was the ability of this devil fruit that gave him great confidence.

He came to find Tek to avenge his hatred!

However, their rebuke did not work at all.

Soon, the thing that frightened them happened!

The bloody scene became more and more intense, and a large number of soldiers began to feel physically exhausted and mentally confused.

They did not know that this was Tokisaki Kurumi’s Time-consuming City ability.

A special space field that devours the life and time of others! ps: Please collect the new book! Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets!

The new book is a seedling that needs to be nurtured. Handsome guys, move your fingers to make money and send some free flowers and evaluation tickets!

The little author begs for all support!!

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