"Yes it is."

   Jenkins glanced at Miss Bevanna, who nodded clearly:

"I'm afraid this is what you said, I understand, and you can rest assured. This matter does not require your intervention. No matter what happens, your most important job today is negotiation. If you are really needed, the church will notify you to join. The battlefield, so don’t leave here rashly."

   "Now that everyone is watching, I can't sneak out. Please don't treat me as someone who doesn't understand the rules."

   He said, and then, Miss Bevanna left the air negotiation meeting room with some of the scribes from the Church of the Sages. Jenkins glanced at the periphery of the church below with real eyes, and he saw something with black aura.

   The aura intensity of these things is very weak, but the quantity is huge.

"I can't beat me head-on, and the core of the body doesn't dare to appear, so I want to suppress it with quantity? But what does it have to do with his sublimation to a beast of disaster? Could it be that the accident around the church was used to hold the Orthodox Church? And me, and then play tricks elsewhere..."

   Although this level of offense is troublesome, the Church of the Sage is not an empty shell, so Jenkins doesn't think he needs to help now. Now that Miss Bevana has left temporarily, he went to the Pope, intending to talk about the negotiation charter drawn up by the church.

   He thought that there might not be a few words to say, and Princess Sophia should be coming soon.


   The thrilling roar seemed to come from under the feet, Jenkins's advancement step suddenly stopped, and the people around him suddenly stopped talking and looked east together.

   It was probably on the street where the church was, and even depending on the location, it was probably right at the door of the Sage’s Church, and a bright silver beam of light rose into the sky. The beam of light is not completely straight, but like a column of water rushing out of a water pipe, under the rainy gloomy sky, a light trace with a curvature is drawn.

   The colors are very beautiful, with a little bit of other colors in the silver. If the ink of this color can be mixed, any oil painting can become more valuable.

   Others may be intoxicated by the shocking scene in this rainy day, but Jenkins is very familiar with this color. Last time I saw it, it was in the very distant past. This was Yinlong's breath.

   "Damn, what happened? Are they in danger?"

   Princess Sophia was invited by Jenkins to help. No matter what happened to her, Jenkins would blame herself. Seeing the dragon's breath at this moment, the first reaction was to go there to see the situation.

As soon as    turned around, he saw the shining golden magical runes on the wall of the floating building where everyone was standing. They were lit up one by one and connected to each other to form part of a large ceremony.

   The voice of Mr. Smith, the church guardian, came from nearby. He coughed, and the voice sounded like an expansion through a loudspeaker throughout the building:

   "Don't worry, the defense measures have been activated. Unless the church takes the initiative to lift the ceremony, it will be completely inaccessible here. Please rest assured, there will be no security issues."

The church below seems to be covered with a layer of golden light. The translucent steps connecting the ground courtyard and the sky building transmit the power gathered in the church to the air, making the palace in the sky and the church on the ground connected into one. A perfect whole.

   Even, in the field of vision that only Jenkins can see, the phantom of the huge Gate of Vientiane appeared over the negotiation field, and then closed with the creaking sound, turning the air in the eyes of ordinary people into a real solid barrier.

The strong defense of the Church of the Sages, coupled with the more defensive ceremonies added by the Twelve Churches for this negotiation, and the extraordinarily defensive effect of the unknown source [The Gate of Vientiane], these are enough to make the church at this time become The safest area in the material world in a short time.

Chapter 2048 Chapter 2018 Another Battle

  Before the defensive measures were fully effective, the gifters of the Orthodox Church who had stayed here left in large numbers through the downward staircase. Because it was not sure what was going on with that dragon's breath, the church had prepared for the worst, so it had to mobilize all the necessary vitality to deploy defenses outside the church to ensure the safety of the Vientiane Gate conference hall with a large number of ordinary people.

   The legendary pure-blood dragon has not appeared in the material world for a long time, and through the description of the red dragon temporarily living in the evergreen forest, we can know what kind of power the truly powerful dragon has.

   Jenkins also wants to go down, he wants to ensure the safety of his friend Princess Sophia.

   Yu Guangscan saw Alexia, and immediately got an idea.

   "I'll go down and take a look, you help protect my body."

   He plans to use projection to join the battlefield, so that it will be easy to come back. Because it is not sure whether the upcoming ceremony and the blockade of the Vientiane Gate include a space blockade. Therefore, the real phantom is not used to prevent the real body from going out to prevent it from returning, but only the consciousness is projected to the outside world.

   In this way, even if the defensive ritual cuts off the projection, it will only return the consciousness and will not be "trapped" outside:

   "Before I come back, if you start negotiations in advance, you can help hold it for a while."

"no problem."

   Alexia nodded, and Jenkins turned to look at his cat:

   "You stay here, don't follow me, I don't know what will happen for a while."

   Although he didn't want chocolate, he nodded when Jenkins looked serious.

   He immediately returned to his bedroom wardrobe through the spiritual magnet projection, because the girls at home are in the church, so there is obviously no one at home. Jumped from the bedroom window into the courtyard, put on a black robe and trot a few steps across the fence.

   called a whistle to call the unicorn, and then rode the unicorn into white light and rose into the sky.

   From a high altitude, the city that should have been silent due to heavy rain is extremely lively. At least one battle can be seen in every block visible to the naked eye. When Jenkins returned to the church with the body of a robot just now, the riots in the city had almost completely subsided.

   Jenkins didn't know whether the current behavior of the differential engine was to retaliate for being deceived by him. But anyway, the first priority now is to determine the cause of the dragon's breath just now.

   thought in his heart, leaned over the unicorn's back and patted its neck lightly. The little beast gave a soft cry and flew towards the direction of the church at a faster speed.

   did not see the huge body of Yinlong in the distance, but the real eye caught her unique aura. When Jenkins appeared in the sky above the street where the church was located, he did not see the Silver Dragon Girl and Princess Sophia, but only saw tide-like mechanized corpses gushing out of the sewer, intertwined with the church team.

   He did not show up, but landed in a safe alley nearby, and then followed the trail of aura and found the dragon and the princess in the shop facing the street.

   The store did not open today, so the outer door was not tightly closed, and the window was also sealed with wooden boards. The light in the room was very dim, and all the lamps were not lit. Jenkins stepped in from the backyard, and after prying open the door to enter the room, he immediately heard a strange sound.

   He blushed, then turned around and held the door to cough deliberately. It took a few seconds before he heard the sound of walking behind the shelves. Only then turned around. Neither the princess nor the silver dragon girl looked injured. The former hid behind the latter a little shyly, while the silver dragon said nonchalantly:

   "What is shy, it's just kissing."

   "Are you all right?"

   Jenkins did not ask what these two were doing just now:

   "I saw the dragon's breath..."

   "It's okay, we are safe."

   said the silver-haired girl, her long hair that reached her waist behind her could glow in the dark. The bright silver color is very similar to the color of the dragon's breath just now.

"What exactly is going on?"

   "I escorted Sophia to the church. As soon as we turned into that street, a stranger stopped us. He called out the strange corpses outside, and then wanted to disadvantage Sophia, so I just..."

   Jenkins thought of the gift of the unlucky tree house evaporated by the red dragon's breath at the end of the game of the red dragon.

   "Well, you guys are fine... Is the other party a demigod?"

   "Yes, the demigod in the system of this era, otherwise I wouldn't make such a big movement."

   "The demigod minus one more."

   Jenkins thought in his heart, and when he said this, the silver-haired girl asked in a low voice embarrassed:

   "Did I ruin your plan?"

   "No, no, don't worry, it's okay."

   He shook his head:

   "However, the negotiation venue is temporarily closed. I will go outside to help the church solve the mechanized corpses. When the problem is resolved, the conference venue will reopen and Princess Sofia will reappear."

"no problem."

   Yinlong said, the princess once again apologized for making such a big movement, which made Jenkins a little embarrassed.

   The iconic unicorn appeared in the air, and the believers who let the church know that it was a lie appeared. Reached out and called for the big book with a bronze cover. As the mechanical bird flew into the air, lightning fell from the sky and hit it, giving it more power in the flapping of its wings.

   is holding the book in his right hand and the holy sword in his left hand. Now the church's team and the enemy are getting together, and they don't use the sword dance that has a too wide range of damage, so they use their own spirit to activate the ability to control the undead through the sword.

   Those mechanized corpses are a combination of undead and machinery, and the holy sword and [Toolmaker] are just able to restrain both. Therefore, even though Jenkins was just flying in the air and did not make any attacking actions, all the mechanized corpses in the three blocks seemed to be out of control and swayed and were no longer so sensitive. The church seized the opportunity, like harvesting straw. Reap the enemy.

   Of course things will not go so smoothly. Jenkins looked down at the same time and was startled. Unexplained panic made him subconsciously slap the unicorn. The little white beast didn't know what was going on, but it still dashed forward in the air.

   But this was just avoiding the fatal damage. Under tremendous force, Jenkins and the unicorn were knocked into the air, and hit the outside of the floating building above the church severely before stopping.

   Their impact should actually have reached the critical point of triggering the church's defense counterattack, but because of Jenkins's own power, the church didn't consider him an enemy, so he and the unicorn just smashed the wall out of some depression.

   But the dent disappeared quickly. This is probably a characteristic of the Vientiane Gate.

Chapter 2049 Chapter 2019 The Death of Lie Believers (Part 1)

"Are you OK?"

   One person and one animal fell on the transparent ceiling of the floating negotiation venue. Jenkins got up and checked the unicorn's injury. After treating it with some distress, he temporarily let the unicorn leave. Then he turned to look at the location where he had just encountered the attack, but there was nothing in the rainy night sky.

   blinked his eyes, the black aura painted the appearance of a huge machine in the sky. This is not a humanoid machine, but a weird-looking machine made up of three equal-sized triangular pyramids. Each of the three triangular pyramids has its own independent steam power system, which is connected to each other by a flexible metal hose.

   In the center of the three triangular pyramids, there is a huge fusiform metal that looks like an eye. As Jenkins stared into that eye, the pupils in the eyes also turned to him.


   The huge force came in a sudden bombardment, but because of preparations this time, Jenkins folded his arms in front of his head, barely resisting the force of the void.

   "Mental power?"

  The essence of the power of mind is the application of powerful mental power. In other words, it is the "power of thought". For example, Jenkins today can rely on mental power, just looking at it can make the stone burst. This kind of ability is not new to high-level gifters, especially those who specialize in spiritual arts and spells, but it is the first time that Jenkins has seen such a powerful mental power of metal creation.

   Considering that the differential engine can even dream, in fact, this matter is not too novel to think about.

   This must be another "new toy" made by the differential engine. Compared with its other creations, this is fresh enough, but it is far from enough for Jenkins.

When    pointed forward, the water droplets in front of the fingers turned into ice particles and flew forward to the rain curtain. Every time it collided with the falling water, a fast-flying ice drop would appear in the air.

   With the bullet he flicked, the slight crackling noise gradually spread to the distance in the air. Just between breathing, the huge flying machinery that could not be observed with the naked eye was frozen in the huge ice block.

   Machines can fly, but ice cubes cannot. So after it was fully formed, the lift of the extraordinary power was lost, and it seemed that the ice cube with nothing in the center fell down.

   just fell, and as the space fluctuated violently, a huge mouth appeared in the air, and then suddenly swallowed the ice cube, and then disappeared into the space again.

   is not invisible this time, but escaped into another space, so Jenkins' eyes can't observe the other party's specific whereabouts.

   He was standing on the ceiling of the building with the holy sword and carefully observed the surroundings, his ears tried to distinguish different sounds from the noise of the rain, so he did not find that the people under his feet were looking up at him.


   The cat in the room below was the first to spot the enemy, but unfortunately Jenkins didn't get its prompt because he didn't bring the cat. He was only a little slower than Chocolate, and he turned around abruptly and stabbed forward, but he didn't expect that behind him was the huge mouth that looked like an abyss.

   It is a standard rectangular metal block. The larger side has a gap open, and the gap is widened, revealing the triangular metal sheet-like teeth embedded in the gap, and the internal dark space completely disproportionate to the thickness of the metal block.

   The sword pierced the entrance, and a huge suction tried to **** the sword in. Originally, Jenkins was pushing forward, so the weapon in his hand almost broke out, so he could only retract the holy sword into his own spirit.

   But the suction didn't stop. I lost the sword as a target, and wanted to **** Jenkins in again.

   "Do you think I will be so weak?"

   He sneered in his heart, and saw that the people below were all watching him, just wanting to...

   "No, this is a good opportunity!"

   stood still, pretending to resist suction. At this moment, the invisible eye appeared high in the sky behind him, and as the metal pupils shimmered slightly, the invisible and intangible power directly impacted Jenkins's back.

   Because of this, Jenkins, who has no eyes on his back, unfortunately left his feet off the ground. And the huge mouth, which was much larger than his, opened his mouth, and then—

   "Oh, my god!"

   Everyone directly below saw this cruel scene with their heads up. The huge metal mouth was completely closed, and the gap that was still exposed, there were even traces of red blood stains, which was washed away in the rain.

   They couldn't see the invisible eyes, only that the huge mouth was hidden in the air.

   Alexia lowered her head and looked at Jenkins who opened her eyes on the seat beside her:

"It's unbelievable. You don't want to use such an inferior method to get the lie believer out? Even if hundreds of believers who witnessed a lie were swallowed and chewed by that big mouth, how many people do you think would believe it? ?"

"Inferior? Oh, people don’t even know who the lie believer was just now, after all, he didn’t even bring a cat. Compared to the famous'Miss Fabry, Mr. Candle' or even the'Black Robe Man' suddenly died among people. In front of me, the "unknown identity unknown but certainly one of the candidates for the savior" lie believer died, the impact is obviously smaller, right?"

   He asked back, then stood up and looked around, the noise continued. Most people don't know who it was just now, but those who know who it is are now dumbfounded.

"Furthermore, the church didn't know the specific number of believers who lied. Now that one has died, it is just subtracting one from the unknown, and the result is still the unknown. Although the technique is a bit rough, believe me, Alexia, People will believe it."

   "You are such a big liar."

   The short lady sighed, then looked up to the sky:

   "What was red just now?"

"The red is blood, the blood I made. If you use dyes or ketchup, you will inevitably be found out afterwards. At that time, I directly lifted the projection state, and the real body is by your side. No matter what I encounter, I will not There are fatal injuries."

   Reality is not a story or a novel, so people don’t get any off-site explanations other than what they see. And what I saw just now, it was obvious that one of the members of the lie believer died in that huge metal mouth.

   People want to determine whether this is true, but they find that there is no way to determine whether it is true.

   Therefore, in order to convince the church that someone really died just now, Jenkins came out again through projection. The fighting continued. Without the lie believers to block the metal eyes and metal mouths, the demigods of the church were forced to stand up.

   He just appeared on the ground and helped the woman in front of him kick the corpse who was roaring and wanting to explode aside:

   "Where are our companions?"

   "What companion?"

"Just now, one of our companions came to help you. He was riding a unicorn and carrying the sword. But now he is gone, and the jade medal that symbolizes his identity is also broken? How did he get back? thing?"

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