No, it's the second largest, and the biggest reliance is that drop of divinity.

  Compared with the progress of scholars, the divination ceremony of Miss Broniance was not so smooth. After quietly leaving from the mansion where Salsh II stayed, Jenkins took advantage of the hazy night before going to the tower first, but the ceremony was still going on, and Miss Audrey was still standing outside the square, just like Jenkins last night. After leaving, she did not change her position at all.

  After a night of hard work, only a short prophecy has been obtained so far:

   "The day when the dream wakes up, when the bell rings."

   Miss Audrey told Jenkins that the ceremony was not over yet, and to this extent, it had reached a critical point. In the negotiations a few hours later, Miss Broniance will certainly not be able to attend, but she will be there at that time.

   She repeatedly reminded Jenkins not to be late, and repeatedly told him to carefully examine every word she wanted to say.

   There is no problem at all. After taking a rest in Alexia last night, Jenkins has carefully read every word of those documents in the astral world, knowing the bottom line and highest demands of the church. In the negotiation, he is equivalent to knowing all the details of his opponent and himself. In this case, he can't figure out how to lose.

   Because it was still early, Jenkins went home next. When I got home, the sky was already dark, but all the ladies at home had already sat at the dining table and were ready to have breakfast.

   "It was pretty good last night, right?"

   Hathaway did not forget to tease.

   Jenkins grabbed the newspaper and sniffed, and did not comment on this sentence:

"I plan to take a family portrait with the whole family after today’s affairs are over. The time is late in the afternoon, and tomorrow is too late, which is Saturday. Just wear ordinary gowns. The church has already contacted the photographer and took the photo in the church. ."

   "Who will be in the family portrait?"

   Britney asked.

"On the night I went to Privet Road for dinner, the night Jessica arrived home, all the girls present. Yes, including chocolate. It is an important member of our family. Oh, Julia, please don’t Wear a maid’s costume and a formal dress."

   He stroked his cat, and the cat showed a pleasant expression.

   "I will wear the dress-style maid outfit that I used to accompany the princess to the banquet."

   said the maid stubbornly.

   "So, Sigrid is included in the family who took pictures?"

   Hathaway raised the tea cup and asked, Jenkins blinked:

"Yes it is."

   "I knew he would be like this."

   Britney half complained to Julia, they had already guessed that Jenkins would be like this.

   Today’s weather is not good. When he returned home, Jenkins realized that the wind was a bit strong. These winds did not take away the dense fog over the city, but instead brought a large cloud of rain.

   When the family was eating, the raindrops were already knocking on the windows. Standing on the dining table with chocolate ears and looking out the window, the chocolate seemed to have suddenly become interested in the rain.

   "It doesn't seem to be the sound of rain."

   Hathaway moved her ears and reminded that as a believer in the **** of music, her hearing ability is much better than that of Jenkins in a mortal state, even though there is a level difference between the two.

   Jenkins turned his head when he heard the words, and then saw a small girl with thin wings like cicada wings, probably smaller than chocolate, beating the glass outside the window.

   She has long black hair that is supple and waist-length. She has a fair complexion and a delicate face. She is wearing a light blue dress. Even with a leaf on his head, the clothes are already soaked. But fortunately, the rolled paper on the back is still dry, at least for now.

   held the stalk of the leaves in his right hand and put the leaves on top of his head, clenched his small fist in his left hand, and slapped the window hard, speaking with his mouth closed and closed, but his voice was completely covered by the sound of rain. Seeing that Jenkins noticed her, there was a surprised expression on his face, and he gestured with his left hand not knowing what he wanted to express. But seeing the cat standing up on the dining table, he immediately stepped back, probably frightened by the cat.

   "Ha, it's the little fairy in the book! (Chapter 1240

   Jenkins has encountered many goblins so far, most of them are beautiful and full of maliciousness, and a few are neutral but have exceptionally unpleasant characters.

   But this one is a friend of Jenkins. She was originally a soul born in the [Book of Hearts]. Under the guidance of Jenkins, she understood who she was, and gained freedom as a different species of [Goblin in the Book].

   It was this little fairy who gave Jenkins a hint, letting Jenkins know clearly for the first time that his ultimate enemy is a differential engine. At first, he thought that the fairy would follow him from now on, but the other party said that he would swear allegiance to Jenkins after everything was over.

   Chocolate tilted his head and stared at the goblin outside the window, and Jenkins immediately understood what the cat was thinking. Although it is timid, it is especially fond of bullying creatures that are smaller than it and look docile, such as rabbits and squirrels.

   In other words, Jenkins thinks that his cat bullying and afraid of hardship is very obvious.

   patted the chocolate on the head, reminding it that this is not food, don't hold the thoughts that it shouldn't have. Then he got up and went to the window and pushed the window open, letting the little goblin flap its wings and fly into the house.

Chapter 2024 Chapter 1994 The Day of Negotiations

After    flew in, the little fairy shook his body politely on the window sill, as if worried that the water on his body would drip on the floor. But it's a pity that fairies are not cats and dogs, and they can't shake the water away with such a simple action.

"it does not matter."

   Jenkins shut the wind, fog and rain out of the window and said, stretched out his hand to let the flame surround the fairy and dry the rain on her body.

   I haven't seen it for a long time, the fairy doesn't seem to have changed at all, the same costume is the same size, the same paper is behind it, and even the aura hasn't changed a bit.

   She flew to the table carefully, avoiding the cat who was standing in front of the plate and looking at her, and then raised her head to say hello to Jenkins who walked back to the table:

   "Long time no see, sir, good morning."

   Hathaway probably encountered creatures like fairies before, and she was surprised but not surprised at this moment. But ordinary people Britney and the low-level gifter Julia have never seen a goblin. The two behaved very reserved, but they couldn't hide the curiosity of this small and beautiful creature in their eyes. Jenkins gave a little introduction. Her identity.

   And when Jenkins mentioned that this was his friend, the goblin panicked and said that he had no such honor.

   She also briefly talked about her own experience in the past six months, probably traveling around the mainland, searching for favorite knowledge in various libraries. Occasionally seen by people, it will become a new legend.

According to her, she had searched for the Seven-Colored Ice Lotus with the natives who could not speak lingua franca in the ice field in the extreme north; while resting in an extinct volcanic crater in the open sea, she saw a rare dragon whale; In the Southern Forest, she traveled with the fairy in the book of the same family and a talking parrot, but afterwards she separated from her two companions because of different destinations.

   "Talking parrot...I don't know if it is a rare alien creature or a numbered item."

   The little fairy named herself during the trip. She told Jenkins, Winnett, and hoped that Jenkins could call her by this name in the future.

   "So, why are you coming back this time?"

   It took a long time to come up with this topic. The little goblin Vinet was very excited to tie it behind her back. For humans, it was just a page, but to her, it was like a huge scroll of paper.

This piece of paper is the leftover page of her body [Book of Heart], and the Book of Heart is part of the legendary gift [Book of All Things]. The Book of All Things has the same importance as the [Epic of Time]. status. According to the legend, [The Treasure Book of All Things] [Epic of the Years] and all the impermanence cards of Vientiane are composed of books representing impermanence and all things, which are the first three books in the world.

   "I have traveled outside for a long time, and I have recovered some of the power I lost in the past. I can read the signs of the past, present and the future, so I think it is time to come back and help you."

   Little goblin Vinet flushed with excitement.

"help me?"

"Yes, sir."

   The fairy bent over and spread the sheet of paper on the dining table, but no one could understand what the inexplicable symbols above meant.

"I foresee that the calamity at the end of this era will be stronger than ever. Because the savior is too powerful, so in order to balance, the calamity will also be very powerful. You need help, and your strength is both. Including your own strength, the strength of the people who are attached to you, and your strength. So I am back."

   said, the little fairy straightened up and bowed to Jenkins:

   "Sir, I will be your sword in the future catastrophe...short dagger, please allow me to follow you for some time to come."

   Despite saying this, the race of "Goblin in the Book" itself is not known for its powerful combat effectiveness. Even though Vinette was born out of ordinary, the [Book of Heart] gave her a powerful force different from that of her clan, but relatively speaking, the little fairy is still not a very powerful combat power.

   is probably better than low-level benefactors like Julia, Dolores, and Jessica, but not to mention whether it can defeat Hathaway head-on compared to the legendary ancient silver dragon.

   But now every power is precious, and what Jenkins lacks is not just combat power. He happily welcomed the arrival of the little fairy Vinette, and allowed her to live in the house directly.

   "But I want to be able to follow this lady."

   Jenkins pointed to Britney, who was confused and pointed to himself, confirming that Jenkins was right, and after getting an affirmative answer, a happy expression appeared on his face.

   "I hope you can protect her. This is the first task I assigned to you, okay?"

   "Of course no problem, sir!"

   She retracted her paper, flapped her wings and flew to Britney's shoulder, Britney also looked at her with a sideways smile. Jenkins immediately thought of the creatures that would stop on his shoulders around him, and in contrast suddenly felt that cats might not be very docile pets.

  Chocolate looked up at Jenkins, and then continued to look at the little fairy with dangerous eyes.

   "So, do you know, when will the big guy under our feet get into trouble?"

   "Within a week."

   "I mean..."

   "Yes, sir. The final battle will happen within seven days."

   The arrival of the ninth-level fortune-teller, the silver dragon and the princess, and the goblins in the book seems to herald the day of the decisive battle. Jenkins didn't have many friends in other places, and almost all of them gathered in Nolan at the moment. It can be said that at this moment, he is already the most powerful in a mortal state.

   Jenkins plans to let the goblin meet Alexia, which may be able to further help Alexia. But today's top priority is to participate in negotiations.

   This negotiation is not in any official written record. In theory, unless a paper document similar to the "Tower Agreement" is formed, the public will never know everything about this meeting.

   Hathaway will participate in the negotiation as a representative of the Music Church, while Julia and Britney are arranged by Jenkins to stay in the Sage Church for the time being today.

   As for the location of the negotiation, it was not arranged in the Evergreen Forest, but in the Church of the Sage in the city center. This in itself represents the compromise of the other eleven churches to the Church of the Sage, but this is also no way. After all, the only savior that belongs to oneself is in the Church of the Sage.

  The rain is getting heavier and heavier. In order to avoid suspicion, Jenkins did not leave with Hathaway but took a step by himself. Julia and Hathaway would be picked up.

   The church was worried that Jenkins would be late, so it had arranged a carriage waiting for him. There was a nervous dad in the car. After Jenkins got on the wagon, Daddy kept checking his old-fashioned pocket watch, as if he was afraid that he would miss the time.

Chapter 2025 Chapter 1995 Decoy Plan

   "Aren't the negotiations scheduled to start at ten o'clock? It's only seven o'clock, and we still have a lot of time."

   Jenkins tidyed up his collar. He didn't like corset suits, but the ladies who chose his clothes liked them.

   "Do you think we will have a safe journey?"

   "Of course... daddy, what do you mean?"

   Dad hummed:

   "This negotiation will definitely be blocked by the cultists. You should have heard that the church intends to wipe out the cultists entrenched in Nolan."


   "That's why I have to take advantage of this opportunity."

   "You mean, can we be the bait?"

   Then he understood.

"Don't say it so bad, and we are just one of the decoys. The church predicts that there is a high probability that we will encounter obstacles. That's why we have to start early and say that we know what will happen? But don't worry, the church has prepared well. Now, let’s just move forward."

   Jenkins nodded. He had heard of some of this plan, but he didn't expect the church to be so adventurous. But considering that the time has come, it is actually necessary to adopt some risky strategies.

   "Everything we do today will affect history, so we must be cautious. Jenkins, don't speak in this indifferent tone. Have you read all the documents?"

"finish watching."

   He sat up straight and said confidently, then pushed the car window open a gap and looked out:

   "The weather today is really terrible."

   "Unusual weather always means unusual things happen. Now there is still 20 minutes' drive from the church. We must be careful."

   Dad warned.

   Speaking of rain-related accidents, the first thing Jenkins thought of was [Yu Nan]. Strictly speaking, he did not defeat the opponent, but used the Lost Butterfly to send the opponent where he did not know.

   Therefore, in a strict sense, it is possible for Yuo to appear again, but Jenkins does not believe that his luck will be so bad.

   The Westminster River straddles the city, and in a sense, it divides Nolan into two parts, the east and the west. Of course, it is not strictly East and West, but people are still accustomed to using this river to divide East and West.

   St. George’s Street is located near the quayside and naturally belongs to the West Side, while the city centre, including the City Hall and the Church of the Sage, is part of the East Side. No matter which road you choose, you will definitely pass the bridge if you want to reach your destination, and the first accident on this road happened when the carriage just arrived at the bridge.

   The carriage running at normal speed suddenly stopped. Before Jenkins, who was suddenly nervous, talked to the old man, the coachman said in a somewhat embarrassing voice:

   "Gentlemen, we may have to change our way."

   braved the rain and stretched out his head from the car window, and saw a group of people holding umbrellas blocking the bridge head, blocking the bridge with self-made roadblocks and their own bodies.

   "What do these people want to do? Protest against factory emissions or the recent price hikes?"

   Jenkins asked.

   The coachman went to inquire and learned that those people were protesting against the city hall's move and forcibly lowering the price of tulips.

   The speech of the Tulip Mania incident has not been made public, but everyone who should know knows it. In addition to preparing for the fall in prices of flowers and bulbs, the city hall has also introduced a series of policies.

   It is obvious that those who cannot withdraw immediately because of too much investment are quite dissatisfied with these policies. Seeing that the price of tulips is getting lower and lower every day, and they are dropping quite regularly, people who can't bear it can only choose to protest in their own way.

   A soft landing is good, but if there is hope, not landing is the hope of these people.

   It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong, but for such a situation, the Carfax Field will soon arrive and resolve it. It's just that this road is not working for the time being. The coachman and Jenkins communicated with the old man and chose to cross the river from another road.

   Just this way, the distance will be extended by at least ten minutes.

   "Look, we always encounter unexpected accidents, so we must always be vigilant."

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