"Yes, none of the three of us have experienced the transfer of the king's soul, but Windsor has a guess about it."

  PS: It seems that this month is still not over...I guessed it wrong.

Chapter 1929 One Thousand Nine Hundred Three Windsor

   In the club room, the conversation continued. Although it is summer morning, the temperature here is very good. Jenkins's coat is on the hanger at the door. He is just wearing a shirt, but there is no need to worry about the chocolate hair sticking to the clothes, because chocolate never sheds hair.

   Miss J continued to explain, but before that, she grabbed her heart position. This action didn't look like yin/hui, but a bit harsh. After a while, Jessica would definitely feel pain after returning:

"The Dark Soul here is the fusion of the weight of the three of us. Therefore, the owner of this King Soul is the three of us. Of course we can all be loyal to you, but you have to understand one thing, me and Miss Windsor is a real queen, so..."

   "So, if I want to obtain your King Soul, I must at least reach the same height as you."

   Jenkins sighed, and the speed of touching the cat slowed down. Chocolate on his stomach opened one eye, and Jenkins was annoyed by the dissatisfaction with the woman opposite.

   "Yes, and it's just at least, maybe what you need is a higher identity than us."

   "Higher? I'm afraid this is a bit difficult."

   Jenkins shook his head:

   "It seems that you still need to wait until the weekend to force Queen Isabella to abdicate before you can make a decision...You should be lighter, this is Jessica's body, take care of it."

   Jenkins is blaming her for being too cruel.

   "We have lost our bodies, so I cherish the opportunity to'come out' very much. Every bit of pain makes me more sure that I am a real person."

  Windsor in the first world, that is, Miss J. Because of her parents being killed by Queen Isabella, her mental state is very unstable. This was discovered by Jenkins in the world of possibility. Now with Miss Windsor's return to reality, this instability does not seem to disappear, and it is a little more pathological.

   "A real body? Maybe, I can let you have your own body."

   After leaving the treacherous realm last night, two different Jessica Windsor rely on Jessica's unique ability [Triple Shadow (Red Fight)] to be able to exist beside Miss Windsor and be called by her to do things at any time.

  According to Jenkins' eyes, the current situation is probably that three women share the same body, but Jessica is the dominant one, and the other two are dependent.

   The memories of the three are not interlinked, but the spirit and soul power are interlinked, and their souls are always inseparable as a whole. This also means that although only one consciousness can dominate the activities of the body at a time, the three souls are not only awakened at a time, but are limited to only one body.

   Therefore, if there are other "containers" that can hold two souls, then the three can move together in a short period of time. Of course, it is only a short time. After all, Miss J and Miss Windsor are just vassals, and their activities require Miss Windsor to pay extra.

   "So what are you going to do?"

  The one who is talking to Jenkins at this moment is the deity of Windsor, which is Jessica.

   "I can make your two bodies, exactly the same, it's not difficult."

   He said, his hands dancing in the air, trying to draw the body, and then added:

   "I have carefully explored the body of Queen Windsor in the third possible world. I know your body structure very well, so the body created is absolutely indistinguishable from the real you."

   He was quite confident about this. At that time, in order to make sure that the other party was not a puppet controlled by a differential engine, he carefully explored it with both vitality and mechanical power.

   "What have you done...Forget it, you can't do that anyway. So, you know my body well?"

"Yes it is."

   He nodded confidently.


   Then he was scolded by the blushing lady.

   But the curse returns to curse, Jenkins finally used the method of [World Tree Seedling] + [Reading] + [Book of Memories] to create exactly the same living body of Jessica Windsor. Because of the use of [Reading and Writing], the two newly-appearing bodies have clothes. Jenkins is very cautious about this kind of thing.

   "Jenkins, you leave for a while."

   "What's wrong? [Triple Shadow] needs to be used in an environment where no one is watching, right?"

   He grabbed the chocolate and stood up. The cat who hadn't rested squirmed dissatisfiedly, and then asked Jenkins to pick it up.

   "No, I just want to know how much you know about my body. Now, please go out."

   Jessica blushed a little.

   "...Well, then call me if you have something."

   said and walked out the door.

   didn't wait long, just talked about the tulip price with the maid of the club, Jessica told Jenkins from the door that it was time to come in.

   He opened the door and saw three identical Jessica Windsor standing by the coffee table surrounded by the sofa, and the three of them also put on identical costumes.

   "Now guess, who are we?"

The lady headed by    smiled and said that the three people are more similar than identical triplets.

   "You are Miss Windsor, with Jessica on the left and Miss J on the right. Only Jessica is the benefactor. You are all ordinary people. I can't even create a spirit."

   "Then how do you know I am Miss Windsor?"

  The lady in the middle asked again.

   Jenkins turned and gently closed the white door, each of which was engraved with prosperous flowers.

   "Your souls are still different in my eyes. They are so brilliant, brilliant, and beautiful, like treasures... I am familiar with the souls of each of you."

   He answered softly.

   The four people were seated, sitting in the four directions of the exquisite glass-side coffee table. Seeing three Miss Windsor with exactly the same appearance, even if two of them were created by himself, Jenkins couldn't help but wonder.

   "How did you do it?"

   Miss Windsor asked, she was originally the only demigod among the three, and she was able to realize how amazing it is to create a vital body directly for the soul, and the body is also very matched.

   "I am a seedling of the World Tree."

   "The seedlings in my world are still uncertain, but it is likely to be Sigrid Cape, so I am not familiar with this ability."

   Miss Windsor said, stroking her right hand with her left hand, as if looking at a piece of art.

"In my world, Williams is a seedling of the World Tree, but I have never heard of him being so powerful. Sorry, in my opinion, he is just a wanted criminal notified by the church nationwide. In fact, I don’t know him very well. ."

   Miss J said.

Section 1930 Chapter 1901 Design Defects

   "Jessica, how long can you keep these two ladies together?"

   Jenkins asked Jessica again, who thought about it:

"If there is no fighting, the two of them can be present at the same time for half an hour. If they are only one person, then they can be active for at least two hours. But even if I just mobilize any trace of spirit to do things, this time will be shortened. Five minutes or less."

   Jessica replied, this is not only related to the total amount of her own spirit, but also related to her mental state. But now she is only a zero-level gift, Jenkins believes that this time will become longer as she becomes stronger.

"After that, you can try, if they also become gifters, whether the accumulated spirit can stack with you, even if only a part of it stacks up, it is good. Most of the spirit of the gifter belongs to the soul, and your soul is one, say indefinite......"

   He nodded and let the three ladies experience it for themselves.

   bent down and picked up an orange from the table, preparing to get some fruit for her dishonest cat, then Jessica asked again:

   "Then what do you plan to do with these two bodies when they do not show up?"

   Although it is not easy for Jenkins to make these two bodies, the cost is not huge. He wanted to suggest that it be burned when not in use, but considering that it is exactly the same as Jessica's body:

"Then it is up to you to keep it. I will make two coffins that can continuously provide vitality to ensure that the soulless body will not rot. It is very simple. I did something similar with a tulip seed a few days ago. ,but......"

   He hesitated, but still pointed out the problem:

   "But in this way, you need to let two souls enter the body regularly to solve... the physiological problem, otherwise it will probably..."

   "I understand, there is no need to go on."

   Jessica blushed and stopped Jenkins.

Windsor with two worlds of possibility came to the real world, on the one hand to help Jessica and assist Jenkins to complete the work of king, on the one hand because of the soul of darkness, but more importantly, for the third Information about the differential engine in the hands of Windsor, the queen of this world.

   Coming from the treacherous realm to reality, she did not show the critical symptoms of amnesia. All the memories were intact with the soul.

   But there is still a lack of information about the ritual of the Destroyer. It seems that Jenkins, the biggest contradiction point in the world of possibility, is absent, and the difference engine has not considered relying on this very ancient and special evil ritual from the beginning to the end.

   Regarding the differential engine, Miss Windsor provided more detailed information. After the difference engine used the mechanical heart to resurrect her body, Miss Windsor relied on her own understanding of the world to get rid of her control, and even defeated the difference engine and controlled it to a certain extent.

   From this, she learned about the origin of the differential engine, learned most of its experience, and learned its story.

"Similar to the machine in the real world you mentioned, in my'world', its purpose is also to rely on the cataclysm at the end of the era, to completely upgrade itself to a beast of disaster, and to achieve immortality. Extinguish. Although you did not use what you called the "Desperado Ceremony", replacing your own energy with steam and gathering smoke to cover the world are all plans that have been successfully implemented in Minecraft."

   Miss Windsor introduced.

   "So before you leave, did it finish upgrading?"


  Miss Windsor nodded, while Jenkins stopped feeding the cat and stuffed the last orange into his mouth. Chocolate immediately wanted to get up from Jenkins' lap with dissatisfaction, and then was pressed down by his hand:

   "What? Finished?"

"Yes, it was completed last winter. When you arrived at Nolan, it has left Nolan temporarily at my request, and will come back on the final day, leading the disaster to destroy everything. I can only do so to a certain extent. To control it, I can’t intervene in the core commands either.”

   Miss Windsor said regretfully, which also explained that the possibility of her being in the future must be the ending of a catastrophe in the material world.

   "So how strong is the differential engine? I mean the beast of disaster-the differential engine."

"Since you like to call it a differential engine, let me call it the same. It is very strong. The demigod me you see is just an ant that can be squeezed to death at will. Maybe this analogy is a bit cliché. But this is the fact. I can’t quantify power into numbers to tell you the specific values, but mortals are absolutely not an obstacle to the beast of calamity.”

   Jenkins nodded when he heard the words, exhaled and asked:

   "In a world without the rituals of rebels, how did it elevate itself? There should always be concrete measures."

"Similar to this world, there is a process of extending the mechanical tentacles from the ground to the entire world. But after its own energy is completely replaced by a steam engine, it did not plan the weird rituals you mentioned, but threw mechanical creations toward the ground. And let more and more people accept mechanical transformation, under its control, to transport a steady stream of wood and coal to the ground."

   "Please wait a minute? In this way, after the steam transformation is completed, the differential engine has lost its original energy advantage? Does it need energy?"

   Originally feeds on information, but it is a very high-end way of obtaining energy.

   "Yes, this is to cater to this doomsday theme."

   "Okay, I see... Then, what did it do with that energy?"

"Energy gives it more computing power to understand the world and to complete more refined transformations of its own structure. At the same time, burning coal and trees produce gray fog, and their tentacles reach out to the ground and turn into huge chimneys to release them. A little bit of smoke shrouded, when it reached a certain point, the gray fog obscured the sun, and the material world could no longer face the sun directly. It completed its own upgrade and strengthening at that moment, and turned into a disaster in a way I don’t understand. Evil beast.

   This looks like it has played a role in its own transformation, but I think that releasing smoke to the world to transform the environment should be the focus, right? "

   Miss Windsor said uncertainly, and Jenkins nodded, almost understanding the whole process.

"In this case, after replacing its own energy system. Even if energy is its weakness, at least until it becomes a beast of disaster, energy is very restrictive. There are many things that can be done in this respect... ."

   Jenkins thought about it, then asked:

   "So does it have other weaknesses?"

   "Have you seen all its body?"

   Miss Windsor did not answer but asked back. Jenkins immediately shook his head:

"never seen it."

"I have seen that it is a terrible sphere suspended in a large underground hole, like a huge black hole in the night. It is not a perfect sphere, but similar. Its complete body is even bigger than Nolan, underground. There is a terrible and regular sound of metal friction in the cavity day and night, like the cry of the devil. The metal chains are like dancing tentacles, constantly bombarding the side walls of the huge underground cavity, and at the same time transporting the fallen rubble. In the glowing hearth in the spherical body, more metal is calcined.

   Smoke and gray mist filled that space, and scattered evil spirits howled fiercely as it operated. You can't imagine that scene..."

   She closed her eyes and covered her forehead. Jenkins immediately grabbed her hand to help her calm the restless spirit and the spirit that had just appeared in her body. Merely remembering the body of the differential engine makes ordinary people a benefactor. This is the power of the beast of calamity.

   Of course, it has something to do with Miss Windsor who was originally a demigod.

   "Are you okay?"

   She has the same face as Jessica. At this time, Jenkins and Jessica have confirmed the relationship with each other. Looking at that face, she subconsciously showed care beyond her friends.

   "It's okay."

  Miss Windsor shook her head, pursed her lips and smiled at Jenkins. Jenkins then paid attention to Jessica and found that she was pondering what she had just said, and did not show any dislike for the excessive closeness of the two.

"It has a very obvious weakness. This is the design defect left by its designer at the beginning of the design to prevent mechanical rebellion. It is linked to its structure and function. Even if it is known, it cannot be achieved through technical means. Modified."

   said, she picked up the pen and drew a pattern similar to a blooming rose on the handkerchief:

"On the core of its body, there is such a hollow pattern. As long as a heavy blow is applied to this pattern, it will immediately fall into a state of paralysis and suspended animation for at least 50 years. The force of the heavy blow does not need to be very strong. It can be achieved by a bomb explosion."

   Jenkins took the handkerchief and carefully memorized the pattern in his heart:

   "At the core of the ontology?"

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