"Yes, it didn't seem so easy when I pursued you at the time."

   Hathaway watched Jessica being greeted by Miss Silver Flute and said.

   "Did you chase me? How do I remember I was chasing you?"

   Britney asked, and Hathaway pulled into the house.

   The door of the room was brought back by Hathaway, and only a small hanging gas lamp was turned on in the hall. Under the dim light, Hathaway supported the wall with one hand and pressed Britney to the wall.

"what are you going to do?"

   The blonde girl blushed a little, her eyes evasively looked at Hathaway:

   "Don't do this, since you all choose to marry Jenkins, if you want to... at least let Jenkins know, otherwise he might feel uncomfortable."

   Although he made an action to push Hathaway away, her strength was quite weak, and she probably couldn't even push chocolate.

In the relationship between the two, Britney, who is usually blonde, is stronger, but when the two and Jenkins have confirmed the relationship, and Hathaway also confessed his identity as the benefactor, their relationship has also become subtle. Change, that's why this scene appears at this moment.

   "What are you thinking about? Bonnie?"

   Using the fingertips of her left hand, she swiped Britney's smooth chin, and when Britney was about to close her eyes, she let go.

   "Since there are only two of us here, I want to tell you something."

   Hathaway walked to the living room first, and Britney touched her chin with her hand:

   "What's the matter? Are you planning to ease the relationship with Jessica Windsor? Why don't we wait for the end of Jenkins weekend, and we will go to dinner with Jessica alone, or buy clothes?"

   "No, it's just a small matter, it doesn't matter. I just want to ask you a question."

   Hathaway did not sit back on the sofa, but stood by the window and looked outside. There was nothing on the windowsill of Jenkins's house, because Jenkins knew that chocolate likes to lie on the windowsill.

   But after Julia arrived, she chose some small potted plants and placed them in the corner of the window, which would not delay the small cats resting by the window, but also better decorate the home.

   "I want to ask you, if you find out that Jenkins is not a human being, what would you do?"

   Hathaway didn't want to reveal the secret, but just wanted Briney to prepare. She herself knew how gaffe she was just now, so she thought that as an ordinary person, Britney would be more difficult to accept, so she had to prepare her mentally in advance.

   "He is not a human originally, isn't he a half-blood elf?"

   Brian asked strangely.

   "No, I mean, more...complex and an identity beyond ordinary people's imagination."

   Hathaway’s statement was strange, so Britney thought for a while, but still couldn't understand what she was trying to express. Suddenly, Britney realized a frightening possibility, so that she screamed in a low voice, and then hurriedly covered her mouth.

   Hathaway turned around and saw her movements, a little surprised whether Brian had guessed the truth at once.

"You mean, Jenkins is actually a cat? Only able to become a human? That's why he is so close to chocolate. So who is chocolate? His daughter, or his wife? But chocolate is so small, is it Jenkins? This cat..."

   "Oh, please stop, this is outrageous. I assure you, Jenkins is definitely not a cat."

   Hathaway interrupted the increasingly outrageous speculation, worried that Britney’s random thoughts would come up with even stranger answers:

"How do you think Jenkins is a cat? Although he and chocolate...oh, let’s skip the topic of cats, well, I actually want to ask, if you find out that Jenkins is not a mortal, then you will Any ideas?"

   "Not a mortal?"

  Because of the limitations of the idea, Brian did not guess the fact that "Jenkins is a god". She thought for a while, trying to find the answer from Hathaway's face:

   "I have heard you say that he is the Son of Righteous God, do you mean this?"

  PS: I took a closer look. There is no substantive content in this chapter. To prevent you from talking about water tomorrow morning, let's add it today.

Chapter 1953 Chapter 1924: Church Talks of Lie Believers

   The conversation at home continued, Hathaway struggled with her brain, intending to find out Britney’s attitude without revealing the truth:

"Holy Son? Yes, um... you can think of it this way. If you find that Jenkins is actually a supernatural existence that is one level higher than all of us mortals, in the form of existence, then what would you think? ?"

   "What do you think...I will be honored?"

  Britney gave an answer that Hathaway did not expect. The former also saw the surprise on the questioner’s face, so he changed another answer:


   "Why do you think so?"

"The short life of a mortal can get the favor, admiration, and vows of a transcendent being, especially this transcendent being. The appearance is very in line with human aesthetics, values ​​and cognition of mortals, and it is completely consistent with us. With such luck, how many girls have been able to meet from ancient times to the present?"

   Hathaway was speechless.

   "That's why we should be happy. We should be honored with the noble status of our husband. Isn't this normal?"

   Brian asked finally, and Hathaway nodded involuntarily.

If she was a little uncomfortable with the fact that "the man I like to marry is actually a god" before this, now that she heard Britney's answer, her feelings of something wrong immediately disappeared. .

"you are right."

   Hathaway walked forward and took the initiative to hug Britney, taking a deep breath and sniffing the smell of her blonde hair:

   "I'm so stupid."

On the other side, Jenkins, who didn’t know what was happening at home, had already bid farewell to Alexia at the crossroads, then put on a black robe, patted chocolate to remind the cat to change its coat color, and then flew up on a unicorn. Up the sky.

   In fact, another major event happened this afternoon, but Jenkins didn't notice it when he came back. That is the sixth floor of the metal black tower, which unexpectedly emerged from the ground during the big earthquake.

   This is something that Jenkins didn't expect. You have to know that today is Tuesday, and the fifth floor was just yesterday Monday when Jenkins took the girls back to the home of Privet Road.

   The time between the two is actually less than 24 hours. If the church and Jenkins' guess that "the metal black tower has 9 floors" is correct, then it means that there are only three floors left.

   Now there are five days before Jenkins tried to force Queen Isabella to abdicate, and five days before the end of this week. There are still about ten days before Jenkins came to this world a year.

   Even if you know the remaining three layers, it is impossible to appear almost without interval like the fifth and sixth layers, and the worry in Jenkins's heart can't be concealed completely.

Inside the first floor there are statues of three kings, the second floor has changing characters on the outside, the third floor is written with words such as "Small under the Moon", the fourth floor has shadow power, and the fifth floor is suspect Related to "Glare Arena". The sixth floor that appeared today, even if Jenkins did not land under the black tower, he found specialness, because he actually smelled the smell of sulfur in the sky above the nearby block.

   "It has something to do with the devil?"

   Although the smell of sulfur does not necessarily represent the devil, this possibility is the greatest now.

   Jenkins flew around the neighborhood and determined that the center of the sulfur smell was the tower. The smell gradually weakened as it moved away from the tower, and it would not affect the city.

   Then he turned around and flew towards the Church of the Sage, and landed at the main entrance of the Church of the Sage in this quiet night.

   Although it started to rain in the eastern suburbs of the city in the afternoon, the city center was only cloudy. The ground is very dry, and the last high temperature of summer makes it enough to go out in short sleeves even at night.

   People in this era have not developed the habit of wearing short sleeves, and long-sleeved shirts are popular.

When Jenkins got down from the unicorn, he thought of passing by the main entrance of the Church of the Sage as a lie believer on many nights in the past year, or hiding in the distance and throwing a paper airplane to the church. Pass information.

   Now wearing a black robe and a cat, he walked up the steps in front of the main entrance of the church grandiosely. Suddenly, there was a sense of joy and satisfaction that could not be explained in his heart.

   knocked on the door very solemnly and confirmed his identity, and even used the Bone Sword to prove that he was not a scammer who had nothing to do in the middle of the night before he was invited into the church by Miss Bevanna who rushed over in a hurry.

In the reception room, Miss Bevanna and another demigod who was stationed in the church tonight entertained Jenkins. In addition, Mr. Smith, the secret guard, was involved in the conversation, and I don’t know why he appeared so late. The old man here.

   "Who is this?"

   Jenkins pointed at his father and asked:

   "I thought I knew all the important figures of the Orthodox Church in the Nolan area, but this...the teacher of the Son of William? Sorry, why did he participate in this conversation?"

   means that the father's identity is not enough. In fact, on the one hand, Jenkins wants to conceal his identity as a believer in lies, and on the other hand, he expects to get information about his father that he does not know.

  Miss Bevanna echoed Jenkins’ expectations:

   "Papa Oliver was the secret guardian elder of the Holy See long ago."

The great elder is also the highest official of the profession of secret guard in the church of the sages. The contemporary great secret guard is based in Berdyland, but when Jenkins first canonized the son in Nolan, the Wood Broch Mr. Er once visited Nolan briefly.

"how long ago?"

   Jenkins asked and sat down.

   Ms. Bevana did not immediately answer, and he was hesitant to disclose such information, so the old man answered directly:

   "About 100 years ago."

"Well then. Mr. Oliver, please forgive me for being rude. I took the liberty of visiting late at night to explain to you what happened in the eastern suburbs of Nolan this afternoon. I think you are also looking forward to the answer. "

   The others also sat down, and the old man asked suspiciously:

   "Sorry, I'm a little confused. Why... You didn't go to the Evergreen Forest, but came to the Church of the Sage to talk about it?"

  Going to the Evergreen Forest means communicating with the Twelve Churches, and coming to the Church of the Sages means communicating only with the Church of the Sages. Although the news will definitely be shared by the Church of the Sage after this, the meaning of the two is completely different.

"I am not trying to split your alliance. In fact, I am actually more willing to see the results of the joint meeting of the Twelve Churches than any of you. The reason I am talking to you is because only you have a candidate for the savior. So you are on par with us."

   This statement was accepted by Miss Bevanna and others, so Jenkins officially began to introduce the afternoon. He omitted the stories of Mr. Hood, Mr. Black Cat, and Hathaway, only telling the treasure and the difference engine, and detailed the battle between God and the difference engine.

"From a tactical point of view, of course, my lord won, and the opponent was seriously injured by a quarter of the core. But from a strategic point of view, there is no victory or defeat in this battle. You also know that at the end of the era, God should not be easy. To provide help to mortals, this time my master made a small loophole, and then it would be impossible.

   One blow did not completely destroy the machine, which is indeed something we did not expect. The strength of the opponent is unexpected, and the wisdom is beyond our mortals. Therefore, on behalf of the believers of lies, I formally make recommendations to the Orthodox Church..."

   Hearing him say this, the father and others all sat upright.

   "End your joint meeting as soon as possible, and then communicate with the secular kingship and hold final negotiations with us to determine the final savior.

   Now that machine is damaged, it can be foreseen that in a short week, we will usher in the final calm before the storm. It is better to use this time to carry out cooperative negotiations. As long as the negotiations can produce results, no matter who the savior is finally determined, it is better than a mess. "

   "When do you want to negotiate?"

"Next Mon."

Jenkins quickly gave the answer. At this time, just after he forced the queen to abdicate, even if he could not immediately grasp the power of the country, at least he was already a legal representative of Fedictelli, which would increase the final negotiation. A lot of convenience.

"We can't reply to you right away. I was a little too anxious on Monday. This is not only related to the church, but the three kingdoms also need to be prepared... This matter has to be discussed with the other eleven churches to have a result. We will soon Yes, but even if preparations are made immediately, negotiations will be next Wednesday at the earliest."

   "So I always hate complicated church structures."

   He sarcastically said that Miss Bevanna also wanted to ridicule the other party's order structure is too simple, but now the two sides are in a cooperative relationship, there is no need to fight for the tongue like a child.

  "Mr. Candle, we are very grateful to the God of Lies for helping people in the material world, and we are also grateful to you for being able to summon God to fight against the difference machine in such a period. The church will never forget these kindnesses.

   But when you are in the final negotiation, how many people will be present? This issue has an impact on the time and place of discussion and negotiation in the Orthodox Church."

   Dad asked again.

   Jenkins admired the profound meaning of this question. The old man is worthy of being an old man, and he easily used reasonable reasons to test the details of the believers of lies.

   But on the way he came here just now, he has thought out all the solutions, and this question has also been answered:

"In order to show sincerity to the Orthodox Church, all the savior candidates who belong to the church will attend. Therefore, we hope that Jenkins Williams can also appear in the negotiation. He must appear, otherwise the negotiation will be meaningless. "

Chapter 1954 Chapter 1925 The Last Peace

   "Of course, of course Jenkins will appear... How many savior candidates do you have?"

   Miss Bevanna asked again, thinking that the other party would pass vaguely, but she didn't expect to get the answer directly:

   "Twin demons, undead, real phantoms, stage of destiny, strangers, heroes."

   Although it was known that these identities belonged to believers in lies, they were finally officially recognized by the other party, which still made everyone in the Church of the Sages sigh for the injustice of fate.

   "So good, six people, right?"

   "It doesn't have to be six people."

   What Jenkins wants to express is that it may be a person, but Miss Bevanna, Daddy and the secret keeper all seem to understand that the other party thinks that there may be a seventh savior candidate who belongs to a lie believer.

   "How many souls did Jenkins find?"

   Miss Bevanna thought in her heart, with a smile on her face, without showing her anxiety.

   Before leaving, Jenkins asked about the sixth metal tower from the church. But the church has no findings worth emphasizing at the moment. It just talks about the guesses about the identity of each tower and the savior that may correspond to the world, and reminds the lie believers in front of them to never try to enter the tower again.

   But Jenkins knew about these things a long time ago, so it basically means nothing.

   It happened to be midnight when I got home, and I saw that the lights were turned off outside. So when I opened the door, I was very cautious. When I came to my bedroom on tiptoe, as expected, the cat that rushed upstairs a step ahead of time was "roaring" at the door with its teeth and claws.

   If the door is only blocking its entry, its action is to scratch the door, so the current action means that there are other people in the room.

   "Let me guess who is inside."

When    bent over and picked up the cat, he thought in his heart, when he put his hand on the doorknob, he had already guessed:

"I know that there are four ladies in the house, and the probability of being Julia is the least, Jessica...Although she invited her to the house during the day, she probably wouldn't take the initiative to run to my bedroom. So yes Is Britney or Hathaway?"

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