Jenkins thought that Miss Broniance would first inquire about the sacrifice of the lie believer, and even personally fortune the authenticity of the corpses. But she didn't ask anything, and seemed to have no interest in the death of the believer of the lie.

   Jenkins has picked up the file and the report is very thick. He turned directly to the last part to see the conclusion. Miss Audrey said while he was reading:

"[When the dream is awakened, the day the bell rings]’s prediction has come true, which indirectly proves the reliability of this divination. Therefore, I think the authenticity of other parts of the content is not low. Even if it is interrupted in the middle, this It is also a successful divination."

  Miss Bronyonce’s divination was mainly for the metal tower that was already eight-story. Based on the conclusions obtained by Miss Magic and the tall tower in the north, she further discovered that the order of the towers was disordered.

   That is to say, although the characteristics of each layer can be seen from the outside, after entering the tower, the order of the themes of the paradoxes encountered is probably not the same as the order of features outside the tower.

   In addition, fortune-telling also shows some details about the deception. Because the divination did not go to the very end, the chaotic revelations could not be discerned. It can only be said with certainty that no matter what the theme of each level is, each level must be related to machinery.

  And more importantly, maybe those sedulous realms are not purely silly realms.

   "What do you mean?"

   The document did not elaborate on this matter, and Jenkins could only ask fortune-tellers. Miss Bronie Anse still looked a little weak, but she still answered Jenkins’ question:

"Time, I found out halfway through the divination process. There is the power of time in the tower. It should be said that this was not even discovered by me using divination, but when my consciousness tried to see through the fog, I naturally felt the horror behind the curtain. ."

   "I haven't heard that the differential engine has the power of time...Okay."

   The opponent did show the power of time-out today. The origin of this power is the clock that was damaged last fall.

"Jenkins, now that I have joined the school, I think Audrey should have talked to you about some time-related topics. The origin of the school is a very outstanding ancient fortune teller. She pointed out that divination and prediction have a certain meaning. There is also interference with time because we are observing the future."

   This view, Jenkins did see it more than once in the notes of the fortune-teller girl Ovia.

   "So, when you deeply understand the knowledge and power passed down by the school, you will find that our inheritance also involves a part of the understanding of time. My understanding of that tower is that it contains the power of past time."

   "I still don't understand."

   "We don't understand either."

   Miss Audrey said:

   "So, you need to understand it yourself. After all, you are the savior, aren't you?"

   Based on the current information obtained from the frozen tower, Miss Magic, fortune-teller, and [A4 type arithmetic auxiliary external machine], Jenkins has a very preliminary understanding of the nine-story metal tower (currently eight floors).

   Each tower corresponds to a sly realm, and the theme of each sly realm is the "rebellious" savior ability. The nine deceptions are connected to each other, except for the first and the last, the exit of each is the entrance of the other.

   The nine deceptions constitute a larger deception, so that the ability can only be used once in the nine deceptions, instead of entering the next deception and recalculating.

   In addition to the "rebellious" savior ability, the nine deceptions also contain mechanical power and power from the past time. This makes the already dangerous treacherous realm even more difficult. The difference engine, with a high probability, is at the end of this super-large-scale paradox. After Jenkins has almost exhausted all his abilities, it is waiting for him there.

   So, unless it is a last resort, he would not consider allowing himself to enter the tower. This is obviously a trap, a chess game set by the difference engine in order to truly become a beast of disaster.

   "So, as long as I don't enter there, what we have to deal with, there will be no beasts of disaster."

   He came to this conclusion, but then asked himself:

"But now the differential engine has twice tried to use other methods as a means to promote the beast of disaster, maybe there will be a third method. And if it really uses the third method-the possibility has already shown that this is very Possibly-for promotion. After promotion, the Destroyer Ceremony will be used as a way to absorb more power under the identity of the beast of calamity, then what should I do?"

   It's already past midnight. Everything that happened yesterday, whether it's the weird and huge dream or the three announcements to the world, may cause it to break through its own essence, but it was partially destroyed by Jenkins.

"So, it was scared by the God of Lies, so it gave up waiting for all the nine-story towers to rise, but instead immediately used other methods to promote it, and then deal with the savior... I caused everything?"

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the difference engine suddenly changed its established strategy because of this reason, especially the first battle fought yesterday, which was the battle with the robot inside the giant brass gate on the coast. At this moment, I think about it, no matter how it looks like the opponent. It is testing the power of the savior to determine which method to use for promotion.

"On the one hand, I was frightened by the **** of lies that should not have appeared in the material world at this point in time. On the other hand, I was tempted to test out that there is actually only one savior, and this person is very powerful... it will not really be scared Are you here?"

   He gradually affirmed his thoughts and wanted to prevent the differential engine from using the third method to promote himself, but he didn't even know what the other party wanted to do. The difference engine plan has been planned for thousands of years, and by tomorrow and Sunday, Jenkins will come to this world for a year. If it weren't for fate to be joking, the two sides would have no value in comparison.

  The time has come to three o'clock in the morning, and Jenkins is still not drowsy at all. He was standing in the corridor, looking at the oil painting on the opposite side of the wall, not knowing what he should do at the moment. Time is running out, but he is of no avail. He can only wait for the opponent to make a move. This is the most sad thing.

   rubbed his face, first went to the kitchen for some supper, and ate some food with the chocolate that was "woke up" by the smell of the kitchen. Then I came to the gate of Vientiane and saw the secret guard.

   Jenkins’s most familiar secret keeper is Mr. Smith, but this old gentleman has been stationed under the metal tower recently, so the female secret keeper Alia’s mother-in-law is stationed here at the moment.

   Although the Vientiane Gate directly projected the internal space into the air, the real underground gate still exists here, and it opened about 60 degrees. Just looking inward, you can only see the complete darkness.

   "From here, you can go directly back there."

  The secret guard introduced it and asked Jenkins why he was here.

"I want to ask, does the church have a way for people to learn ability directly? Father told me that there is a way to use blank bubbles as the price. But this sacrifice is too great. May I ask, is there a price? Smaller way?"

   "What ability do you want to learn?"

   "The blessing of books."

   Jenkins is not going to lie:

"The church has prepared many times before, but every time it encounters something. Now, it is even more impossible to coordinate the venue and personnel to arrange the ceremony for me in the chaos, and I don't think it can be successful...but I really need this ability, so I want to ask if there is a way."

  The secret guard nodded, and lowered his head for a long time:

   "What kind of sacrifice can you accept? Or the price?"

   It must be a way to say that, so Jenkins replied very positively:

"First of all, I can’t influence my own strength, otherwise it’s meaningless to trade strength for strength. I can’t sacrifice my feelings or close people, except for these... Although it sounds bad, I can do anything. sacrifice."

"Then there is no way, St. William, you know the meaning of ability to the gifter. If you want to gain ability, you must lose something. If it is very simple to allow the gifter to learn the ability that cannot be learned, then no matter it is There is no need for churches and cultists to train young people with specific talents.

   The way Oliver said is a relatively cheap way. If it is [Book's Blessing]...sacrificing five bubbles should be similar. "

Chapter 2063 Chapter 2032: Doubts about Chocolate

   The price of five bubbles is very high for anyone. Ordinary bestowers have one more bubble for odd-numbered levels and two more for even-numbered levels. Five bubbles are equivalent to three or even four levels of harvest. Although Jenkins has doubled his upgrade, he now has only two left, and one of them will be reserved for the [Uncrowned King].

Even if you want to go to the [Church of Death and the End] and ask for [Stygian Water] to wash away your current abilities, but [Stygian Water] cannot be used many times in a short period of time, otherwise even Jenkins will have amnesia risks of.

   Although I was disappointed, I also thought that there would be no such simple things. So I bid farewell to the secret guard and returned to the ground again. Only then did I realize that I didn’t seem to be among the people participating in the negotiation. I saw that I was rescued by the monsters in the shadow world yesterday morning, wearing a fish-shaped hairpin. Girl.

   Not every pseudo-god has a demigod. For example, Hathaway’s music sect does not have it, but there are four or five seventh-level gifters among them. Therefore, Jenkins did not look at the registration record, but distinguished it with his eyes. Among the more than one hundred false gods, Jenkins distinguished only more than a dozen demigods, but this is more than a dozen that obviously does not include the girl. .

   "Is she really lying?"

   Thinking of this, the mood that had not been so good at first became worse, but at this time, the chocolate "sleeping" in Jenkins's pocket wriggled uneasyly.

   "Or, she had an accident on the way here and failed to reach the church... But she is so strong, who can stop her?"

   I thought in my heart, and went to ask Mr. Gilbert about the battle between the church and the cultists during the day. This in itself is the purpose of the decoy plan. Although from a strategic level, the church failed to prevent the difference engine from weaving a big dream with those riots as ritual content, but from a tactical level, the number of cultists eliminated and arrested today can be compared. The results of the three years of peace.

The captives captured by    contributed a lot of valuable testimony. They proved that today’s plan was planned by the tree house. But this time, the tree house has come into contact with too many organizations, and the cultists do not trust other people by nature, nor do they completely trust the tree house. As a result, the tree house’s intelligence was obtained by those cultists, the most important of which is—

   "They only have four demigods left."

   This is information obtained by Jenkins. The church did not disclose which Cthulhu believer provided it, only that the reliability of this information is very high.

   Jenkins was surprised, but his surprise was not that there were so few four, but that the other party actually had four demigods. In the past year, the tree house demigods that indirectly and directly fell into his hands and were resolved by the church have long been close to double digits, and unexpectedly there are still three left.

You know, even for the Church of Twelve Orthodox Gods, the number of demigods that can maintain combat effectiveness in each family is only about 30 in this era, and the hidden illegal organization like the Tree House can actually have more than a dozen. , Even if the opponent does everything in order to gain strength, this number is very surprising.

"Sure enough, it is an ancient organization with deep roots... The purpose of the tree house is to make oneself a savior to save the world and become a god, so they must have their own minds in helping the difference engine, rather than really wanting. Let the world go to the end... I don’t know what plan this group of people have. If they can stab the differential engine before the decisive battle, and then one side is seriously injured and the other is wiped out, it is best to pull on the Gear Craftsman’s Association. Funeral, that’s great."

   Although it is impossible to think about it, people always have to have dreams, even Jenkins is no exception.

   Jenkins doesn’t care about the cultists for the time being. After all, the Craftsmen’s Association and the Tree House only provided a way to summon Class A and Class B items, and then instigated the group to charge. Jenkins cared about whether the lady with the fish-shaped hairpin had appeared. He had a hunch that this question was very important to him.

   But in the church report, there was no mention of the fact that the demigods of the pseudo-god sect were working in the city, and Jenkins was very sure that the lady was definitely not a member of the Orthodox Church—

   "Very familiar, really familiar, as if under my eyes..."

   He lowered his head, just in time to see the chocolate sticking out of his pocket with his little head. Jenkins and the cat stared at each other for a long time, and both were motionless. Chocolate amber eyes are very beautiful, because of the cat’s racial talent, the proportion of the eyes occupying the face is much larger than the proportion of human eyes occupying the area of ​​the face.

   Jenkins can see the reflection of himself in those ignorant eyes. Similarly, chocolate can see itself in Jenkins' eyes.

But it couldn’t understand Jenkins’ emotions at the moment, and there was some doubt in his heart. Did Jenkins know it for a long time, but he just didn’t want to believe, face, or go... It had heard of Alexia. Speaking of it, Jenkins probably has a serious mental problem. Dependence on oneself is nothing more than an external manifestation. This is essentially a lonely falling into the water, desperately grasping the only reliable floating board.


   What if the kickboard is not actually a kickboard, but the back of a crocodile? Even if the crocodile is very friendly, I am afraid that the lone drowning person cannot accept it. Therefore, even if I find the strangeness of that floating board, I will not think about it, and I will not think about it. Because I dare not think, I dare not think.

  Chocolate doubt, Jenkins has already guessed everything, but it can't read the thoughts of young writers as casually as a year ago. Anxiously, he looked at Jenkins, but in the end, Jenkins just looked away casually:

   "Where will she go?"

   He mumbled and walked back into the corridor, the chocolate got out of his pocket, and then climbed on Jenkins' shoulders neatly. It really doesn't know whether Jenkins knows everything.

   Miss Bevanna returned to the church from outside just after four o'clock. As for the Child of the Mist, who appeared in the thick fog, of course it has been wiped out. This is not the first time to face such monsters. The church has fully understood their characteristics, so it can arrange coping strategies in a targeted manner, and it does not need to be almost uncontrollable like the first time.

   There is still some time before breakfast, Miss Bevanna heard that Jenkins hadn't slept all night, so she proposed to let him take a rest. Jenkins agreed on the surface, but in fact, after entering the room arranged for him, he came outside the church through projection.

   He has no purpose for the time being, he just wants to walk around the city to see the current situation.

Chapter 2064 Chapter 2033 The Giant Whale in the Clouds

   Although the sky was covered by black clouds and the fog was scattered, the city was not completely sealed off. Instead, a curfew was adopted. The curfew is from 10 pm to 4 pm the next day, for a total of 6 hours. At this time, it happened to be the end of the curfew.

   Ordinary people don't know that the end is coming, and they are still running for their own livelihoods. Even if it is only after four o'clock, pedestrians can already be seen on the street. Because of the flower women’s union, flower women don’t have to get up early to buy goods, so they can’t see the little girls.

   Jenkins first came to the pier from St. George Street, which is close to the pier, standing on the beach with a strong wind, watching the roaring waves in the distance, and soon became disinterested and turned around and walked towards the city.

   After a while, "snowflakes" floated up in the sky. Jenkins thought it was really snow, but when he fell into his hands, he found that it was white ash, a warm ashes.

   He stood on the street, looking up to the sky with people. The ebullient ashes fell from the black clouds, and it was impossible to see where they came from.


  In the eyes of reality, these ashes are like the fog in the air and the black clouds in the sky, with black aura. While scanning the sky, Jenkins actually saw a behemoth with black aura, flashing past the black cloud.

   Judging from the shape, it turned out to be a giant whale.

   "The whale in the cloud? The cloud whale beast has been sealed? Wait, I really want to see something similar in the dream of the difference engine..."

   People don't know that there is such a giant beast cruising above their heads, and Jenkins who discovered this thing would not be regarded as not seeing it.

   But he did not act immediately, but first returned to the church and found Princess Sophia.

   It's still early, and Princess Sophia is sleeping soundly. Jenkins didn't want the church to know that he was related to "Miss Fabry", so he secretly wanted to go in through the window, so he almost got into a fight with Anastasia.

   "Why did you come in from the window?"

   The gas light in the room was turned on, and Anastasia asked, standing barefoot on the soft wool carpet in her pajamas, her long hair draped behind her and she couldn't see any messy traces.

"There are important things, and I said last night that if there is an emergency, I will knock on the window and then come in through the window. I knocked on it and waited five minutes before opening the window... .Why are you here? Isn't your room in another building?"

   Of course, the church will not arrange for Jenkins' friends and lies believers to live together.

   "I... can't sleep at night, I want Sophia to tell me a story."

   Yinlong defended hardly, and drove Jenkins to the bathroom attached to the room without time to speak. It took a while before he was allowed to hear that Princess Sophia had changed her clothes at this moment.

   "Miss Fabry will show up in a while, no, it's not you, it's me. So, I hope you won't be seen by anyone by then."

   "No problem, leave it to me, no one can see Sophia except me."

   Yinlong said.

   First let Silver Dragon take Princess Sophia to leave, and then use Hathaway's charm to disguise himself as the face exactly like "Miss Fabry", Jenkins also left the room and found the church:

   "You have seen the ashes outside. I don't think we can watch this happen."

   "Do you know the origin of these ashes?"

   "There is a big guy behind the black cloud, I plan to go up and take a look. As for you, whatever you want, don't interfere with me."

   It is well known that among the top combat power of the Orthodox Church, only the sage son Jenkins can't fly. So when Jenkins rode a unicorn and flew high in the church garden, he didn't worry that the church would find himself, that is, Jenkins would participate in the action.

   His eyes tracked the trajectory of the huge whale behind the black cloud, and found that the other party was only in the sky above the Nolan area, constantly patrolling according to a fixed trajectory.

   He tried to fly to a higher place, wanting to enter the dark cloud to see what the other party was. However, the unicorn was very resistant to entering the black cloud, and when it could smell a stronger scent of fireworks in the sky, it stopped taking off.

  Until Jenkins inspires the power of [World Tree Seedlings] and allows the abundant vitality to protect them, the little beast is willing to enter the black clouds on the heights.

   After contacting the dark cloud, because of the passive effect of [Hero], Jenkins began to smoke out of his body. His vision was gradually lost, and everything around him became indistinguishable, as if there were only these dark clouds in the world. Even a few seconds later, Jenkins could not distinguish the up and down directions by gravity.

   He understood that this was the characteristic of these clouds, so he took out his monocle and held the unicorn's neck to its eyes. The unicorn relied on the glasses to see the direction again, but instead of taking Jenkins to continue through the fog, he took it to exit the fog area from below.

   Just as they regained their vision, Jenkins saw the aura of that huge whale, which happened to pass over them.

  Because the [Hero] made part of the black cloud at the bottom disappear when it broke into the cloud and fog, and more of the fog has not been able to make up, Jenkins can clearly see the lower abdomen of the whale.

   It is a metallic brass color, and various delicate parts are combined together to form the huge whale belly on top of Jenkins' head. Although only a small part of it was exposed outside the clouds, because of the hollows of the metal parts and the gaps between other parts, Jenkins clearly saw the more complicated mechanical structure inside the whale.

  The brass-colored parts have patterns of different shades on the surface. The combination of these patterns makes the whale's abdomen seem to have a layer of graffiti.

   The huge abdomen flashed by, and soon disappeared into the higher clouds, continuing to patrol according to the established route.

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