"I know you have a lot of questions, but now I have run out of time. I wanted to say goodbye to you, but now it happens."

   "Farewell? Where are you going..."

   Mr. Hood frowned first, and then pointed in the direction of the tower:

"Where is it? Why are you so anxious? I thought that after identifying the true savior, the church would organize a large-scale operation to test it. How could it make you take risks right away... It's like pushing you? It's like going out to die."

"Don't say that, this is my own decision. The specific explanation is very, very complicated. But it can be simply said that if I don't enter the tower immediately, then the material world will face the birth of a physical disaster. That is not something that mortals can fight against.

  Moreover, all the disasters so far originated from the machine hidden underground in this city. As long as it is resolved, then people can use their own efforts to change the disaster that has already begun. We have turned this world into this, and we also have the responsibility to change the world back to the original. "

   "That's how it is said.....would you be too anxious? Candle first...Jenkins, are you confident in yourself?"

   He tried to get an affirmative answer, but Jenkins did not give an answer:

   "I really can't answer this kind of thing."

   Mr. Hood seemed to lose heart at once:

"I did not expect such a thing. My friend is a savior. Of course it is an honor, but it is so dangerous... Last time I said I would repay you. With the help of Mr. White Cat and Mr. Black Cat, I have found a good thing, but it will take some time to get it. It may be too late now."

   "It doesn't matter, for the current situation, one or two weapons are no longer important."

   "But that's...it's okay, it's a pity."

  Mr. Hood cared about his friend very much. When Mr. Birch passed away last year, he was sad for a long time. At this moment, I hope I can help my friends, but I find that I am really powerless. He doesn't care about Mr. Candle's identity. As long as the other party is not a bad person, it is a good thing that Mr. Candle is Jenkins Williams, which is equivalent to losing a gift for the wedding.

   "The disaster at the end of the era is always like this. Everyone wants to participate, but only one or two people can play a decisive role."

   The old elf spoke at the right time, and then asked:

   "Speaking of which, what do you want to do when you come to me?"

   "Oh, sir, it's like this outside now. I want you to move in and live with me, so I can take care of it."

   Mr. Hood talked about his purpose, but the old elf immediately waved his hand:

"No, I like this place. Just now Jenkins even suggested that I move to the church, but I didn't agree. Don't worry, since I was lucky enough to be able to live until now, naturally I won't cherish my life. You don't need to care about me. I am very safe here."

  Because this might be the final farewell, Jenkins didn't want to leave with any secrets, so he killed himself Mr. Hood's father, and the cursed Carmel also truthfully told Mr. Hood.

   Mr. Hood didn't show any surprise or distress, he nodded his head with a very cold expression, and didn't even speak. This is not because he is angry with Jenkins, but the special relationship between Mr. Hood and the old Carmel father and son. That complicated love and hatred will not be hooded with the death of old Carmel. Mr. forgets.

   He will never forgive his father, never forget him. It was an unforgettable hatred, but at the same time, there was also the incomprehension of the biological father doing such a thing, and the desire for the father's love that would not appear.

   But in any case, he didn't want to mention that person again. Even if he tossed and turned in the middle of the night, he would go back to the day when he was cut off an arm countless times, but he did not want to tell anyone, nor did anyone take the initiative to mention it.

  Relatively speaking, Jenkins killed old Carmel, which is nothing to Mr. Hood. Killing old Carmel is equivalent to liberating him from the curse. It is really hard to tell whether this matter is right or wrong.

   Before leaving the old elf’s apartment, Jenkins asked Mr. Hood for the addresses of Mr. Black Cat and Mr. White Cat, intending to visit these two friends. At the same time, he also told Mr. Hood that Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute are now in the Church of the Sage, so there is no need to worry about their safety.

"If something terrible happens, you and Mr. Black Cat and Mr. White Cat can also take your family to take refuge in the church. Even if I am gone, you just have to say that you know Miss Bailing from the Music Church, Heather Wei also has a way to let you in."

   Before parting, Jenkins said to his friend. Mr. Hood opened his arms and gave Jenkins a hug:

   "We must meet again, right?"

  The middle-aged man looks a little sad.

   "Yes, it will definitely happen again. I am also looking forward to your wedding gift for me and Hathaway."

   Jenkins assured.

   The old elf stood in front of the living room, watching Jenkins and Mr. Hood separate downstairs from the gap in the curtain.

   The elf sighed, sat back on the sofa, put his arms on his legs, and separated his feet. He drooped his head and fell into depression for a while before suddenly raising his right hand and pressing his ear:

"Yes, I understand."

   He raised his head and said to the ceiling, then stood up again and looked at the elves in the entire living room, muttering to himself:

   "Although the attempt has never been successful, I did not expect to succeed, but this time the situation is special, so it will succeed. This time, it is not for myself."

Chapter 2079 Chapter 2048

   After saying goodbye to Mr. Hood, Jenkins was also a bit sentimental. He checked the time and planned to finish the visit as soon as possible and then return to the church, so that he could catch lunch and the cat on his shoulder would not have any comments.

   The warm ashes still drifted from the sky, and when you looked up, you could see the belly of the mechanical whale appearing under the black clouds, and then slowly disappearing.

   whistled and called out the unicorn, wanting to fly directly to the destination. I just put on a black robe to prevent my identity from being exposed. I didn't expect that in the depths of the dense fog, someone really stumbled and appeared.

   That was an old man in a black robe holding his belly. His abdomen was dripping blood continuously, leaving a very obvious blood mark on the ground covered with ashes.

   Even if he doesn't perceive the other's vitality, just from the walking posture and the amount of bleeding, he can know that he is about to die. This is not someone Jenkins knows, and the other party does not have any identifiable items on his body. Therefore, Jenkins guessed that this may be planning to go to church for negotiations today, but unfortunately encountered an unexpected false **** believer.

   Although it may be time wasted, he took the cat and the unicorn to greet him, intending to save the man back. The boots stomped on the soft ashes, and the sound of footsteps was very quiet, but the stranger of the gift still noticed the person approaching him at once. He stood alertly with one hand on the wall, his chapped lips trembling and trying to speak, but his eyes caught the unicorn.

   This is a very recognizable mount. In Nolan, there is only one type of person who can go with a unicorn:

   "Believers of lies..."

   He leaned against the wall, keeping himself from falling down, his eyes looked at Jenkins as he came. Although it is difficult to read a person's eyes, Jenkins thinks that he has understood this time, and the eyes means luck:

   "Don't worry, I will heal you. You are saved."

   he said.

   "No, you can't cure me."

   "You are doubting my strength, although I am not taught by nature..."

   "No, my body is missing three important parts, and I will definitely die within ten minutes. Relatively speaking, trauma to the intestines and internal organs is not very important."

   The old man finally couldn't stand any longer, and slid down slowly against the low wall on the side of the street. He didn't try to stand up again, but sat barely against the wall. The wound in his abdomen was still bleeding, reddening the ashes under him.


   "Occasionally to do a right thing, I didn't expect that fate really helped me, and it directly caused me to meet the believer of lies. Don't guess, I am a member of the Gear Craftsman's Club."

"what happened?"

   Jenkins stopped and squinted his eyes to look at him. First of all, of course, he was to make sure whether there was anything in his body that would fall into the same category as the bomb, but this time he really thought too much.

   "There will be no more craftsmen's meeting."

"what did you say?"

"I mean, from now on, the organization represented by the name [Gear Craftsmen’s Association] will no longer exist. Even if the followers of our Lord form a new cult, the past [Gear Craftsmen’s Association] will not exist anymore. Any traces anymore."

   He gave a wry smile, then spouted a mouthful of blood. To be more precise, it is a mixture of oil and blood, and the internal mechanical components of this old man's body may not be less.

  The dirty red blood of unknown composition fell on the ashes on the road, and actually corroded the ashes and generated a foul-smelling black smoke. This means that in addition to the incomplete body structure, he has also suffered a terrible curse.

   "Apart from me, no more than ten people will survive. I don't know if the other two high priests have other plans, but I really don't have any preparations on my side."

   Jenkins crouched in front of him two steps forward, knocked on the opponent's arm, and probed the situation inside the body. The other party is indeed a member of the Gear Craftsmen's Association, and no other organization can master this unique mechanical technology. Moreover, Jenkins' eyes did not find the mechanical structure of the opponent's body at a long distance. This kind of technology has never been encountered by Jenkins.

   The other party's physical condition is very complicated, and it is indeed on the verge of death. If he can meet Jenkins half an hour early, then Jenkins can heal him, but I am afraid it will not work now. This body has reached its limit, and Jenkins will not easily create a body for others. He does not use this ability as much as possible.

"What happened to you? I once met someone from the Craftsman's Association. He told me that even inside the Craftsman's Association, there are different opinions on helping the differential engine. Is it because of this? What happened inside the Craftsman's Association? Rebellion?"

   "Differential engine? Yes, that's what you call ‘Great Wisdom’. It’s not that there is a rebellion within us, but that there is a problem within our alliance."

   Jenkins thought about it and came up with the correct answer:

"tree house?"

"You really know us. Yes, the main organizations that help what you call the differential engine are only us and the tree house. We mainly provide help with mechanical technology. They provide help with modern occultism, and they have been doing it for the great wisdom. Some things that no one knows. The tree houses are actually very mysterious. The specific information we learned about them was revealed on the black market deliberately by the Orthodox Church."

   He closed his mouth suddenly, and the inside of his body hummed like a timed steam bomb. Jenkins tried to reach out, but was stopped by the old man.

   After a while, the voice disappeared. He continued to speak, but his voice became deeper:

   "Our relationship with Tree House and Great Wisdom is very complicated, and I can't explain it until tomorrow morning."

   There is no sunlight in the sky, only the light from the street lamps on the roadside provides light for the two of them. Jenkins noticed that after the string of sounds just now, the face of the person in front of him became worse:

   "Then to make a long story short, why does the tree house want to clear you? They found that some of you actually don't approve of helping the differential engine?"

   "No, it's not for this reason. They already knew about it, but they didn't care."

   "So, is it because you suddenly didn't want this world to go to the end, so you took the initiative to stir up disputes?"

   Jenkins guessed again.

   "Of course not. If we really rebel, then at least the craftsmen will not be wiped out in a hurry."

   "Why is that?"

   "Because Jenkins Williams and you defeated the difference engine."

   "We didn't beat it, neither did that William. And even if we beat it, what does this have to do with you?"

Chapter 2080 Chapter 2049

   Hearing Jenkins’s question, the old man leaning against the low wall on the street laughed:

"The power displayed by the sage son and you believers of lies far exceeds the estimation of great wisdom, and also exceeds the estimation of the tree house and ours. Yesterday on the ocean in front of the dock, the sage’s son used far more power. Going beyond the holy Son in the ordinary sense, and even approaching the holy one who walks in the world, do you know how terrible this is? And your group of people was able to steal its "Lord of All Machines" later Power, you must know that the'Great Wisdom' is the identity of the origin of all omnipotents, plus the arrangement of this entire epoch, only has the qualification to declare, but it was easily stolen by you.

   So the differential engine was scared, and planned to enter the tower ahead of time to complete the final fusion; the tree house was also scared, and the enemy's power far exceeded their expectations. Therefore, they took us as sacrifices. "


"The difference engine is fused with the original steam engine. It needs to use the brains of people who are proficient in mechanical common sense as a lubricant... Oh, look at your expression. The tree house needs a large number of sinful gifters, and the savior enters In front of that tower, the void was called to weaken the power of the savior. Don't ask me what the void is, I don't know.

  The craftsmen have no use value for them, so yesterday after the declaration of the "Master of All Machines", the Great Wisdom launched a purge on us underground. The battle lasted for a day and a night. If it weren't for the tree house's insidious trick, we would not have lost so badly..."

   Jenkins then felt that he was opening his mouth. These things are really incredible, but the logic is indeed smooth:

   "So you are all destroyed like this? Are you planning to go to the Church of the Sage?"

   "Yes, if they dare to do this, then do you think I will hide in the corner and wait for death, or give them some surprises before I die?"

   said, put his bloodless hand into his arms and prepared to take something:

“I’ve been up and down in my life, I’ve done all bad things, and I’ve encountered bad luck countless times. I didn’t expect to happen to want to do a'good thing' before I died. Fate finally favored me once and made you appear here directly. The ridiculous story is true. Only those who do good can be favored by fate? This is for you, this is..."

   "I'll talk about it later, sit here and don't move, I'll be back soon."

   Squatting Jenkins stood up and looked at the other end of the gray misty street when a man dressed like a magician with a red ball in his right hand came over.

   He is wearing an exaggerated white formal dress, a black cloak behind him, a flat silk top hat on his head, and a monocle on his face.

  The level of the bestower is the standard eighth level, the standard meaning is that all the blank bubbles have been filled. Including hats, there are 5 items of category A and category B on his body, and he even has a category C gift in the shape of a dagger, but it has not been taken out yet.

   This is a typical human demigod with the peak of combat power. It has not been mechanically modified or promoted in a strange way. It is a standard eighth-level demigod that can no longer be standard.

   Needless to say, I know that this is the demigod of the tree house. Yesterday, from the arrested cultists, I learned that the tree house only has four demigods with good combat effectiveness. This is probably one of them.

   In other words, now, there are only three tree houses left.

"who are you?"

   asked the magician, and then saw the unicorn:

   "Miss Fabry?"

   Seeing a lie believer in a male image, it is common sense that the person will not suspect that the person is Miss Fabry at the first time, unless the tree house has learned that the lie believer is almost completely destroyed in the hands of the difference machine. But the problem is that the difference engine already knows that all the believers of lies are Jenkins. He only needs to explain, and the tree house will know that there is no Miss Fabry.

   "So, it really does not completely trust you."

  The differential engine did not disclose this very important piece of information to the tree house.

   "Madam, what did you say?"

   "I said, I should have been called ‘sir’."

   The dazzling sword light cut through the dense fog and slashed forward. The magician pulled the cloak behind him in front of him, and disappeared behind the cloak with a slight tug. The sword only cut off the cloak.

   blinked his eyes and saw that the invisible magician was trying to bypass Jenkins through the roof of the house facing the street to attack the old man who had just died.

   Jenkins swung a sword again, forcing the magician to come down from the roof. But he was like a spiderman, his limbs stuck to the wall perpendicular to the interface, making a wet "da da da" sound, and quickly rushed towards the old man.

   The little beast uttered a soft cry, and the unicorn above its head emitted a little glow. Under the light, the magician advancing in a weird posture peeled off the wall at once, and while the palm of his hand was emitting black smoke, he fell heavily to the ground.

Jenkins quickly walked two steps to greet him. The magician hurriedly got up, folded his hands, and inserted the little finger, ring finger and **** of his right hand into the gap between the left **** and ring finger. The two index fingers were brought together, and the lips painted with bright red lipstick moved slightly. , And pointed to Jenkins.

   Jenkins immediately felt the chill. This was not because of the surrounding temperature changes, but because the clothes on the upper body were declining, just as the years made these ordinary clothes old.

   "What do you mean? Oh, this is a curse, but it's useless to me."

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