"I knew that the man I picked was definitely different."

   After bidding farewell to Britney, I immediately saw Captain Bincy, his team usually stationed in the church, today is to protect the bishop Parrod who is out, will appear here.

   "Something went wrong in the south of the city."

   The captain said straightforwardly.

   "What about the mechanization of corpses?"

   Jenkins stood by the window and looked outside. There was a heavy fog outside, which was quite abnormal. At least at the beginning of the speech, there was only a thin mist floating in the air.

"Yes, the cultists hid a large number of corpses in the slums in the south of the city. After the mechanized corpse curse broke out, a terrible army was quickly formed. The corpses should have been transported from outside, and deliberately avoided us. Investigation."

   "It's hard to deal with woven mechanized corpses?"

   "Mainly because it was in a densely populated area, and some of the corpses had extraordinary ability to manipulate metal machinery. But you don't need to worry, just give a speech here with peace of mind, and other people will solve these things."

   Jenkins nodded, and after watching Captain Bincy go to Bishop Parrod, he hesitated, did not return directly to the podium, but mixed into the crowd coming back from the bathroom from the main entrance, and sat beside Queen Isabella.

   That was originally the position of the old Duke of Madeleine. The Duke is too old to be sedentary. Now he is walking in the corridor accompanied by his servant.

  PS: Add more, please ask for a reward.

Chapter 1965 Chapter 1936 "Run Fast"

   "Jenkins, the speech is very good."

   Seeing Jenkins sitting down beside her, Queen Isabella did not look at him directly, but shook a small bottle under her nose on her own. This is not a snuff bottle, but some kind of aromatherapy, which Jenkins has seen others use.

   "Thank you."

   "Is there anything to do with me? The break is over."

   "I just didn't expect that I asked Mr. Mayor to block the city hall's action, but I didn't meet your opposition."

"You also do it for Nolan's sake, don't you? I probably belong to what you call a "smart man", so I can hear it out. What you are going to say next may impact the market order. You are right to do so. Don't let anyone reveal the news."

   It’s okay to walk out, after all, the “big dealer” on the market is Jenkins himself. The supply and working capital of tulips and bulbs are all in his hands. As long as he doesn't do anything, wanting to see a price collapse, it will definitely not be done in a few hours.

  Queen Isabella’s words are half-truths, but at least they are not lies. Jenkins looked at her suspiciously, but did not continue to inquire. Instead, he was ready to return to the podium in front and continue the content just now.

   Another series of explosions sounded from a distance. The first two sounds were faint, and only the gifted with good ears could hear it. But this explosion, as long as you calm down, everyone in the city hall can hear it.

   Jenkins squinted his eyes and looked in that direction. It was obvious that black aura was gathering. But because of the long distance, it was impossible to tell whether those auras belonged to mechanized corpses, or that something tricky had appeared.

   The explosion disturbed the people in the city hall, but because of the long distance, it only caused discussion and did not affect the continuation of the speech. It will take some time for the news of the church to come from afar, so Jenkins can only press down on the uneasy feeling in his heart and continue to speak on stage.

"Now we have learned about the abnormal'tulip mania' event that occurred in Nolan. This event can be simply divided into two parts. One is the abnormal increase in the price of tulips in the short term, and the other is the price deviating from its own value. , Becoming an appreciation product in the eyes of the public.

   At this last stage, tulips are no longer actually tulips, and people are buying an item that can appreciate in value. According to this logic, the ‘tulip fanatic’ can also become the ‘white rose fanatic’ or the ‘pinwheel chrysanthemum’ fanatic. The example I gave is not to illustrate that this phenomenon can be replicated, but to illustrate that tulips are actually not important in this incident.

   This is a terrible phenomenon. The short-term appreciation of a certain item does not even have much to do with itself. I know that there are some big businessmen among you. When it comes to this, some of you probably know what I want to say. "

   "You mean someone hoards a lot of tulip bulbs and then induces a price increase in the market, which will make a lot of money?"

   Someone shouted in the audience, this time it was not arranged by Jenkins. The person arranged by Jenkins has not had time to speak, but he originally intended to let people ask this question.

"No, no, no, I said that this is not driving up prices. Although it has the right ingredients, it is too simple to think about it. Besides, who would hoard tulip bulbs on purpose? Nolan itself is not the place where tulips are produced, and it is local. There are no giants in the flower industry either. But this line of thinking is correct. Some people have mastered a large amount of cherished supplies and raised the price of tulips in a way that is still unexplainable.

   But the unidentified person is not as simple as trying to make a fortune. When everyone in the entire city regards tulips as an appreciation item and invests excessive amounts of money to chase them, then in fact, it is equivalent to the people in the entire city tacitly raising the price of tulips, because people think The selling price must be higher than the buying price. "

   He wrote a few words on the blackboard on the back, and then greeted the commoners of various industries waiting in the audience to tell the story of their family and tulips. This is also a good person in advance, and before the start of the speech, Jessica has let them get rid of the tulip completely.

   Regardless of the ending of the speech, it has nothing to do with them.

   "The people behind the scenes are actually only involved in the early swelling. I bet that in the middle and late stages, that is, about two or three weeks ago, even the group of people can't control the price of the entire market."

   "How do you know that it is a group of people?"

   someone asked.

   "This is obvious. I don't think that one person can do so many things at the same time as shipping, monitoring market prices, and driving up prices. This must be a gang, and it is a very capable gang."

   Jenkins replied, seeing that no one continued to ask questions, he continued:

"This is an uncontrollable'game.' To use an inappropriate metaphor, the person whose identity we haven’t found out just ignited the fuse of the explosive. They knew it would cause an explosion, but they didn’t know how much it would explode. Violent. And all they have to do is to'run fast enough'."

   was trying to explain the meaning of "running fast enough" to draw out the consequences of the over-expansion of the tulip market, and suddenly saw someone gesturing to him in the last row of the lecture hall. That was the priest of the church, with Captain Bincy and his two team members standing beside him.

"Emergency situations?"

   Jenkins dubiously interpreted the meaning of sign language, and continued to say:

"Remember the'Fabry scam' some time ago? It was actually a similar technique. People kept putting money in to get more income. But before everything collapsed, they had to recover their investment, not Throw everything in and look forward to the next round of gains. This is what it means to run fast enough.

   Correspondingly, in the tulip mania, although the specific way to obtain benefits is the actual tulip. But according to the analysis just now, the current market price has exceeded the value of the tulip itself, making the tulip only a symbol of trade. In this incident, there is no difference in essence between the Tulip and the non-existent "Miss Fabry's Mining Intentions".

  Once it collapses, the consequence of the Fabry scam is that nothing can be obtained. The consequence of the tulip scam is that there are a bunch of flowers that cannot be sold. I think this is the same consequence. "

   The last passage immediately caused an uproar, and people looked at Jenkins, hoping that he would carry out further analysis. The speech here has completely mobilized people's enthusiasm and attention. But this was only the beginning. He had to thoroughly analyze his own practice, and then "Miss Fabry" appeared on the stage.

Chapter 1966 Chapter 1937 Human Body Puzzle

   Jenkins turned his head and patted his hand gently on the podium in front of him. Chocolate was shocked, and looked up at him with some dissatisfaction.

"Although they are similar, there is a big difference between the two. The big difference is that the consequences of the Tulip Mania incident are far greater than Miss Fabry's deception. The'Tulip Mania' may completely defeat a region. Economy and market, this is the content that must be paid attention to after financial reform..."

   Watching the people whispering in the audience, Jenkins raised his finger in the direction of Dolores:

"In order for us to better understand this Tulip Mania incident, it is better to review Miss Fabry's scam. I think in the previous speech, I missed some important content...Miss Stuart , Why don't you come to tell me about it. Yes, she is my student. During my stay in Roen, I established a good friendship with Princess Stuart, Dolores, come soon~"

   After finishing speaking, he ignored Dolores and the people's doubts, who was a little dazed, and he picked up the cat and walked out quickly through the side door of the lecture hall.

   The Captain Bincy who was waiting here one step in advance directly said the reason for the gesture:

   "Something went wrong, a very serious problem, something tricky appeared."

   "What kind of trick?"

   Since Captain Bincy interrupted the speech rashly, Jenkins must be involved in this matter.

   "Can't the church solve it?"

   He asked again before Captain Pennsey answered.

   "It's not an ordinary trick, it's A-08-1-0006."

  According to the general principle, particularly dangerous crooks are not necessarily numbered first, but the crooks with higher numbers are absolutely particularly dangerous or have extraordinary characteristics.


   Jenkins asked in surprise. After getting the definite answer, he immediately remembered what it was. At this time, Chocolate had already awakened from his drowsiness excitedly, as if he heard that he was about to eat:

"[Human Jigsaw]? How is it possible that this set of tricks has been contained and sealed long ago? I remember my father said that this is a trick with a unique nature. It was taught by the machine in the last epoch. Containment at a terrible price, now sealed in the underground of the Holy See of the Mechanical Church, no matter when, there will always be a holy son of the Mechanical Church guarding the seal."

   This can be regarded as the most dangerous trick in the material world. [Human Body Puzzle], as the name suggests, is a puzzle that can be used as a human body. This is not a two-dimensional paper puzzle, but a three-dimensional “puzzle” of metal pieces. The metal pieces that make up the puzzle are similar in shape to a regular triangular pyramid, but there are inward triangular depressions on each surface, and the material of the metal pieces is steel alloy.

  Because of the fragmentation of the metal pieces, different jigsaw puzzles can be used to piece together different shapes of human beings. The most basic characteristic of A-08-1-0006 [Human Body Puzzle] is that it has wisdom and can piece together itself.

   It can piece together the appearance of any humanoid creature it has ever seen. After the piece is successfully assembled, although it maintains a strange metal appearance, it has the same power as the prototype of the pieced humanoid creature.

   For example, if [Human Puzzle] witnessed Miss Bevana, then when it pieced itself into Miss Bevana, it would have the ability to teach the eighth-level demigods of the sage. If it had witnessed Miss Broniance, then the pieced human body would have the skills of a ninth-level prophet.

   The trickiest thing is that once witnessed, it is recorded permanently. In other words, A-08-1-0006 actually has a record of all the strong humanoid creatures it has witnessed from ancient times to the present.

   If this is the case, then the strongest state of [Human Jigsaw Puzzle] is just the humanoid son. The paradoxical power of magic replaced by the power of trickery can be defeated by gathering more sons in the material world.

   But the humanoids that can be pieced together by the puzzle include ABC humanoids. In addition, there is almost no time difference for the puzzle to change its image without being actively dispelled. Therefore, dealing with A-08-1-0006 [Human Jigsaw] is equivalent to dealing with most of the well-known humanoid tricks and extraordinary humanoids from ancient times to the present And Jenkins just heard of humanoid gifts.

   This is quite terrifying. Some single-individual tricks are very powerful, but they have targeted restraint methods. But when the tricks appeared one after another, the church simply couldn't come up with the means to deal with hundreds of tricks in just a few minutes.

  According to records, the Seventeenth Era defeated [Human Jigsaw] by relying on the means of the natural church. At the moment when the puzzle was trying to disperse and reorganize, the two holy sons of Nature Church consumed one gift C-02-2-0047 [Earth Roots] and two extraordinary B-01-1-8381 [Elves's Broken Arrow], B-01-5-0224 [Song of Nature], let the Broken Arrow carry the earth roots blessed by the song of nature and pierce into the metal gap.

   The growing roots temporarily blocked the closing of the puzzle, creating an unformed vacuum period of more than ten seconds, allowing the demigods of the Orthodox Church to disperse it again and again, and finally complete containment.

   This is all Jenkins knows about this trick. In his opinion, this kind of trick should be strictly guarded during the special period at the end of the epoch, and it should not be contained out of control.

"The Mechanic Church has confirmed that the A-08-1-0006 [human body puzzle] contained in their Holy See still exists. This is the news that came while I was waiting for you after I entered the lecture hall to confirm that you saw the gestures. ."

   "So, there is more than one A-08-1-0006 [Human Puzzle]?"

   Jenkins was surprised.

"No, there is indeed only one. The twelve churches have verified many times in the past. The [human body puzzle] that appeared in history is the same. replica."

   "Someone copied the trick? It's...oh, it's this thing."

   He stamped his foot to hint at the differential engine under the ground, and Captain Bincy nodded:

"The idea of ​​the secret guard has been supported by most people. One of the reasons is that there is a difference in the shape of the basic parts of the puzzle between the [Human Puzzle] that appeared in Nolan and the one contained by the Mechanical Church. Except for the triangular pyramid. In addition, there are some gear-like things in the puzzle. Also, the currently active [Human Puzzle], the simulated human demigod can reach the full strength of the opponent, but the simulated creepy and extraordinary things are always inferior to the prototype. powerful."

   "So there is a high probability that it is a copy?"

"Yes. But even the weakened version, according to its characteristics, this thing is not so easy to deal with. Now in the Evergreen Forest, in addition to leaving the fighting power to prevent the forest from being attacked, most of the demigods and sons have already participated in the battle. The demigod in the city church has not moved yet. The church is worried that the emergence of the [human body puzzle] is to induce the church to weaken the defensive power of the church, and the cultists may have another purpose."

   to inform Jenkins, naturally hope that Jenkins can join the battlefield. The method of defeating the [human body puzzle] in the last epoch can no longer be repeated. Although none of the three special items are unique, the church now has none of them.

   But this kind of thinking can be used for reference, and although the church does not have three objects, the current puzzle is not the one that can almost simulate the full strength of all the tricks.

Therefore, the church hopes that the [World Tree Seedlings] will be there, and use the World Tree seedlings’ powerful ability to manipulate plants, and cooperate with the objects similar to [Earth Roots] found by the Orthodox Church. There may be a small probability, which can be the same as the previous era Beat [Human Body Puzzle].


   Jenkins hesitated, not because he was greedy for life and fear of death, but he was sure that this method would never succeed. He had heard of C-02-2-0047 [Earth Roots] from the old elf. This gift actually has another name, which is [Old World Tree Root].

   One of the reasons why the elves left the material world was the decline of the original world tree. Before the race left, they only took away the active seeds of the World Tree, a part of the ordinary branches and bark, and the most dynamic branch that represented the essence of the World Tree.

   And the huge body of the World Tree, after the elf left, did not completely turn into gray. The remnants of the old World Tree, for various reasons, eventually turned into BC-type items, which also reflected the power of the World Tree.

   The roots of which were named by the church as [Earth Tentacles], which is actually because the church that originally named such objects was the Earth Church.

   It is impossible to find a substitute for the roots of the old world tree. Jenkins is very sure that no matter what substitutes, it is impossible to have the power of [earth roots].

The containment record of [Human Jigsaw Puzzle] learned from the old man, but it is very clear that even the roots of the world tree only existed in the gap of the puzzle for less than ten seconds, and the defeating puzzle was completed in the seventh second. After that, the divided jigsaw is still strangling the roots, and the two are almost gone.

   Sub-primary substitutes may not last for even a second, which has no effect on combat. Not to mention, the key to getting the tentacles into the gaps in the puzzle is B-01-1-8381 [Elves’ Arrow of Destruction], otherwise it is just roots and does not have the ability to penetrate the gaps in metal.

"The church knows how important your speech is and shouldn’t be interrupted, but the [human body puzzle] matter is very important. The church suggests that you suspend the speech or find someone to replace you. The church can help block the city hall before you come back. Before, no one wanted to leave."

  Of course, this approach is possible, but while Jenkins is away from the city hall, other serious problems will inevitably occur, and no one can guarantee that he can really solve the [human body puzzle] within an hour or two.

Chapter 1967 Chapter 1938 Chapter Jenkins' Mission

   The uncertainty of allowing Jenkins to leave the city hall temporarily is too high. For the church, even if it fails to get the throne this time, today, when the tower agreement is gradually invalidating, there are actually many opportunities. But what Jenkins cares about is divinity, the protagonist here is him, and no one can replace him.

   The church has also been forced to the extreme. No one would have imagined that something like the [Human Jigsaw Puzzle] would appear. This is one of the few crooks that can't be won by the accumulation of human resources.

   "However, this is also an opportunity..."

   Jenkins thought while touching the cat, he considered for a moment, and then said to Captain Pency:

   "Maybe, I have an idea."

   After talking about his thoughts with Captain Bincy, Jenkins turned around and returned to the lecture hall. I thought that letting the unprepared Dolores give a speech would make her very nervous. Unexpectedly, the princess played very well, and Jenkins even saw the expression of Salsh II in the audience with a very pleased expression.

When Dolores was in Luen, she had presided over the financial reform of the Kingdom of Hampavo for nearly half a year. In addition, she received various descriptions of the "Fabry scam" from Jenkins many times. The story is more exciting than Jenkins himself.

   Jenkins quietly found Hathaway who was sitting with Jessica and Britney while she was still talking, and then found Sigrid and gave them some tasks respectively.

   Then I found Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute who were protecting Jessica in the dark. These two came with the Grand Duke of Windsor. After all, Jessica was hiding in a carriage with Jenkins.

   did not let the two of them leave the city hall, after all, their main job was to protect Jessica. But Jenkins still made a request to Miss Magic:

   "It was originally for Alexia to do it, but now there is a trick in the city, I'm not sure if she will leave in a while, so it's up to you."

He handed out a handful of spiritual magnets, which were purchased at a high price, and they were all connected to the oil painting B-07-4-7711 ["Gathering in the Forest"] according to the ritual of last year for the transformation of Miss Magic for 8,000 pounds. Each piece has a projection function.

"You asked me to put these magnets in all corners of the lecture hall in an unobtrusive manner, and recycle them at the appropriate time? I also need to control the wind outside the windows, and reclaim what you lost at the side door of the lecture hall. This It's simple, no problem, but what are you going to do?"

   Miss Magic asked in surprise in the corridor.

   "Just do it, I promise it's not illegal."

   he promised.

   "Well, it's not difficult, but honestly, I think I'm now participating in a big event that can be included in a history book."

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