Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1206: Fight with the emperor

"Is the genius of the Terran?"

The title of the Eight-Heaven Emperor of the Green Man is the Green Emperor. He knows that Ye Chen is a six-day realm of life and death. He is able to easily kill the four-five generals and say that he Not a genius, the ghost does not believe, suddenly, his heart has been killing, this kind of human genius grows up, is not a good thing for the green people, early settlement of early peace of mind.

It is a pity that his opponent is a Terran Eight Emperor. It is not possible to solve the other party as soon as possible. Only by finding a way to get away.

"Black Stone Emperor, you and I can't beat the winners if I fight like this, I will not accompany them."

The green dragon figure flickered and teleported hundreds of millions of miles away. He turned his head and wanted to see if Blackrock Emperor had chased it.

As he expected, the Blackrock Emperor did not catch up. It seems that the other party knows that it is a single-on-one, and cannot be separated from himself. It is just a waste of time to continue playing. It is better to find the next opponent.

"Okay, now I will kill this one."

The soul of the Green Emperor locks the leaf dust, and the eyes are murderous.

Ye Chen still doesn't know that a green man, the Eight Emperor, has killed him. Of course, even if he knows, he will not retreat. He will play it first.

Killed a four-star general, a five-star general, and Ye Chen locked his target on the weakest four-star general, from weak to strong. This is the fastest way to kill the enemy.


Although the leaf dust can't be teleported, under the Eight Emperor, he is almost the most tempest and the most horrible. He can easily turn in high-speed movement. He is 100 times more flexible than the bird. He saw that he moved two times in the sky. The arcs that are connected together instantly come to the four-star general of the evil spirits.

Just a sword, Ye Chen pierced the other's defense, until the sword of the yang just broke out, burning the other's flesh and blood into nothingness, only the emperor treasure left.

"The third!"

Ye Chen continues to search for the next opponent.

"Too horror, is this still a life-and-death six-day repair? It is simply the Eight Emperors."

During the half-tea time, fifteen interracial generals were killed by twelve, leaving only the last three, and the three alien generals have completely lost their fighting spirit. No matter how they attack, Ye Chen can always avoid the past. No matter how they dodge, they will always be caught up by Ye Chen. This is a nightmare, a nightmare that cannot be woken up.

"The boy is dead."

At this moment, a horrible air machine enveloped the leaf dust, and the next moment a figure appeared in the sky above the dust, and the palm of the hand was pressed down.

This palm seems to be a barrier to the sky, covering the heart of the leaf dust, the palms of the green and green, like a huge emerald gemstone, filled with emerald green halo, the halo makes the space incoherent, ensuring that the leaf dust can not Avoid this palm, this palm is a fatal blow.

Eight Emperors!

Ye Chen hit a spirit, he has never confronted the Eight Emperors. This is the first time he did not expect that he would attract an Eight Emperor. It seems to be too eye-catching before.

"Too good is the green man of the Green Man, this kid is dead."

The three people who survived were overjoyed.

Although the mind was almost covered, the fighting spirit was suppressed, but Ye Chen did not give up, the body shape was a rotation, and the leaf dust seemed to rise like a gyro, and greeted toward the huge palm.

In the face of the Eight Emperors, the escape can not solve the problem, you can quickly compare with the teleport?

Obviously impossible.

Yong Ye Emperor Sword rotates at high speed, slamming, leaf dust and a sword pierced the green palm, of course, just a hand shadow, piercing this hand, Ye Chen saw the coming, is a eagle hook nose wearing green clothes Dahan, dragging a long tail behind him, screaming and screaming.

"The Terran Kid, report it, I don't kill the unknown."

Green Emperor Huang was a little surprised that Ye Chen could break his own palm, but it was not eclipsed. He only used seven or eight points of force. He believes that under the 10% force, it will inevitably explode each other.

"No comment."

The night of the emperor's sword waved, the dark sword wind blown into the void, into the void, the next moment, a light black vain fluctuations scattered to the green emperor.

It contains the glory of destroying the sword.

"court death."

The green emperor was furious and once again took a palm to the leaf dust. This palm was directly turned into a green sky, as if the sky had collapsed and flocked to the leaf dust.


The shock wave radiated everywhere, and the space of millions of miles produced wrinkles. After a wave of waves, the soldiers near the area burst directly and turned into blood fog.


Ye dust fell back hundreds of thousands of miles, this green emperor, obviously not a prime emperor, but a medium emperor, to the imperial emperor, he can compete with one or two, but for the upper middle emperor, it is necessary A lot worse, after all, no matter which aspect is suppressed, even the attack has strengthened a lot of himself. If there is no seventh-order spirit and guardian sword, this palm will cause serious injury and lose the fighting power in a flash.

"What happened to this kid, the attack power is actually equivalent to the upper class of the first class."

I don't know, Green Emperor is even more surprised. After all, the other party and the two are different from each other, one day, one place.

"No matter what, you have to die."

The figure flashed, and Green Emperor immediately came to the back of Ye Chen, and the palm of his hand pressed the past.

"Hugh thinking."

90% of the space is righteous, so that Ye Chen is very sensitive to space fluctuations. The Green Emperor has not yet appeared. He has already sensed the fluctuations. He screamed, and the leaf dust swayed up, avoiding the fatal blow of the Green Emperor.

"Where to go."

The more amazing the performance of the leaf dust, the stronger the mind of the green dragonfly killing the leaf dust.




One uses speed and flexibility, constantly evades, and one uses the ability of teleport to keep catching up. Ye Chen always avoids the green scorpion every time, and of course, the situation is very critical. After all, the teleport is a teleport. The reaction is a little slower, it will be hit, the front hit, it is not a joke, Ye Chen's defense still can not afford the first-class imperial blow, not to mention the middle emperor.

The sword field of the sixth realm is full of strength, and the leaf dust almost surpasses its own limit.

"Well! The sixth heavy sword field?"

The green blemish eyebrows wrinkled, he felt that his ability to teleport was weakened a lot. The closer he was to the leaf dust, the more severe the weakening, and the other's sword field also contained space static ability.

"Give me a break."

Without further teleportation, the Green Emperor screamed, and the intense green light shone through the stars, like a star that produced a big bang. The next moment, he showed the most violent palm.

Big Stars.


boom! boom!

Each palm is equivalent to a huge star exploding, and is compressed within a certain range, within the palm of the green emperor's palm, that power, do not personally feel, do not know how powerful.


A blood spurted out, and the leaf dust was shot down by the whole person.

The ps house is about to expire in a few days, but still not found, but decided to praise the sister's home, and then found it and then moved.


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