"Oh, young man, I really can't explain these words to you. It's not that I don't want to, but I don't understand. I am not a learned scholar in my hometown, but an ordinary janitor. Although I am very old , But the long years have allowed me to accumulate life experience, not knowledge that can’t be read."

   The elf said helplessly, and then invited Jenkins to taste the bread he had just bought. It tastes pretty good, and Jenkins thinks that if chocolate is around, he will love it too.

  I came to visit the old elf this time. In addition to explaining that he was not in Nolan recently and that he could send a letter directly to the house if he had something to do, it was also to ask about the elf potion.

   The night of the full moon is coming. If you miss this time, Jenkins will have to wait for three months before he can wait for two full moons at the same time.

   "I don't know whether I should prepare the last step in Ruen or Nolan. After all, the last step of the potion is more like a ceremony than the configuration, so I want to hear your opinion."

   He said so.

"There is no difference. Ruen and Nolan do not affect the configuration of the potion. But if it is me, I will choose Ruen. You also know the situation of Nolan now. Anything done here must be done well. Unexpected preparations, so you'd better go to Luen, so it's safer."

  The old elf’s suggestion is really reasonable, so Jenkins decided to ask the Protoss to transfer all the ingredients of the potion to Luen before returning to Luen in the evening.

   He talked to the old elf again about what happened in the north, and hinted at the master who mastered the power of frost.

   The old elf obviously knew the great man, and he understood what Jenkins was alluding to. But when he heard that Jenkins had gained some of the power he had bestowed, he immediately showed an unhappy attitude.

   "You should go on along the path of life. It is not a good habit to distract yourself excessively."

   said the elf sternly, with a tone that guides the life of young people.

   "I understand that I do not intend to use the power of Frost as my core power."

   Jenkins guarantees immediately.

   Because I had lunch with Hathaway just now, Jenkins did not stay at the elf’s house for dinner.

   Saying goodbye to the elves, the next stop is the residence of the fortune-tellers on the outskirts of the city. Originally, I was worried about whether the two ladies were at home, but later found out that they seemed to have known that Jenkins would come to visit and were already waiting for him.

   "Miss Audrey, this is a letter from Alexia. Oh, I should be in Luen now..."

   Jenkins stepping into the hall was a little embarrassed.

   "I know, last time in the Church of the Sage, I heard Bevana talk about what your cat did."

   Miss Audrey said with a chuckle, and ordered the maid on the side to prepare some snacks and tea for everyone, and stuffed the letter into her pocket without forgetting to make a joke:

   "Did you directly call her by her name? Oh, God, I've guessed the relationship between you a long time ago, and your personalities are exactly the same. It's a perfect match."

   Miss Audrey and Miss Broniance are still the same, but because Nolan's temperature has risen quickly this week, the clothes at home are changed.

   Now Miss Broniance has completely adapted to the power of her ninth-level demigod, but the pale eyes still haven't recovered.

  According to Jenkins's judgment, those eyes are spontaneously transforming into magic eyes. It is hard to say what kind of power it will bring to Miss Broniance in the future.

   The main purpose of visiting the fortune-tellers is to meet Miss Bronie Anse. She is ready to say goodbye to Nolan, but she hasn't left because she hasn't bid farewell to Jenkins.

   Jenkins also didn't know when he would be able to come back. In order not to delay Miss Bronie Anse's itinerary, he took the initiative to see her.

   The elder fortuneteller once again thanked Jenkins for the feather, and frankly admitted that there was a problem with his past behavior and practice, and once again apologized to Jenkins.

   After experiencing a complete death, she became a little different from the past. She understood some things between life and death, and she became more open-minded.

   staying away from Nolan, it means not caring about [Savior status] at all. Letting go completely also means a new beginning.

   "Jenkins, I want to remind you."

   Speaking of the identity of the savior, Miss Broniance hesitated, but still spoke:

"Audrey will tell you about the identity of the next savior when she knows it. What I want to tell you is that when all the saviors of the era appear, even if the end of the era does not come, the final disaster Evil will also come... Yes, disasters are inevitable, but the specific time of its appearance does not depend on the remaining time of this epoch recorded in the "Epic of Time", but depends on the saviors. When will it all appear..."


   Jenkins has never heard of such a statement. He maintained the posture of holding a teacup and asked in surprise:

   "Doesn't this mean that collecting the identity of the savior promotes the arrival of disasters?"

"Normally, there is only one ultimate savior, and there will be many candidates. When all the candidates appear, there are many complicated processes and rituals to determine the final candidate...but Yiji is a bit unusual, you should be able to understand this."

   There is no competition at all in this era, because so far, all the places are Jenkins.

"But you don’t have to worry. Whether the savior can complete his great cause has nothing to do with time. Whether it is 300 years later or the second half of this year, you will face it after all. I just want to remind you to prepare as soon as possible. Whether the epoch ends steadily, or the 19th epoch is ushered in the disillusionment, it all depends on you."

Chapter 1256 The first thousand two hundred and thirty-five chapters farewell

  Ms. Bronie Anse’s words seemed to put the burden of the whole world on Jenkins’ shoulders. But Jenkins thought he could not shoulder such an important responsibility.

   Now only one step can be counted. The savior qualifications at the end of the 18th century are still three (note) not appearing, but counting the time, all this is likely to end before the end of the year.

   "Is it so fast?"

   Jenkins suddenly had a sense of unreality. He still does not know what the so-called "final disaster" is, and can only vaguely guess that it is related to the steam industry.

   The most likely to have a connection with this is the mysterious [Gear Craftsmen's Association]. In contact with Miss Magic, he repeatedly mentioned that the mine tunnels underground in Nolan were part of a large-scale seal. Jenkins felt that what the cultists were looking for underground was probably what he was going to face.

   The best way so far is to try to learn how to condense the divinity before the final day arrives. As long as the divine power is the most abundant, Jenkins doesn't care what disaster is.

   When thinking of condensing the divinity, I immediately thought of my believer Fini. But the girl is in the church now, and Jenkins sneaks back, and doesn't want the church to know, so she can't see Fini now.

"But what's the use of seeing Fini? I am not the first day to be a god. Although the source of power cannot be said to have nothing to do with believers, whether there is a believer, it seems that there is no power to the gods. Influence...So what exactly does the priesthood have to condense the divinity?"

   Fini has now become an official benefactor, and the little angel Louise is still by her side. It stands to reason that Jenkins does not have to worry about her safety at all.

   But remembering that I left Nolan without telling her, I felt a little guilty. So he asked Miss Audrey for a piece of paper and wrote some ceremonies that he thought were very useful to Fini, hoping that Miss Audrey could give it to Fini.

   "Children should learn things early, and this is a very simple ceremony."

   He said so, Miss Audrey was naturally willing to help.

   After this meeting, Miss Broniance will leave Nolan. She said that she would return to the cathedral of [Destiny and Lawful Church] to find information that might help Jenkins.

   And before the final day arrives, she will also return to this city to help Jenkins and the world usher in the so-called "disaster of the end of the era".

"Jenkins, you are the most unique person I have ever seen in my life. Fate has given you responsibilities and gifts, and you have been optimistically accepting fate. Don't worry too much about the future. Although I am a fortuneteller, I hope that You observe the present, not the future."

   At this point, she smiled apologetically at Miss Audrey, who had never said these words to Miss Audrey.

   "I will leave Nolan tomorrow. You will not use it to send me off. This is not a permanent difference. I hope that when I see you next time, you will still be so healthy and optimistic."

  According to the usual etiquette, Jenkins should give a gift to a friend who is about to travel. But he has nothing at hand now, so he temporarily uses the phantom left in the closet to go home, and gives him B-06-4-2207 [The Lonely Gift Box] (Chapter 702) that Professor Burns gave him a long time ago. It was forwarded to Miss Bronie Anse.

   This is not only to thank her for the reminder just now, but also to wish the elders who travelled a safe journey. Miss Bronie Anse was originally unwilling to ask for it, but she refused to accept it before agreeing to accept it.

   She also left gifts for Jenkins and Miss Audrey. The gift to Miss Audrey was the crystal ball she used most frequently, which she inherited from her teacher. And Miss Audrey’s one was accidentally blown up during a divination lesson with Jenkins some time ago (Note).

   The gift left to Jenkins is not a priceless special item or precious material, but a parchment pamphlet full of names and information. This is not even an ancient book, but Miss Broniance wrote it herself.

"I saw your father at Daddy's place some time ago, and I realized that we knew each other a long time ago. I was very interested in your family's affairs at that time, so I took the liberty to investigate your family except Nolan's. Is there anyone besides the members?

  The names written here are all the names of people I have obtained through divination that may be related to your family. Your bloodline is very unique and has great resistance to divination, so even me can only narrow the scope to this extent. "

In fact, this is already quite remarkable. According to Miss Bronnie Anse, she only used the simple message of "blood relationship with Robert Williams and Jenkins Williams" to directly extract everything from the material world. Find the answer in the living.

   If Jenkins could have this kind of ability, he would no longer have to worry that chocolate would suddenly leave him one day.

   This gift is more precious than those numbered items. Jenkins may not be able to get the secrets about Williams from others, but with at least these three pages, he can investigate it himself.

   Although the letters on this thick roll of parchment are small and dense, it is roughly estimated that there may be six to seven hundred names and messages, but the range is very small.

   Jenkins plans to let Dolores’ intelligence network help in the investigation. Now that there is an address that is accurate to the house number, the origins of the six or seven hundred investigators should be only a matter of time.

Because of this gain, even if Miss Audrey warned him not to forget their divination course before Jenkins left, and assigned him more than ten books for him to finish reading in Luen, it did not affect Jenkins’ good mood. .

   It's only about four o'clock in the afternoon, and he is walking on the street thinking in his heart who else needs to see him. Today is the weekend, there are a lot of pedestrians on the road, because it is already spring, even now it is still bright.

The angel fall that occurred earlier this week did not have much impact on the city. The only thing the citizens remember was the heavy rain on Monday, which brought an inexplicable amount of petals to the city. .

   This makes pollen allergies frequent this spring, but at least this is not a problem such as the plague.

   came all the way to the post office and wanted to buy a copy of "Tropical Disease Medicine Prospects" to confirm whether the gathering of Mr. Corpse had started this month. When I walked to the street corner, I found that the post office was being renovated. Only the side entrance was allowed to go. People in line almost reached the street corner. .

  PS1: Jenkins does not know [World Tree Seedlings].

  PS2: There is no direct description of the fried crystal ball, only the explosive pendulum crystal. This is equivalent to something that happened without emphasis.

Chapter 1257: Strange Book

   The reason for the renovation of the Nolan Post Office was not due to generous funding or donations from the municipality, but the heavy rain and thunder on Monday, which directly caused the ceiling of the building to collapse.

   It is not yet known whether this is a problem with the structure of the house or an accident caused by the weather. However, for safety, a comprehensive overhaul is indispensable, so the current post office is only in use on the left side.

The "Foresight of Tropical Medicine" that Jenkins wants to buy is a niche publication mainly distributed in the Kingdom of Chessland and some parts of the sea. In temperate areas like Nolan, except for some medical schools, you can only find the latest journals from the post office. .

Because the available area of ​​the post office was reduced by half, after Jenkins entered the door, a post office staff member asked him clearly what he wanted to do. When he heard that he didn’t want to send a letter or something, the young man in uniform relaxed. With a sigh of relief:

"Thank you travelers! If you line up to buy stamps to fill out the manifest, I guess you won’t be able to queue up at the post office before get off work today. Would you like to buy a magazine? Here please, the shelf has moved out of the hall, and it’s on the left hand side. In a room, you can't imagine how many times that **** shelf was squeezed down yesterday!"

   Jenkins usually comes to the post office to buy "Foresight of Tropical Disease Medicine" with a black robe, and out of caution, most people buy five or six different magazines at once. This is why he has the "Sweater Knitting Guide (Jin Li Yuan Calendar Autumn 763 and the "Squeaky Cat Guide" in his home.

   The shelves that were originally displayed in the post office lobby are now unified in a room on the side of the lobby. A man in a uniform holding "Detective Knight Biography" is sitting at the table in the doorway. He glanced at Jenkins and ignored him.

   This is in stark contrast to the busy young people who are constantly walking outside.

   "The latest "Nolan Spring Travel Guide"..."

   He mumbled in his mouth and walked into the shelf, searching for his goal in alphabetical order and issue number. Now his home has accumulated a lot of such useless magazines, Jenkins plans to find time to donate to the church, the church will give these intact books to children who like to read.


   He looked at it casually, and saw that the magazine named "Fediktelli School Directory" was very interesting, and he reached out to take it off the shelf.

   "Hee hee~"

   A pleasant voice appeared in his ears, but when Jenkins kept raising his hand and turned his head, he saw nothing. There were also seven or eight people scattered in this room, but none of them were near Jenkins, and none of them could make the same sound just now.

   "Is it an illusion?"

   He turned his head and took down the magazine he was reading, stood still and opened it, wanting to see the local education situation in Nolan, but then he heard the laughter again:

   "Hee hee~"

   looked behind the sound, still only the shelf stood there quietly. Jenkins let out a deep breath:

   "If this time is still a little elf who likes to make trouble, I swear I will smash her ass."

   Thinking like this, he temporarily returned the magazine to its original position, and then looked around with real eyes.

As far as my eyes can look, there are probably two gifters walking together on a street away, but this is not what Jenkins is looking for; some vague aura passing by outside the post office, probably something that contains spiritual material is being caught. Moving; there is a golden light upstairs. This is the holy emblem of the righteous **** [Wandering without a trace] hanging in the post office. He is also [the asylum of the postmen] and Jenkins’s [the asylum of the flower girls]者] Almost, of course the holy emblem will not be the target; then on the shelf behind Jenkins, the book lying on the top floor has a blue aura...

"This is it!"

   He walked quickly over, but as soon as his hand touched the book, the light on the book disappeared.

   "Let me think about what this is."

   As he thought about it, he looked around again. There was a uniform blue aura impurity lying on the bookshelf on the other side of the room. But when Jenkins walked over again, that magazine also lost its aura.

   He kept walking around the bookshelves, looking for his goal, which looked strange to others, but no one has accused him yet.

   This lasted for more than ten minutes, and Jenkins had already walked almost every corner of the room. Seeing the aura of the book disappeared from his hand, and then appeared in the most remote corner of the room, he looked left and right to see that there was no one nearby, and immediately disappeared in place.

   "[Real Phantom]!"

   When he was walking around just now, he had already left his shadow in that no-man corner. After using this shadow to move at this moment, he immediately reached out and grabbed the "Delicious Fish: Lund Island Recipe" on the left front side.

   In the light crackling sound, a layer of ice quickly spread from his palm and wrapped the whole book. This time, those blue auras did not disappear.

   "It really is you, B-05-5-5455 [Book of Heart]!"

   This is not the naughty elf Jenkins imagined, but the [Book of Heart] that is rarer than any elf. Thinking that this kind of transcendence would only appear around sage believers, Jenkins immediately felt the great satisfaction of being recognized.

  【Book of Heart】has the characteristic of avoiding living creatures spontaneously, and can be transferred to any book within 30 feet. Movement outside this range will take a certain amount of time. In addition, if a creature with a spirit touches it, it can slow down its transfer speed, and completely isolate the book of its existence from the air, that is, like Jenkins, it can lose its transfer ability.

The history of the [Book of Heart] is well-documented in the Church of the Sages. This special numbered item originated as a gift of class C from the ancient era [Book of All Things]. This book is said to record all the knowledge in the world. It has the same specifications as [Epic of Time].

   This book is lost. No one knows the reason for the loss. Very little information shows that even the sages who mastered the priesthood of [Books] did not appear in history at that time.

  Gift [Treasure Book of All Things] Before disappearing, for various reasons, there are very few leftover pages left out. One of the pages fell into the shadow world and was brought to the material world by unknown shadow creatures in the 9th era, which triggered the famous [Black Book Incident]. This event has a deceit number, which spreads like a plague. Any book infected by this event will turn into a shadow creature once it is read by someone.

Chapter 1258 The Book of Heart

   This is the only recorded full-scale war against the shadow creatures in the material world. Even if the time is too far apart, contemporary people cannot know the specific details, but the tragic situation in the mottled history can still be experienced.

   After this, the broken page of the [Treasure Book of All Things] that was infected by the power of the shadow world was taken out of the material world by a terrifying creature with no name recorded. Limited information showed that it was a cat-shaped monster.

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