Probably at this time, Protoss Rakul said such a long thing at once.

   Jenkins fell into deep thought. Indeed, the current King Soul possesses extraordinary powers because of the nourishment of legends and the transformation brought about by the growth of the race. But the ancient humans who initially wanted to forge racial myths certainly did not intend to wait for more than a dozen epochs to gain this power.

   In that case, the so-called King Soul...

   He raised his head to look at Protoss, Protoss smiled at him.

   "The essence of the power of the king's soul is actually... faith?"


   Chocolate stared at the badly colored flame in Jenkins's hand, wondering if he would have a chance to take a sip.

   "Wait, if the essence of the king's soul is belief? Then this thing...isn't it a priest? Is it a racial priest, a **** of humanity?"

   I want to be speechless when I say it.

   "Of course not. You are a god. Does a **** depend on faith for power?"

   Protoss shook his head, and Jenkins just wanted to understand that the gods of this world are already part of the rules of the world, and they are not the only "beliefs" or "incenses" that depend on mankind in the various legendary novels he reads.

   "In other words, becoming a king and mastering the ruling power of the human population is only part of the success. I still need to rely on the beliefs of all mankind to achieve the tempering of the king's soul?"

   The Protoss still didn’t speak, but Jenkins knew he had guessed it correctly:

"The uncrowned king is essentially a powerful individual enshrined under the common belief of the human population. It is a powerful man cultivated by the power of a race. But this is not right. In this way, is this ability a bit too powerful? Now, human beings are The leader of the material world, gaining the faith of all mankind, is not the same as gaining the faith of the whole world?"

   The protoss is still smiling, and the chocolate is still guessing the taste of the flame.

"No, although it looks powerful, the conditions for obtaining are quite demanding. This should be similar to the mad poet’s [Son of Disaster] or my [World Tree Sapling]. Even the savior who is born with this ability only has mastered it. The prototype of the ability. To obtain the final form, there are many tests to complete. So, although it looks powerful, it may die before the ability is formed."

   wants to understand this, and also understands what I have to do:

"The forging of the king's soul has actually been completed. What is needed next is the final step of'tempering'. I want to become a leader of human beings in the true sense. At least for a certain moment, everyone in this world will have their eyes projected. In my body. The uncrowned king, the uncrowned king, the crown is not important, the important thing is race status.

   In fact, the name of the ability suggests right from the beginning, the throne is not important, what is important is the real status. "

   He continued to talk to himself, the cat yawned boredly and smashed his mouth, feeling that he was looking forward to lunch. Knowing that he had no chance to taste the flame, his eyes left Jenkins's hand, and he accidentally noticed that the Protoss was looking at it, so he raised his little paw and waved to the Prosperity as a greeting.

   Just as Jenkins guessed, forging with a hammer is no longer effective. The final formation of the king's soul requires belief. So after sending the Protoss away and waiting for the end of the time specificity, he could only regret to announce to everyone that he did not qualify for the [Uncrowned King].

   But at the same time he showed the mottled flames, claiming that he fully understood how the last step should be taken. He needed a highly anticipated opportunity, and it just so happened that this opportunity was not long after that, at the meeting that decided the final battle.

   The church probably had long thought that things would not be so simple, so although disappointed, no one said anything. After everyone dispersed, Jenkins found his father alone:

   "Do you know the basic ability of [Four Seasons]? When forging the king's soul, [Cycle] is automatically upgraded."

   This is another lie.

   "Four seasons? Is there such an ability?"

   The erudite dad shook his head:

"I have never heard of it. The ability to use this kind of vocabulary as the name of the ability will definitely not be forgotten once I have heard it. Since I don't know, no one else in the church of the sage will know about it. Go and ask. Fortuneteller."

  Papa pointed to the woods to one side, Miss Broniance and Miss Audrey were waiting for him.

Chapter 2010 Chapter 1980 The Day of Destiny Selection

  Miss Bronie Anse came to the Evergreen Forest to watch Jenkins forge the King's Soul, but in fact she didn't see anything like the others. As usual, Jenkins first greeted her train travel situation, and then talked about the situation in the eastern suburbs not long ago. Fortunately, Miss Bronie Anse had diagnosed the seal of the old shrine in the desert in the middle of the mainland, otherwise the church might not have been. Opportunity to re-seal the cloud whale beast.

   The monster has been re-transported to the desert in the middle of the mainland. The church was originally worried about the difference opportunity to get rid of it, but the other party was probably badly injured by the **** of lies, so it did not attempt to attack the cloud whale beast again.

   After these polite greetings and greetings were over, he also asked that question:

   "Do you know [Four Seasons]? This is a basic ability, evolved from [Circulation]."

  Miss Audrey shook her head first, and Miss Broniance shook her head after thinking for a while:

   "This sounds like an ability used by natural believers. You may be able to ask about it at the Natural Church."

   She pointed.

   Jenkins planned to go to Sigrid for a while to ask about the situation. Before he could ask about the preparations for the divination ceremony of the black tower, Miss Broniance asked with a smile:

   "Just now you absolutely didn't tell the truth. The savior's ability cannot be obtained by active pursuit. Now you are not in a hurry. It is the original plan to think about it, and you can achieve your goal."

   Jenkins didn’t need to lie to the two fortune-tellers in front of him. He also nodded honestly, so he thought of another thing:

"The Epic of Time predicts that nine saviors will be born in this epoch, and now the [Uncrowned King] is basically no problem. Then, has the Epic of Time indicated the last qualification that symbolizes destiny? Oh, I don’t have any. Other meanings are just curious."

   Miss Audrey glanced at the teacher. The two had discussed this issue before, but the ninth-level fortune-teller did not intend to tell Jenkins directly that she believed that everything starts with fate and ends with fate is the most reasonable:

   "Actually, the first savior ability indicated by the epic of time is the ability to represent destiny."


   He thought of it immediately. Miss Windsor once mentioned that in the possibility of her location, most of the savior's abilities can be found to belong to, but the ability to represent the purple destiny is still unclear. This may also be part of the destiny itself, to prevent Jenkins from having the opportunity to "cheat" through the treacherous realm to learn about the savior.

   "Fate is truly impeccable."

   he sighed, and then asked:

   "So, is there any clue about that ability?"

   Miss Audrey looked at Miss Broniance, seeing that the teacher didn’t mean to speak, she hesitated and said:

   "According to the records of [Epic of Time], where destiny returns, all power will be assembled. Ta will appear in a way that no one can think of. This is destiny joking with the world."

   These words don't understand the meaning at all, and Jenkins doesn't think much about it at all. After going through so much, he already knew that the more he wanted to grasp, the more he couldn't grasp it. And the savior ability, sooner or later, will naturally appear by his side.

   Although there is not much time left, since the differential engine can raise two towers a day, he may also be able to gain two abilities a day. Moreover, even if the last ability does not belong to him, it doesn't matter. He has almost done everything he can. It would be ridiculous if the eight savior abilities can't beat one.

  Miss Bronie Anse’s divination ceremony for the Black Tower is still being set up. Today is Tuesday, and she will not be able to complete the preparations until Thursday at the earliest.

   The progress of the negotiation meeting organized by the church is very fast. Now the three kingdoms have agreed to join this final negotiation. At the joint meeting of the 12 churches, the charter for negotiating with the believers of lies is basically drawn up.

   The negotiation meeting was preliminarily determined to be on Friday. This was the result just obtained. Therefore, before the sun rose before the lie believers had left, there was no time to tell him.

   But that’s okay. In this meeting, all the false gods that appeared in Nolan will get invitations, and attending as bystanders, the power of these people is also very useful. Lie believers are well-informed people, and the church believes they will know.

   In addition to the final confirmation of the negotiation, the church seems to be planning to use that day to arrest the cultists in the city as much as possible, but this is still a plan, and Jenkins has not heard much news.

   "Speaking of which, Jenkins, when is your first anniversary as a gifter?"

   Before Jenkins bid farewell to the two fortune-tellers, Miss Broniance asked suddenly. Jenkins always remembered that day because he thought it was his birthday in this world:

   "I remember this Sunday clearly. What's wrong?"

   He thought they were going to give him a gift, but on second thought, this does not seem to be an anniversary worth giving gifts.

   "This is a very special day for the giver, you have to be prepared."

   "What are you ready?"

   Miss Bronie Anse blinked:

   "I don't know, but it must be meaningful."

   Fortune-tellers have always liked to guess riddles with others. Even the students of their own students should use the way of guessing riddles to give hints. Jenkins didn't understand. Seeing that they didn't continue to explain, he also knew that it was probably not important.

   So I said goodbye to them, and then found Sigrid who had not left yet, and asked about [Four Seasons]. Sigrid certainly didn't know, but she thought Miss Bennett, the son of their church, probably knew.

  Miss Bennett was not on duty in the Evergreen Forest on Tuesday, and she did not join in the fun to watch the forging of the king's soul. This lady is in the city now. The Church of Nature didn't give her any task, but asked her to stay in the city and do whatever she could. To prevent accidents in the city at any time, she needed a demigod-level combat power to be present.

   If it were not for Nolan’s frequent accidents, this would probably be the best job.

   Jenkins and Sigrid went into town in a carriage together, chatting about various things along the way. In the meantime, Jenkins also mentioned that his family would move to Beldiran after the incident, so he asked Sigrid about his future plans.

   "I heard that you rarely discuss the future because it is very unlucky."

   She said with a smile, this was probably heard from Dolores, and Sigrid is responsible for most of the connection between Her Royal Highness and the Nature Church:

   "So, what do you want me to do in the future?"

   She asked Jenkins, and Jenkins smiled:

"It's better to go to Beldiran. Both Robert and Mary will go. Newman will find a new job at Beldiran's university. John will definitely follow them to Beldiran to study. I think if you can also go to Beldiran. They will be very happy if they settle down and visit at home often."

  PS: In order to thank all readers for their strong support in 2020, starting from 19:00 (inclusive), one chapter (2K) will be updated every hour until 24:00 on the New Year's Eve, a total of 6 chapters 1w2 will be added.

   Ask for votes at the end of the year, and thank you again for your support over the past year.

The first thousand and eighty-first chapters of the 2011 season control the season (plus 1/6)

   "Is it just that? Because they will be happy, so you invited me to settle in Beldiran?"

  If it were before, Sigrid would definitely not be able to ask such a question, but the arrow shot against [Human Puzzle] on Sunday gave her more courage, so even if her ears were hot, she still asked.


   was put on the lap by Jenkins, the cat lying on his stomach knew what the writer was going to say even if he didn't open his eyes.

   "Of course, I also hope you can go to Berduran."

   Chocolate opened its eyes, which it did not expect. It thought Jenkins would say "Oh, and Hathaway and the others would be very happy too."

   "Then, why do you want me to settle in Beldiran?"

   Sigrid fluffed his hair, and some red ears came out.

   Jenkins stared at her earlobe for a few seconds:

   "Because the Cold Spring Palace is too big, I think it will be just right for you to live in. I promise that no one else will live in in the future."

   Sigrid's face turned red, and Chocolate immediately stood up and looked up at Jenkins, worried whether he was possessed by something strange.

   "Be careful to fall off."

   pushed the cat back up, and Jenkins asked again:

   "Then do you think this is okay? Come with us, no, as a family, live in Cold Spring Palace together."

   In order to show reservedness, Sigrid paused for a few seconds before biting his lip and nodding slowly. She lowered her head, feeling her face flushed, but she couldn't restrain the smile on the corner of her mouth.

   Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief, now the decisive battle is coming, no matter what the result is, he doesn't want to leave any regrets. He could almost see the attitude of the ladies in the family towards Sigrid, and he himself had a great affection for this distant relative who was outside the blood of four generations.

   Speaking at this moment, it seems that a thought has been removed from the heart, and the whole person has become happy.

   Now the family affairs and relationship issues have almost been dealt with. He hopes that before that meeting, he can gather the family (including cats) to take a group photo or ask someone to draw an oil painting.

   His own [read writing] can do it, but he hopes to use ordinary means to leave a memory and picture. This is the most precious gift he can get in this world.

   Although Miss Bennet allowed to do anything in the city, she did not give herself a holiday for this, but was a guest in the church of the Dark Night and the Hidden Church.

   Compared to Nolan’s other churches, Jenkins does not come here often. The church is not in the city center, but close to the embankment near the river in the north of the city.

   Although it is said to be an embankment, it is actually just a street by the river. The scenery here is quite good, the church is facing the wide river, and you can see different scenery in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

  Miss Bennett knows [Four Seasons] this ability, and confidently told Jenkins that even now Nolan, few people can answer this question:

   "Are you saying [Four Seasons] evolved from other abilities? This is very interesting. We always thought that this ability can only be acquired innately."

   Everyone was talking in the reception room of the Dark Night Church, Jenkins blinked:

   "Innately acquired?"

   "Yes, all known owners of the [Four Seasons] ability have acquired the world's gift ability [Four Seasons] at the same time as they become the bestowers."

  Except for Jenkins, people in this world will immediately acquire two abilities after becoming a gifter. One is the world gift ability, most of which are white basic types, and the other is the soul origin ability, which is related to the characteristics of the gifter.

"It is not only the believers of our Lord that it is possible to have this ability, but most of the owners of the ability are the believers of our Lord. But somehow, in the Eighteenth Century, this ability appeared very rarely. As of now, I I have seen no more than ten records. In the data of the previous period, there are hundreds of records just retained.

   Well, it is generally believed that this is caused by the inconsistency between the development of civilization and the theme of the epoch. Some of us have specially studied this, trying to summarize the influence of the era on the extraordinary by counting the abilities of those different epochs with very different frequencies.

   This is a very important subject. Unfortunately, due to insufficient data, the current research has not made much progress, but a lot of funds have been swallowed. "

   While she was talking, she nodded. Seeing Jenkins still looking at her, she remembered the question she should answer:

  "Yes, the effect of [Four Seasons].

   This is a very powerful ability, and its effects are divided into active and passive parts. The passive effect is that in different seasons, different types of enhancements can be obtained respectively. In the spring, the green life abilities of the ability holders are enhanced, the red fighting abilities in summer are enhanced, the yellow spells abilities in autumn are enhanced, and the white basic abilities in winter are enhanced. "

   has no enhancement effect on the four types of black sacred, golden magic, blue alien, and purple destiny. This is probably because these four types are very special and not as versatile as the first four.

   "I don't know the effect of the enhancement, you can experience it yourself. As for the active effect,'s hard to explain, wait a minute, I want to think about how to express.

   Jenkins nodded, then looked at Sigrid beside him. The latter was peeling oranges. Seeing Jenkins looked at her, he handed him the peeled oranges. Jenkins took the orange, and the cat who was not interested in the fruit in other people's hands immediately became interested in the fruit. Seeing Jenkins playing with the cat, Sigrid smiled.

   Miss Bennet looked at the interaction between the two, her expression was startled, and then she showed a soft smile.

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