It is difficult to make a conclusion on this point. After all, no one can tell whether something that should have happened but did not happen but happened in possibility should be regarded as true or false.

   "True or false, I think even if I give the answer, you will not believe it."

   "No, savior, I am very sure that it is true. You are really talented. Only with you and I can we make the world on the right path. Don't you crave power?"

   "Of course I want, but I think it's enough for now."

   "Can't you ask for power?"

   "Of course not craving, power is a burden."

   "Then don't you desire freedom?"

   "What freedom?"

"With your own mind to transform the world, with your own ideas, let the world take the direction you see. Obviously possessing such a powerful force, are you willing to be bound by the rules of ignorant people? Savior, you Having power, but not knowing to break the bondage, is very strange in itself."

   "This can only show that you still don't understand humans."

   Jenkins shook his head and refused:

   "Speaking so much, I just think that I am your hindrance, so I want to use a more peaceful way to keep me from hindering you. Don't be so troublesome, I won't join you."

   "Even if the price of being hostile to me is your death?"

   "I have figured out your trick. You have set up nine treacherous realms as the final stage for the confrontation with the savior."

   "That's it, and you will definitely come."


   "You will know soon."

   The metal head slowly lifted into the air, flying to a higher height:

  "The savior, the theme of the last page of this era is steam, and the present me is the incarnation of steam machinery.

   I will make a declaration here, in the sky above the gray mist, so as to establish my position in this world and become the recognized master of machinery. Are you sure you want to defy fate? Or, you are willing to obey your fate and work with me to transform the world.

   This will be the last time I ask this question. I admit your value, but your value is not unlimited. "

   "I will answer this question for the last time, the differential engine, I will definitely dismantle you."

   "I am not a differential machine, I am, big! Wisdom! Hui!"

   It seems that a round of sun suddenly appeared in the sky, and it is really accurate to describe the scene at this moment as "light burst". That head illuminates Nolan's sky at an extremely fast speed, but it did not disperse the dense fog in the air, but instead allowed people on the ground to see the appearance of the fog more clearly.

   "What is this going to do??"

   Jenkins was puzzled. With a thought, the thunder pillar slashed down, but before hitting the metal, it was deflected. The arc jumps in the white light at high altitude, but it can’t touch the metal itself anyway.

The people in front of the church can only see the sky of Nolan. No one can know. At this moment, the gray fog that was originally floating quietly in every corner of the material world seems to be stirred in a windless or windy environment. Scurrying down.

   The creepers produced in the gray fog and the terrifying number of children of the fog in the southern fire all raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

   The bell, no matter where you are in the material world, the bell is clearly audible.

  The sound comes from the high altitude outside the gray fog, and the bell sound comes from the ground below your feet, from the depths of the ground, the metal tentacles of the differential engine that connects the entire world.

   The voice declared:

  【The fire has jumped up, but the hammer has not yet fallen;

   The color of brass is a chapter of fate, and the heat of steam is the source of the world.

   The moment of destiny has come, now is the time to applaud! 】

   "Stop it!"

   Someone shouted below, but Jenkins couldn't tell who was talking. The church diagonally below is gathering the most powerful force so far. The church is obviously ready to fight to the death, but Jenkins has not yet figured out the current situation.

   No, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes widened and looked at the metal head in the white light:

"Declaration? Bells? The prophecy given to me by Miss Broniance seems to be-[The day when the dream wakes up, when the bell rings] (Chapter 1993)? Damn! If part of the soul is superimposed on the world declaration, the first omnic 'identity of......"


   There was a bell from high in the sky--

  【Bell the big bell once!

   Push the lever to start the piston and pump! 】

   The earth of Nolan trembled slightly, perpendicular to the Westminster River, and a huge bulge slowly appeared on the surface, accurately destroying hundreds of houses and piercing the river embankment. This bulge is like a giant snake advancing under the ground, constantly advancing, starting from the dock area in the west of Nolan, until it penetrates the mine in the east.

   a roar came from the direction of the mine, and then a scene like a volcanic eruption appeared above the low hill. The stones splashed, and hot steam gushed from the ground. The white steam and thick black fog rushed into the sky, and it immediately affected the area beyond Nolan.

   The sky of the whole world, centered on Nolan, turns black. There seemed to be evil spirits wailing in the clouds in the sky, and the surging black fog and gray fog completely separated the sun from the human world.

   Correspondingly, on the surface of the eight-story black tower, part of the metal layer was peeled off, and the dim runes gleamed as if they were charged.

   "Stop it!"

   This time Jenkins heard it. It turned out to be the voice of the old man. It was the old man who was loudly warning people who had the opportunity to stop this.

  【Bell the big bell twice!

   Press the button, the engine ignites, the turbine is lit, and life is injected! 】

  The sound came from the top of the head. Jenkins was lying on the back of the unicorn and swooping up with the holy sword on the back of the little beast. The point of the sword pointed forward, and the metal head was offset from the invisible position of the lightning and blocked the church's attack. It was pierced by the point of the sword very hard.

   But immediately after the eye pupil in the center of his head looked at Jenkins, his thoughts blasted out. When he couldn't take advantage of the force in the air, the unicorn could not contend with that force, and then he drove Jenkins and threw it to the ground below.

Chapter 2052 Chapter 2022 Demigod Father Oliver

   At the southern end of the main continent of the material world, the fire has been burning for more than a month, burning everything in a more violent posture. The prolonged burning has already burned almost all combustibles, but the ash and dense fog produced by the burning also burned at this moment.

   Originally, the church had basically controlled the line of fire, and kept the sea of ​​burning fire within a certain range. But as the bell that spread throughout the material world rang, one month's efforts were all in vain.

   The flame broke through the obstacles and moved towards the hinterland of human civilization. In the flames, the running creepers and the children of the mist, dressed in black mist armor, gained stronger power as the flames fluctuated.

   At this moment, no matter where in the world you can see the sun’s rays, people put down their work and look up at the sky, without knowing that the real danger lies under their feet.

   The fire, the blazing fire, like the fire in Chesland, ignited half of the mining area in the east of Nolan. The raging fire turned the rain over Nolan into water vapor before it could fall, creating a unique white fog covering the sky in the east.

   And the huge black tower standing beside Nolan Central Civic Square, at the top of the black tower, flames rushed into the sky. Then from the seven seams of the eight-story tower, billowing black smoke flew around. Fortunately, the church was properly prepared and soon blocked the black smoke around the black tower, but this also caused the metal tower to be completely hidden in the thick fog.

   The temperature around the tower has jumped by tens of degrees in just a few minutes, and the high temperature on the ground underneath even evaporates most of the accumulated rainwater from the heavy rain.

  Ms. Bronie Anse and others who presided over the ceremony under the tower had to retreat in the face of this situation, which led to the irreversible interruption of the ceremony. But she has also received some enlightenment. In the process of retreating, she kept looking back at the tower hidden in the black smoke column.

   The eight-story tower was originally extremely high, and now it was hidden in the black smoke column, as if there was a black stone column connected to the sky in the center of Nolan.

   In the waters outside the main continent, submarine volcanoes hidden deep below sea level erupted one after another. The archipelago volcanoes judged to be extinct volcanoes are also like candles lit one after another, erupting lava and sprinkling thick volcanic ash into the sky.

  The eruption of the submarine volcano has made the already turbulent waves hit the coastline even more crazily. However, in the old mine tunnels under Nolan Underground and the hidden pipelines that no one knew, the fire flow of unknown origin directly caused the surface temperature of the city to rise to the level of midsummer.

  Everything happened when Jenkins fell from the sky. He and the church had already predicted that at some point in the future, the world would be marked by a certain action of the differential engine and fall into a more terrifying abyss. But I didn't expect the world to come so fast, I didn't expect that the opening of disaster would be presented to everyone in this form.


   The third bell finally blasted into the sky, and the trill at the tail didn't live in the clouds. The falling unicorn finally brought Jenkins to slow down before touching the ground. The two landed smoothly, at least not injured.

   The turbulent sea of ​​corpses has retreated somehow, and the team, demigods, and all the gifters of the Orthodox Church are all standing on the street in front of the Church of the Sages.

   "Mr. Candle, we must stop it, stop it from saying the third sentence."

   Jenkins happened to be next to his father, who said to him.

   "Why are you blocking the third sentence? Do you know something?"

   "I can feel it, that key is jumping!"

   "What does this mean?"

   "This shows that something is evolving around here, and the power of evolution is enough to make my key resonate! It must be stopped. Jenkins told me that it is pursuing sublimation!"

  A golden light and shadow rose high above Jenkins and Dad's side. At this moment, all the church demigods and saints who had witnessed all of this had already flown towards the metal head.

   "Jenkins is inside the church now, because of the blockade of the defense mechanism, he is temporarily unable to get out. The savior candidates who can act now are only you and Fabry..."

   "No, Miss Fabry won't be here for the time being, it's just me now."

   "Mr. Candle, you must stop it."

  【Bell the big bell three times! 】

   The third sentence has already begun to be recited, and Jenkins, who is extremely inspired, also feels the extraordinaryness of this sentence. It doesn't matter what the difference engine does, but the third sentence must not be completely spread to the whole world.

"what should I do?"

   he asked Dad.

   "Don't ride a unicorn, it can't compete with the power of the differential engine. Now, I will send you up."

   said, the old man inserted his whole right hand into the heart, but there was no bleeding.

   He turned his wrist with difficulty, and the two keys in Jenkins's body shook like never before, which made him think that [Silver Key] and [Door Key] would take the initiative to get out of the body.

   With the turning of the old man's wrist, there was a soft click, and the aura on the old man's body immediately changed. The spirit visible to the naked eye burst out from his aging body, wrapping around the old man's side like a cyclone, as if adding a light golden filter to the background behind him.

   Jenkins has never seen such a powerful father, this level of power has completely surpassed the eighth demigod. Even if judging from the number of abilities, he is a standard eighth-level gifter, but this unusual outbreak may not even be able to be done by Miss Broniance. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

   This is the demigod power of the father himself, superimposed on the power of the evolution key [evolution]. This power comes at a price. While the power blocked by "evolution" is completely unblocked, the cursed power of the suppressed evolution key is also released at the same time. There are two chain-like black runes on the exposed wrists and face of the old man, and the eyes are full of bloodshot eyes.

   "I don't have much time to stay in this state. I can only send you up."

   "It's okay, I think of a way to go down."

   said that he took the old man's hand, that hand was still weather-beaten, covered with wrinkles, but this time I could feel the explosive power contained in it.

   Daddy squatted slightly, then leaped, and took Jenkins into the sky. It broke through the dense fog, broke through the raindrops, and broke through all the obstacles in front of me.

   The eye pupils of the metal head shifted, looking at the two people coming from below. Under the bombardment of Nian Li, the flight trajectory of the two obviously shifted, and Jenkins even noticed that his father's eyes were bleeding:

   "Mr. Candle, I will leave the rest to you."

   He left the last roar, throwing Jenkins into the higher air, and he fell down.

Chapter 2053 Chapter 2023 The Lord of All Machines

   In the process of flying rapidly toward the sky, Jenkins stretched his hand to his shoulder:

   "You go first~"

   He tossed the chocolate aside, watching the old man being caught, watching the white cat vanilla cancel the projection and disappear into the air.

   With the force of the old man, he rushed into the sky, and the power in his eyes condensed again, but it was too late to stop Jenkins.

  【Bell the big bell three times!

   Sing in unison, praise...]

   Jenkins fully understands what the other party is going to do. When his own strength cannot be increased in a short period of time, the best way is to seek out strength. Once its name spreads throughout the world, the resulting fear, resentment and even pathological worship will give this monster close to the concept of [mechanical] power.

   At the same time, proclaiming his real name as the beginning of the disaster will also bring it closer to the nature of the beast of disaster. This is not a ritual documented by information. This is a declaration. It is the easiest way in the world to declare my name.

   This is the third sentence that can't be completed, otherwise adding this declaration with an incomplete soul will be enough for it to complete the sublimation of sin.

The place where    makes the sound exists in the high altitude and underground. Unless the core of the differential engine is immediately found at this moment, there is no way to stop the next words.

   Jenkins has reached the metal head with the help of his father. He didn't intend to slow down at all, and rushed straight to the metal eye pupil. The eye pupils also accumulated power again, and a second before the tip of Jenkins's sword approached the eye pupils, the huge force struck again.

   "It's useless! Is it only you who can use mind power?"

   Since I used the bottle of potion just now, the purple light in the eyes has never disappeared. Even though the power of the potion has long since disappeared, the lavender light in the eyes still exists. At this moment, the light is strong to the extreme. With Jenkins's gaze, the soul affects the spirit, the spirit affects the reality, and it manifests as the force of thought and rushes forward.

   Two spiritual forces collided in the void, causing the air to be strangely distorted.

   Jenkins' sword pierced the metal eye pupil, and then he directly slammed into the metal head. The inside of the metal shell is hollow, and inside the hollow is the brain like a jellyfish floating.

   tentacles extend in all directions to control the strange metal features, and extend to him after he enters.

   Jenkins, who finally realized that he could not stop the third sentence from being sent out, ignored the entangled brain tentacles, but waved his hand to call out his bronze book. The power of [Toolmaker] was rushing like never before.

   In an instant, he gained control of the terrifying mechanical creation in front of him, and even affected the brain to a certain extent, thus allowing his own spirit to come into contact with the difference engine for a short time.

   Jenkins in the sky thinks that he has seen a terrifying and weird behemoth, and the underground differential machine also thinks that he has seen another terrifying and weird behemoth.

   So, the two using the same mechanical power, the sound mixed, and at the same time spread to the world:

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