Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1216: Through the tenth floor of the God of War Tower

The incident of the human race retreating from the basaltic star field has spread throughout the other three major life stars. First, everyone is at risk. The Mozu Alliance is too strong. This time is the basaltic star field. Will it be replaced by the White Tiger Star Field? As well as the Qinglong Star Field, once the four major life stars have fallen, the Terran can only return to the life world, and that is equal to the smashing of the shackles, and there is no day in the life.

Races such as barbarian giants are also warned. They and the human race are all glory and lose their humanity. They can't compete with the Devils Alliance. This is the main reason why they spare no effort to help the Terran. This time the Terran loses, it is not good for them. They do not have a competitive relationship with the Terran, and they do not want to replace the Terran and become the leader of the Alliance.


Doka Star Field, Barbarian Planet.

The first supremacy of the barbarian - the sorrowful gentleman said: "The loss of the basaltic domain of the Terran is not a good thing for us. From now on, the whole family will implement a three-level alert, and if necessary, upgrade to the second or even one level."

The alert is divided into three levels, the third level is the lowest, the first level is the highest, and the normal time. No race has a three-level warning. It is too resource-intensive, but now it is different. The Terran defeat, the Mozu Alliance wins the whole victory, who knows the Mozu Will the follow-up class also have an interest in the barbarian territory, taking the analogy of the Terran, if the basaltic star field was not encroached a little, it would not have today, the appetite is a little bit, there will be one, it will There are two, you must not open a bad head.

At the same time, the Giants, the Giants.

The first Supreme Giant Spirit of the Giants issued an order, and the whole family exercised a three-level vigilance, refusing to exchange with the evil spirits of the Yaksha ethnic group, and the whole army was pressed.

In short, this incident of human race defeat led to the sound of the entire universe.

Going back to the paradise of God, everyone still doesn't know that the Terran has lost the basaltic star field. After Ye Chen said it, one can't believe it. The basaltic star field of Nuo Da actually changed hands in a short time. How is this? It’s a bit of a fantasy, but they have to believe that there will be fakes in these big events.

"The days of the human race are not good!"

Silence for a long time, Wan Jianwang opened the door.

"Unfortunately, we are still too weak, or else we can always contribute to the human race." Liu Di hated.

"No hurry, war is not a day or two. The Mozu League wants to eat the entire Terran, it takes countless years and energy, and there is always time for us to go into battle."

Lu Wenjie has always been very calm and has a good attitude.

Xu Jing Murong and the solitary people from the real world are also in the mouth of Ye Chen, know this thing.

He was absolutely clenched with fists. In the past, he only wanted to compete with geniuses at the same level. But now, he feels that he is too naive, competition can be, but he must have a lofty goal. Now he has determined this goal. It is one of the most dazzling people in the entire universe, not vanity, but only absolute strength to protect the human race and protect the place where they live.

After looking at Ye Chen, they will fight side by side, and they will fight side by side. There are countless geniuses. Just thinking about it is very exciting.

The tenth floor of the God of War Tower.

A few years ago, Ye Chen already had the strength of the customs clearance tower, but he has not been put into action, mainly because he is afraid of being too swayed, causing the attention of the aliens. Now pay attention to it, there is nothing important, the basaltic star Although the war has ended, the bigger war has just begun. The people on both sides will definitely find ways to destroy, and assassinating the other's genius is undoubtedly the most important.

Through the tenth floor of the God of War Tower, there are a large number of **** coins rewards, specifically how much, Ye Chen has never heard of accurate figures, after all, the last time someone passed the tenth floor of the God of War tower, has passed countless years.

Ye Chen’s current Shennian coin is 15 million. If the reward of the 10th floor is also 15 million, then he can redeem a set of top-level suits.

The top king-level suit is on the defensive, equivalent to the first-class royal armor, but on the value, the top-level king-level suit can directly chase the middle-level armor, this is because the suit has the effect of energy increase, the life and death are below seven days, put on A set of top-level king-level suits, energy will increase tenfold, ten times does not seem to be much, but it is critical, energy is high, and later use the Imperial attack weapon, it will be more handy, after all, who would suspect that their energy is too high.

The opponent on the tenth floor is a Mozu Sword King.

The demon sword king who has the power to fight against the sky, the other side's cultivation is the same as Ye Chen. It is a six-day life and death, but most of the emperors are not opponents, otherwise they will not become the tenth floor.


I remember that the first time I went to the tenth floor, Ye Chen was directly killed by the second. The second time was supported by eight strokes. The ninth stroke was smashed into two. This time, Ye Chen’s strength has turned upside down.


The black light flashed, and the Mozu Sword King held the black giant sword and came to the leaf dust.

For the ordinary war emperor, the sword of the Mozu Sword King is extremely horrible, let alone contend, even the parry is a very difficult thing, but in the eyes of Ye Chen, the speed of the other side is too slow and too slow!


Feel free to wave the night of the emperor sword, the other side of the black giant sword was immediately bombed, the next moment, Jianguang flashed, a huge human head thrown up.

The tenth floor!



Unprovoked, the God of War tower sounded the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu, seems to be indicating what.

Not only the God of War Tower of the Paradise of God, the Devil's Paradise, the Paradise of the Cthulhu, but also the God of War Tower of all the paradise remembered the voice of Hong Zhong Da Lu, over and over again.

"What, someone passed the tower of the **** of war?"

"Who is it? Is it the God of our Devils?"

"Go and see it."

Everyone went to the Tower of War.

On the left side of the first floor of the God of War Tower, there is a stone monument. The stone monument is extremely tall. The top is a dense name. It is a rough look. It is not a thousand. This is the genius of the tenth floor of the God of War Tower. How long has it been? I don’t know, maybe it’s hundreds of millions of years, maybe billions of years, maybe millions of years. In short, no one knows when God’s Paradise began to exist, and no one knows when life will develop. Civilized, so the names of tens of thousands or tens of thousands of people seem to be very rare.

Looking down, someone saw a name.

Leaf dust!

"It is the genius sword king of the Paradise of God, Ye Chen, actually he."

"There is only him!"

For a time, the news of Ye Chen’s passing through the tenth floor of the War Tower was well known. Soon, they returned to their respective races from the paradise.

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