The whale's mouth slowly closed, and the sword in Jenkins's hand had been slashed forward. The whirling sword light cut off the black cloud and completely cut the whale into pieces. But at the same time, more whales appeared in the clouds. They didn't care about a group of people in the clouds, but moved in the clouds according to their trajectories.

   The forming process of these mechanical giant whales was clearly seen by Jenkins. They did not come from the ground, but were born in this dark cloud. Just as the son of the mist was born in the gray mist, the black cloud also gave birth to deadly monsters after all. This was spawned maliciously by the difference engine, each of which has a prototype steam engine imitation as the energy core, and throws the ashes that will conceal civilization on the ground.

   These whales must have appeared or are appearing in the sky all over the world. If yesterday was only the beginning of the disaster, then from now on, the disaster has already begun.

   "I will fuse the steam engine on the last floor of the tower, savior, I will challenge you."

   The whale just now has been completely destroyed by Jenkins, and the sound of the differential engine now comes from the depths of the dark clouds:

"At midnight tonight, the ninth floor of the tower will rise, and my core will enter the ninth floor of the tower. You can enter the tower and destroy me before I complete the fusion. This is a game, you can Choose to ignore it, but if I am faster, then when I reappear, it will be the end. If you choose to join the game, then maybe you can stop me in advance.

   Savior, this is a fair matchup of destiny. Since you can't find me, and I can't kill you, so why don't we use this to decide the outcome. "

   deliberately stated that he intends to integrate the steam engine prototype, in fact, to give Jenkins a small hope, forcing Jenkins to enter the tower, otherwise Jenkins will not take the risk. Even if he knows that this is a trap, the opponent is definitely not a beast of disaster at the moment. In other words, the final sublimation through the fusion of the prototype steam engine is likely to be true.

   When it has completed its transformation, with its current control over the disaster, it can indeed use the power of disaster to make the end truly come at the moment of sublimation.

   So Jenkins had to go, he couldn't help it. As for the difference engine, after seeing the power of the savior and the appearance of the **** of lies that does not conform to the law, it believes that under normal circumstances, it has a high probability of failure in the battle with the savior.

   So set up this last challenge, which is a challenge for both parties, but it is more beneficial to the differential engine. It is forcing Jenkins to enter the most favorable situation for it. The calculated future is diverse, but as long as you choose the right path, the result will always lead to a direction that is beneficial to you. This is the advantage of calculation divination.

   If Jenkins does not go, he can only wait for the differential engine to completely evolve into the beast of evil, and then gamble on the probability of defeating the beast of evil with a drop of divine nature. But even if it wins, the doomsday that has occurred since then cannot be reversed.

   This is a bit like the savior encountered in the last story of Blacktown. He was even more successful than Jenkins and sealed the beast of calamity before it was born. But he is a typical example of solving the beast of disaster but not the arrival of the end. Since the master of time has sent Jenkins to the past, of course he has to learn some lessons, otherwise the journey of the last story will be true. It's meaningless anymore.

  The sound of the differential engine has disappeared. The giant mechanical whales are swimming around a group of people, spreading the terrible ashes of burning fuel to the ground according to the established trajectory.

   The black cloud that was broken up because of the battle just now filled the vacancy again. Only the candle in Jenkins's hand that emits a warm yellow light can make the black cloud appear for a short time.

  He took a candle and led a group of people out of the cloud. Those mechanical giant whales could be destroyed, but they would rebirth soon, so it was meaningless to destroy them again and again, and everyone did not stay any longer.

Chapter 2067 Chapter 2036 Unfinished Things

   After returning to the church, Jenkins and Princess Sophia changed their identities again. Before he could do anything, Alexia found:

   "Which tower are you going to enter?"

   "Did you hear the sound in the clouds?"

In the conversation just now, the differential machine only told a group of people in the dark cloud to listen. At such a high distance and the weird cloud barrier, in theory, it is impossible for even Alexia to hear it verbatim. dialogue.

   "It was heard by the people in the music church, Hathaway told me the news... Are you going to enter that tower?"

   "Is there any other way?"

   Jenkins sighed, the expression on his face still calm:

"We are all forced to the corner. As long as it is underground, I can't catch it. Even if the church has a way to go deep underground, the differential engine will definitely escape faster than we chase it. And as long as it doesn't get promoted to the beast of disaster, it will There is absolutely nothing to do with me. Without daring to face me directly on the ground, it cannot defeat me, the savior."

   The more important thing is that neither side can wait. If you wait any longer, the end will really come. For Jenkins, everything he did was to prevent the doomsday, and for the differential engine, the arrival of the doomsday meant that the world would give birth to a beast of calamity. If it does not promote, then there are ways to appear more weird. thing.

   Therefore, before the Jenkins action, the differential engine will use this method to force the two sides to start a decisive battle. Neither of them can wait any longer, so Jenkins will end up with it before the end.

   "But you now...nine..."

   "It's okay, isn't there still time?"

   It is eight o'clock in the morning, and there are still 16 hours before midnight. The uncrowned king must be fine today, now there is only fate left.

   But Jenkins believes that fate is on his side, not because of inexplicable self-confidence, but because of the time of the decisive battle chosen by the differential engine. It is Sunday after the early morning. This is the last week of the [The Hermit and the Moon of Thunder] in August 1866 of the General Calendar. The next day is the first anniversary of Jenkins's arrival in this world.

  The decisive battle takes place on this day, which itself is full of fate. In any case, this will determine everything.

   Alexia looked at Jenkins, and didn't speak for a long time. No matter how confident she is in Jenkins, she can't accept the fact that Jenkins will enter the black tower within 24 hours.

   She also knows that this is something that must be done. Reason tells her that this is the right choice, but her sensibility wants to stop him anyway.

   Alexia didn’t want to comment on the contradiction between her rationality and sensibility. Jenkins didn’t let her continue to struggle, but gave her a light hug in the corridor:

   "It's okay, didn't we expect this day long ago?"

   The two hugged each other until the sound of footsteps on the other side of the corridor did not separate.

   Before the meeting, I have to eat breakfast. Even if Jenkins has no appetite, he still has to take care of his cat.

   Jenkins admitted that he was really nervous about the final test he was about to face. But after talking with Alexia, the tension was obviously weakened.

   When I was eating, I was still thinking about when I would go to the church to ask for gifts. Finally decided to do this after Miss Fabry announced her withdrawal from the fight for the savior, which was justified.

   There is still a drop of divinity. The difference engine does not know that he can use any gifts. These are the two cards of Jenkins. The gift is used to pass through the first nine deceptions, and the divine nature is used to defeat the difference engine in the last deception. This is Jenkins' rough plan, but he can't make a more detailed plan. After all, he still doesn't know anything about Deception.

  If there is a week, then the church can at least find information related to the content of the deception through the map provided by Miss Magic in the area where the deception originally existed. It is a pity that the differential engine is not willing to wait. Of course, it may also be aware that the church is cracking the secrets of the tower little by little, so it sets the time for tomorrow.

   looked at the chocolate with his head down and eating fruit on the long table, thinking in his heart that since it is absolutely impossible to bring chocolate into the tower, he must find someone to help take care of it.

"In this way, do I have to prepare a suicide note in advance? Although I have confidence in myself, I also have to anticipate the worst results in advance. Therefore, I must use the suicide note to distribute the property and find someone to take care of the chocolate in the future.. .... Also write, if I die, then Hathaway and the others can choose another marriage partner, not for me..."

   He lowered his head, took a spoon and took a sip:

   "I knew I might die in the last battle, but I still provoked so many girls. Is this my sin?"

   He was worried about gains and losses in his heart, and then he had to admit that he was still nervous and there was indeed panic in his heart.

  If the decisive battle happened suddenly, then he would definitely face it with all his might, and there was no time to think about so many messy things. But now that is a certain time, as if the execution time of the executed prisoner has been notified in advance. This is the most tormenting one.

  "So we must finish everything today.

   write a suicide note, find the owner of the chocolate;

   Take Robert and Mary to the church;

   Take a family portrait with the whole family as agreed;

   ask for gifts, take as many as possible;

  Meet every friend and say at least one sentence...Fortunately, I have very few friends;

   Tell Jessica about the kingdom;

   Let Britney help take care of the flower trade union, she is most suitable for this;

   give all the knowledge to Alexia;

   and all of them, have to say ‘I love you’. "

   He realized that he had never said this sentence, so he complained about his carelessness in his heart. When I raised my head, I saw Chocolate looking at me worriedly. I understood that this human cat had seen something, so he smiled and touched its little head. The cat made a grieved "meow~" sound.

   Halfway through breakfast, she was called away by Miss Bevanna, unsurprisingly because of what happened in the sky at dawn. After the group returned, Miss Fabry shut herself in the room without saying a word (in fact, it was a private meeting with Anastasia), so the "invitation" sent by the difference plane to the savior was the demigods of the church. Tell the others on the ground.

   Now this news has almost spread throughout the church, and it can even be said that the Evergreen Forest and the Holy See have already known. Now that there are only two candidates for savior, one of them will enter the metal tower, and the church knows that this must be done.

2068 Chapter 2037 The Only Two People Left

  Different from Jenkins’s “simple” idea, the church’s idea is to let Miss Fabry and Jenkins enter the metal tower together:

"The very commendable thing is that the fight for the saviors of our era is not **** at all, and even the atmosphere is very harmonious. You and Miss Fabry both aim to save the world, so why not face the challenge together? Finally? The person who killed the difference engine is the real savior. Let fate decide, let you decide for yourself, and let the difference engine decide."

  If it were other people, the church would worry that they would have infighting in the tower, and they would fall down without seeing the difference machine. But Jenkins and Miss Fabry, on the surface, are people who respect the contract very much. That's why the church has such an idea.

   In theory, this idea is quite good, but in fact Jenkins absolutely cannot agree, otherwise the final request of the Uncrowned King will not be fulfilled. He regretted to tell Miss Bevanna this point, and Miss Bevanna was taken aback for a moment before she realized:

   "So you were prepared to take advantage of this opportunity...well, Jenkins, you really think farther than everyone else."

   "But I want to guarantee that after Miss Fabry voluntarily gave up the savior competition, the news of my becoming a savior can spread throughout the world in a few hours, and it is best to include my photos and looks."

   "Of course it's okay, but are you confident that you can beat Miss Fabry?"

   "It's okay, I've already reached this point, what else can be wrong?"

  Miss Bevanna nodded without saying much. Long ago, together with her father, she confirmed with Miss Audrey that Jenkins was a candidate for the savior and the most important candidate for the savior. It took him a year to see his progress time and time again.

   She knew that the "investment" of the fortuneteller Audrey had been effective, and she also knew that she was right to choose to support Jenkins.

  It’s just that it’s really the last step. Seeing this young man who seemed to be forced to walk to the front desk by fate, forced to face a decisive battle with almost no winning rate, she still couldn’t help lamenting fate...

"You don’t have to worry about spreading your identity as a savior throughout the world. The church will take care of it. In addition, the church is still discussing the specific time when you enter the black metal tower, and is also working on it. You or Miss Fabry are ready to take advantage of the weapons, props and potions... Actually, if possible, I really don’t want you or Fabry to enter the tower. This is obviously a trap."

   The last sentence should not be said, even if everyone knows this fact, it should not be said in front of Jenkins:

"Jenkins, I know that even if no one is persecuting you, you will persecute yourself. Then, there is not much we can do for you. Do you have anything to help the church? Any wish, we all Can help you achieve it."

   Jenkins shook his head, turned around and prepared to leave, and the negotiations on the savior were about to begin:

   "Miss Bevanna, what I want is actually not much."

   It was already nine o'clock in the morning, but it was still dark outside as late at night. The sky was filled with ashes, and even if people took the initiative to clean the streets, they could not stop the white ashes from covering the streets and roofs.

   This is a scene that no one has seen before, not to mention that it is happening in every corner of the world. The most dazzling part of the dark Nolan is in the eastern mines, and the blazing fire has not ceased.

  The burning of the flames brightened the sky in the distance, but it was unable to disperse the black clouds above. Standing at the window of the church, you can see that the eastern sky is a little reddish, which is caused by those flames.

   There was news from the Holy See this morning that inexplicable blazes not only existed in Cheslan and Nolan, but also in other areas of the material world, even near the Great Ice Sheet in the north.

   Fortunately, the erosion of these flames is not as severe as the Chessland fire. Considering the current situation, flames are not the most dangerous. As long as the dark clouds and ashes that cover the sky last until the autumn harvest, causing the grain harvest this year, it will be enough to make the following winter the most dangerous winter.

  Neither the monsters in the fog nor the whales in the clouds need to do anything. Human cannibalism is enough to make this winter the grave of most people.

   At nine o'clock exactly, the second round of negotiations officially began. On the night when almost no one fell asleep, the people who stayed in the negotiation field at the Gate of Vientiane had reached consensus on many treaties.

   Although the final document is still far from being written, efficient cooperation is a very good start.

   Almost all the church leaders knew about the challenge of the ninth-story tower and the differential engine to the savior, so few people had a good face, and everyone looked worried.

   The false **** church still knows nothing about it, and the only music church that knows has not dared to leak such information. And Princess Sophia, who had passed the anger with Jenkins in advance, stood up and spoke in the first sentence, which broke the matter:

   "I think everyone here has the right to know the important things that just happened."

  The purpose is for the gifts in the hands of the false gods. Although the believers of these false gods are not as wealthy as the Orthodox Church, they will also have one or two good things in their hands. For example, the pendant of Miss Magic can be used in almost any ritual, and it also has the function of automatic protection.

  Princess Sophia looked at Pope Pontef IV, the Church of the Sage who was in charge of the negotiation, and the old man looked extremely tired. Seeing "Miss Fabry" looking at him, she tilted her head and said a few words to the people around her. Soon, Miss Strace, the son of the church, stood up.

   In the presence of the Son, it is generally assumed that the Son is the leader of the church gifter. At present, the Church of the Sage has two sons in Nolan. Jenkins’s answer to this question is not appropriate, so Miss Strace can only say:

   "Miss Fabry, do you really think it is appropriate to announce this?"

   "At least let everyone have a preparation, no matter what the final result is."

   Princess Sophia spoke her lines with superb acting skills, and the silver-haired girl sitting in the upper row of "audience seats" showed a relieved expression.

   This time Britney and Julia also came, and they sat with Silver Dragon, and Silver Dragon took care of them. Behind them are Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute. Jessica is now next to Queen Isabella. Of course they can't sit at the table too, so Jenkins arranges to temporarily protect Britney and Julia.

   As for the little fairy Venette in the book, she has been very excited since entering the Church of the Sages, and even more excited after entering the Gate of Vientiane:

   "I have seen all three books now!"

   The goblin said this to Britney, but Britney certainly didn't know what it meant.

   "If you say that, then all right."

  Ms. Strathless nodded. She did not discuss with other Orthodox churches whether to make it public. She had long thought that such a thing would happen when she wanted to come to the church.

   So Miss Strath and the demigod of the Church of the Dead gave a brief introduction of what happened around dawn today. The focus is of course the giant metal whales cruising in the dark clouds, and the conversation between Miss Fabry riding a unicorn and the differential engine is only mentioned at the end.

   After the two of them finished speaking, no one at the scene stood up to speak again, and the low voice of discussion was annoying. Miss Strace motioned to "Miss Fabry" to say something, but the latter looked at her somewhat innocently, as if expecting her to break the silence.

   "So, as far as the current situation is concerned, we must decide the final savior as soon as possible, and prepare for it to enter the nine-story metal tower to defeat the differential engine."

   She didn't give people time to discuss, and briefly talked about the legend of the savior-even though most people already knew it, she announced the next issue:

"In the Eighteenth Century, destiny has sent us nine savior qualifications. Now there are seven who have been known by the church. Five of them...sacrificed in yesterday’s heroic battle, and the remaining two They are all here, namely Jenkins Redemptor Willamette, the son of the sage, and Honest Lauer Fabry, a believer in the God of Lies. ·Loyal·Fabry)."

   The middle name was given by Princess Sophia according to Jenkins' fake name when the church came to inquire yesterday. It doesn't sound strange.

"Although most people know the main purpose of this negotiation, we need to read it again here: We have to choose the most suitable savior to lead mankind to survive the foreseeable disasters and lead our Civilization is waiting for the beginning of the 19th century. There are only two candidates left."

   She motioned for Jenkins and Miss Fabry to stand up:

   "This is the two, do you need me to introduce them?"

   Seeing that no one was speaking, Miss Strace put down the file in her hand:

   "Well, let's start now, and start to choose, who is the savior of human civilization and can lead us to a new future."

  The negotiation about the savior is of course not a debate, let alone Jenkins and "Miss Fabry" take turns to give speeches, and then vote for posts.

Originally, the church thought that there would be at least six lie believers, so it planned to reduce the number of places for the lie believers through concessions on other terms, and finally the remaining people would negotiate one-on-one with Jenkins, which is to do. Final statement.

   Statements are not speeches. What they need to do is to explain their plans for the future. This is enough.

But now there is only one lie believer left, that is to say, there is no need for any complicated plan, just Jenkins and Miss Fabry, respectively, to state how they want to solve the disaster before them, to prove who is the real salvation. By.

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