"Do you believe what a liar said?"

   Jenkins asked loudly, which caused a burst of laughter.

   "No problem, the Kingdom of Hampawo can join this initiative!"

   Salhi II said.

   "I can also join on behalf of Chesland."

   Nanguo’s heir said, the point is not what he promised, but what he represents. Moreover, he believes that Jenkins on the stage is the heir to Fidickettley, and that Fidickettley will join like Hampavo, so that he does not have to fight against the other two countries.

   Besides, a few weeks before the death of Takov, the proud father, he also said that he owed Jenkins a favor (contact the church to remove the curse chapter 1663).

   Seeing that both countries have expressed their views, representatives from the principality have also started to participate. After all, it is just a verbal promise, not binding, and now it seems that this is a pretty good initiative.

   Jenkins looked at Queen Isabella, who also looked at Jenkins, then the corners of his mouth quivered and said slowly:

   "Then Fedictelli, join this initiative."

   "Viscount, then give this initiative a name, tomorrow's newspaper headlines and future history will remember this scene!"

   The good people suggested this, and people also handed this right to Jenkins.

   Jenkins smiled and nodded. He already felt the power emerging from the depths of his soul, and now only needs the last step:

"I really want to make my name the name of the initiative, but I admit that I do not have such qualifications. This will make me very arrogant. Then, since this incident started with Tulips, why not, we will The proposal is named..."

   He hesitated, and shook his head:

"Miss Fabry is really a model of women of our time. Although she is lacking in morality, she is praised for her wisdom and courage. She is willing to be my opponent, and I am quite willing to be her opponent, but I don’t just want Just chasing her back...Since everything today started with her Fabry scam, today, she also explained the financial problems brought about by industrial development that we will face next.

So, it’s up to me, Jenkins Williams, to propose here that all countries join in a common initiative. When the believers of lies reappear, all countries will unite against the enemy and allow me as an old enemy of Miss Fabry to participate in the confrontation. in. This initiative was named the ‘Fabry Initiative’ to warn us of everything we have encountered. "

   hesitated, when the first applause sounded, people stood up and applauded.

   Everyone is looking at Jenkins on the stage, and Jenkins is also looking at them from the audience. The faint sunlight outside the window and the gas lamp on the wall illuminate his right face, and the chocolate standing on his left shoulder casts a shadow on his face.

   He raised his hands, smiled, and clapped, looking at everyone in front of him.

   The sea of ​​heart was inexplicably moist, and then the [lie] in the depths of the soul trembled slightly, and the new power that it had absorbed not only made the clergy and the soul more closely integrated, but also turned the wetness of the soul into droplets.

   The golden droplet fell from the sea above the sea. The bottom of my heart that was originally as calm as a mirror surface, followed by the falling of the "tick~" sound, a brief wave arose.

   Jenkins closed his eyes amidst the applause of the people, to prevent anyone from seeing the bright golden light that appeared in his eyes at this moment. This was not the first time to rely on himself to condense the divinity, so he was able to completely suppress the power that burst when the drop of divinity was produced under the eyes of everyone.

   But even so, the spreading aftermath still made the mortals who looked directly at him in front of him, creating a subconscious urge to worship him. Of course no one would do this, but Jenkins at this moment in their eyes, the sacred, tall, brilliant and magnificent image, but how can they not get out of their minds.

   Even if he is just standing, people subconsciously dare not look at him, dare not talk about him, dare not think about him. This also gave Jenkins a chance. The back of his hand was pushed back with his fingers. He obviously didn’t prepare any materials, but the silver cube was formed out of thin air. Each of the six faces represented Jenkins in addition to the [real phantom]. The patterns of the six savior emblems obtained sealed the new divine storage.

   The cat on the shoulder twisted his body, fixed himself on Jenkins with his paws, and pointed down at the same time, staring wide-eyed at the silver metal block in Jenkins's hands:


   The cat swore that she didn't want to do anything, and knew that this was something that could not be moved, so she just licked her paw to take a look.

Chapter 1980 The First Thousandth One Hundred One The Arrows Shot

   The metal block is too large to be directly inserted into the clothes in front of so many people, so it is temporarily held by Jenkins's lowered hands.

   The applause of the people died down after at least two minutes. Jenkins stretched out his hand to signal that people can sit down. Next, he will talk about the proper handling of Tulip Mania.

   At present, the price of tulips is still at a high level. Skillfully letting the price fall is the key to the complete removal of the whole thing. This is something related to the flower sellers. Jenkins intends to use the flower sellers' union to calm the aftermath of the tulips. This will kill two birds with one stone.

   At this time, the green light in the distance has reached its extreme, and the battlefield in the distance has reached its final moment.

   Sigridela fired her bow and arrow.

   Although bows and arrows, such as cold weapons that require training to be used, are rare in this era, as a gifter, especially a gifter of the Church of Nature, Sigrid of course has been trained in archery.

But she never thought that a bow could be so difficult to pull. B-01-4-7217 [Gravity of Falling Stars] is said to be a weapon from the star realm. It has been kept by the Church of Nature. In history, there was also Many people have used it, and some have even left it in the church of Nature Church in the form of oil painting together with this bow.

   But no one has ever complained that this bow is so difficult to use, so much so that Sigrid originally thought that the biggest difficulty he would encounter was that the arrows he shot could not hit the target.

At this moment, because the solar eclipse has not disappeared and under the gloomy sky, dozens of chains composed of pure golden magical spirits are intertwined in the block and imprisoned [human body puzzle], and come from the demigod level of the tree house. The heterogeneous blood-sucking species of the church have retreated steadily under the siege of the three demigods of the church.

   The demigod sounds terrible, and has also undergone mechanization, but after all, it is just a mortal thing. Compared with the [Human Puzzle], the demigod vampire species is not a threat at all.

   The appearance of [Human Jigsaw] at this time belongs to the trick A-12-3-3832 [Silent Murderer]. This is a kind of creepy creature with unique attack and damage abilities against humanoid creatures. It has special abilities such as space movement and phantom while wearing a headgear and does not speak. The weapon used is a silver sharp that seems to be able to regenerate continuously. Scalpel.

   In the state of crazy roaring with the headgear removed, the creepy creature possesses the above-mentioned characteristics while increasing the ability of immortality, mental impact, dreaming, hallucination, transformation, flying, energy release, poison gas barrier, etc., which exist specifically for killing people. In the silent state, you must kill to make the deceit disappear. In the non-silent state, the only way to kill is to be pierced into the heart by a silver weapon engraved with the sacred emblem of [End of Death].

   But for [Human Jigsaw Puzzle], the moment the weapon gets close, he can transform his shortcomings, so in fact this form has almost no weakness.

   But the inability to kill does not mean that there is no other way. Although the chains that represent the power of divine magic are suppressed by the solar eclipse, they are also suppressing the power of [Human Puzzle].

   The church and Sigrid said very clearly that the chain will fail after 23 seconds. It is conceivable that the human body puzzle will be deformed at that moment. What Sigrid needs to do is to turn the tangled cane into a tentacled, blessed by the song of nature [Elves’s Arrow of Destruction], and hit any of the human body puzzles at the moment of transformation in the twenty-third seconds. Location.

   The arrow that is about to be shot will determine the outcome of this battle that lasted for several hours. Sigrid has never been given such a great responsibility. Unlike Jenkins, although she is also a gift within the organization of the Orthodox Church, she definitely does not have the diverse and exciting experience of Jenkins.

   "Can I do it?"

   She stood on the top of the building two blocks away and asked herself while pulling her bow. Although the distance is a bit far away, Sigrid has the ability of [Eagle Eye (White Foundation)], so he can clearly see his goal.

   In order to protect Sigrid from the interference of the mechanized corpses during her archery, the church arranged for someone to protect her on the roof, including Alexia who had just arrived.

   After Jenkins pledged her identity for Alexia, she was regarded as a demigod in the Church of the Sages. Because of the relationship with Jenkins, of course no one came to protect Sigrid.

   Seeing Sigrid’s hesitation, Alexia asked quietly behind her:

   "Is it nervous? Don't worry, Jenkins is watching you."

   The bronze mechanical flying bird above his head was still hovering, and the church had also noticed this thing, but believers who thought it was a lie who had to mix everything were watching, so they didn't care.

   "Yes, although Jenkins said I can do it..."

   She tried her best not to look at Alexia behind her from the outside light, in order to maintain her concentration:

   "After all, I have never done such a thing."

   Someone is already counting the seconds behind him, which reminds Sigrid to seize a short time.

   The bow in his hand has the power of the star realm, calm and heavy, cold and without any temperature, just like the eternal star. And that arrow has a warm temperature, which is the temperature of the familiar spirit of life. For the sacrificial descendants of the World Tree, this temperature will never be wrong.

   This temperature can bring peace to a somewhat restless heart, but it is difficult for psychological effects to affect the current situation.

   Her body is glowing, emerald green light, arrows and canes are resonating with people. At this moment, a powerful force that had never existed before filled his body, and Sigrid immediately understood that this force could indeed defeat the enemy in front of him, provided that she could really shoot the arrow at the most suitable time.

   "It's okay, as long as you trust Jenkins and trust him, you will definitely succeed."

   Alexia said again, this sentence hides the deep meaning of Jenkins's identity, but unfortunately no one can hear it. So Sigrid sketched out Jenkins in his heart, but thought it was untrue.

   So, he sketched out the look of the black and white kitten on his shoulders that he had imagined, and Jenkins's appearance immediately became alive.

   She stared blankly in front of her, as if Jenkins was standing in front of her. But instead of concentrating the mind, it made the mind more tense.

   "Well, I'll help you."

   Alexia grabbed her hand from behind her, it was almost an embracing posture, but because Alexia was shorter, it didn't look very ambiguous.

The hand of the short lady caught Sigrid's hand that was holding the arrow, and then, with the light green spirit of life, it moved from Sigrid to Alexia like an infection. Body.

   When the Evergreen Forest was formed, Alexia was also present, and thus gained the ability to promote life. At this moment, based on this ability, it resonated with Sigrid. Although Alexia was not a seedling of the World Tree nor a descendant of the elves, he could still play some supporting roles.

   "Pay attention to the front and relax."

   She said, Sigrid tensed up, and then saw something strange appeared before her eyes.

   First, there is a constantly changing countdown in the upper right corner of the field of view. At this time, the count is 17. Immediately afterwards, a circle drawn by a thin red line appeared in the center of the field of vision. Then, four short lines centered on the center of the circle, extending up, down, left and right, but not in contact with the outer circle, appeared inside the circle.

   At the center of the great circle, which is the center of the broken line, a small circle appeared, and inside the small circle was a small cross.

   Sigrid tried to roll his eyes, and the strange thing stayed in the center of his vision.

"Don’t be nervous, I’m helping you aim. Inspired by Jenkins, I recently got a new idea. Oh, my basic skills are math and calculations, so I can help you with assisted shooting. Now I will focus my vision on the target, Then wait for the moment when the countdown reaches zero and shoot that arrow."

   The things that appeared in front of him were a bit magical. Although it was easy to understand, Sigrid was still distracted. When she woke up from thinking about the lady behind her, the reading behind her and the countdown in the corner of the field of vision had reached 3.

   She tensed the muscles of her arms and, as Sigrid said, aimed the cross in the center of her field of vision at the target two blocks away. Those golden chains have been shaky, and the human body puzzle is frantically struggling.


   Her right hand wants to move back a little bit to make the bowstring splay bigger. She thought that she would be restrained by Alexia, who was holding her hand, but she did not expect that the latter would almost work hard with her, and she felt that the other party seemed to be very familiar with her physical condition and powering skills.


   It’s too late to think so much, Sigrid dispelled the image of Jenkins with a cat in his heart smiling silly, holding his breath, his spirit followed his arm into the arrow and "roots". The resonance between the two parties produced some strange phenomena. Sigrid thought that at a certain moment, he saw a big tree, but no one else seemed to see it.


   The green light seemed to pierce the air with a huge spear that pierced through the air. The sharp sound of breaking through the air only lasted for a short period of time before abruptly stopped, followed by crazy howls and indescribable sharp metal scratches.

   This arrow used up all of Sigrid's strength. She didn't even look at the result. She put down the bow weakly, her legs were soft, but because Alexia was holding her back, she didn't fall down.

   "Probably succeeded, right?"

   she asked tiredly.

   "Of course it succeeded. In fact, according to my calculations, the probability of failure is about the same as that of Jenkins."

   Someone offered water. After Sigrid reached out and took it, he passed the bow in his hand to Miss Bennett, and then prepared to leave the roof with Alexia.

   "He has always been very confident in you. You have to be more confident. In this way, many things that have not been done before can be achieved."

   Sigrid thought he had heard the extraneous sound, but soon thought that he was mad. She barely maintained this smile and stepped onto the steps with Alexia, with anxiety and expectations for the future in her heart.

   But no matter what, at least the immediate matter has been resolved.

  PS: The original plan was for Jenkins to shoot this arrow from a long distance through the vision sharing of the bronze bird in the city hall. After thinking about it, there was no need to do this at all. He was too busy in the city hall and there was no need to worry about other things. Besides, the other girls have to have a role, or they will become vases.

Chapter 1981 Chapter 1952 Heirs

   Jenkins is looking forward to condensing two drops of divinity in one day, but it is a pity that he thinks too simple. The tulip incident successfully catalyzed the divinity from lies, but in order to calm the high prices of tulips and make the high flower prices a successful "soft landing", he proposed the organization of the Flower Selling Women’s Guild and provided special funds for flower sales. Women receive professional training to at least make them literate.

   This is a good thing that benefits all flower girls, and it can also make this profession more formal, instead of being associated with an ancient profession.

   His proposal was supported, and most of his requests were approved by the people. But it is a pity that this is not enough to allow [the guardian of the flower girl] the priesthood to condense divinity. The cohesion of divinity is not so simple and can be achieved. The production of lie divinity actually starts from the Fabry scam, and until today, let Jenkins use the scam to finally realize the reform of the world’s fiscal and banking industry. , Has a real impact on the direction of history.

   And the issue of the flower girls is still just a proposal. Maybe it will take a long time to reap the rewards until all the goals are fully realized, a new order is established, and a real happy life is established for them.

   Jenkins is not disappointed. A drop of divinity is better than no drop. He is not greedy. So at the end of the speech, after announcing his follow-up handling of the Tulip incident to the audience, it finally came to another important topic of today.

   The women's pocket watch on the podium shows that it is still 17 minutes before 12 noon. According to Nolan's habit, lunch time has actually come. But because of the wonderful performances of Jenkins and Miss Fabry just now like an opera, people did not realize that time flies so fast.

   Seeing that Jenkins's topic is all over, many people have begun to think about what to do next. Jenkins coughed, Hathaway and Britney in the audience immediately became nervous, and Dolores in the first row leaned forward slightly, and Sarhi II next to her stared at Queen Yi with her leftover light. Sabella, the latter squinted her eyes slightly as if she was sleeping.

   After all, he is already very old, and the whole morning's concentration consumes too much energy of the old man.

   "Then apart from tulips, there is one last thing before the end of today's speech."

His voice did not pull most people's thoughts from thinking about the next few hours. Now that the topic of tulips is completely over, people don’t think there will be anything next. Female union donations" are almost boring.

"The last thing, I noticed that the Three Kings talks have been going on for a month now. Many things on the agenda have reached preliminary agreements. The Three Kings talks will end soon. I remember that Iraq Your Majesty Sabella once said one thing, and probably you have also heard of it. She wants to announce her heir after the Three Kings talks..."

   The people who had become disoriented because of the end of the speech, looked up at Jenkins neatly like puppets. This turning point is really too abrupt, he didn't have any foreshadowing, and directly brought out the topic.

   Jenkins blinked and looked at Queen Isabella, who was sitting in the first row. The latter seemed to be drowsy as if he hadn't heard what was just now.

   Queen Isabella did not speak, and Jenkins did not speak. Gradually, annoying whispers spread throughout the lecture hall. But everyone paid great attention to lowering their voices to prevent key conversations from not being heard for a while.

There is a conflict between Jenkins and Queen Isabella. In fact, few people know that, even the nobles of their own country, most people think that the descendants of the Middleton family must be the next king, because no one is more than Jenkins. qualified.

   But this abrupt sentence indirectly explains some interesting questions. More importantly, speaking up this topic openly on such an occasion, and then contacting the current status of the city hall is now blocked, this has to remind people of what Jenkins intends to do.

   Some people want to get up and leave here. This kind of thing is not just casual to watch the excitement; some people sit in their seats and look forward suspiciously, thinking about what is going on now. But more people are waiting and watching. It is possible to start directly on this occasion, but the current state does not seem to be a good time to break the peace and leave directly.

   "Viscount William, please keep your respect to your majesty."

  Neither side spoke, so the Duke of Rochester stood up and reprimanded.

   "Sit down, what does this matter have to do with you? Do you want to be a king too?"

   This is a very serious accusation, but the Duke will not be easily pushed back by such words:

   "Oh, Viscount William, can I understand that you want your Majesty to recognize you as the heir now?"

   He ignored Jenkins's problem at all and pointed directly to the core of the matter.

"I just want to let your majesty admit this in advance. After all, when he had dinner with me half a month ago, he mentioned that he would choose me as the heir (referring to the'will' during the dinner poisoning incident). And now three The meeting between the kings is indeed coming to an end. I think this occasion is very suitable. The royal families and nobles of various countries are all present, which is very convenient.

   After all, is there someone more suitable than me? "

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