Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1254: God of heaven

"The inheritance of the eight wildest is not suitable for us, let's go!"!

The Emperor Jinyi has no intention to stay and accept the inheritance, although they do not necessarily meet the inheritance requirements of the Eight Desires.


The inheritance of the Eight Supreme Supreme is indeed not suitable for them. It can see the essence of martial arts of the Eight Senses of Supreme, and Ye Chen is already very satisfied. This can be used for hundreds of years.

The closer the Supreme Holy Land is to the core area, the more horrible the scent of the sacred sacred. These sacred monarchs have died for countless years, but their breath and will remain unimaginable. Otherwise, it is impossible to form a corpse. s life.

Since ancient times, how many super-supreme burial in the Supreme Holy Land, few people know, at least Ye Chen and Jin Yihuang do not know, they have just passed the tip of the iceberg, it is impossible to take every place All over the place, despite more than half a month, the two have also seen dozens of super supreme martial arts, these martial arts, each of which is so terrible, if it is super super-supreme Exhibition is enough to turn things around and tear time and space.

"The iconic supreme is one of the most powerful supremes in the history of the war elephants. This is a tricky move, and it can really shake the world and collapse the Milky Way."

There is a lingering heart in the heart of the emperor, and there is a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth.

Just now, a powerful corpse attacked him and Ye Chen. The two men joined hands and were almost seriously injured by the other side. It is conceivable that this is so powerful.

"The four great meanings of the ground and the fire are in harmony with the power of the righteousness. It is indeed extraordinary."

Ye Chen is also quite admire. In the early stage, the creation of martial arts is not very powerful and very common. However, once it becomes supreme, the defects will gradually make up for it. It is not difficult to create one or two martial arts, at least not with the Terran. The difference is too far. There are not too many skills in the sky, and some are pure power and violence.

Of course, this kind of force is not brute force. After all, it contains four kinds of perfection.

"But compared to the turbulent movement, I would rather avoid the spine of the supreme Yuan Yuan." Ye Chen said.

"The supremacy of the spine supreme, this is naturally powerful, almost sucked in."

Jin Yihuang listened to Ye Chen and said that he nodded quickly. A few days ago, the two men saw the spine of the spine supreme. This is a martial art in the ordinary sense. It's a super black hole. What's even more terrifying is that once the black hole reaches its limit, it will break into countless small black holes. The strength is a little weaker and will be torn apart immediately.

Unconsciously, the two came to a giant peak, this huge peak, high without knowing the geometry, as if a great ancient mountain · gives a strong sense of oppression.

What surprised the two was that some people had come before Jufeng, three men and two women.

"The Purple Emperor!"

Jin Yihuang recognized the purple youth at a glance.

"Golden Emperor is really clever."

The Purple Emperor turned over and looked over. "Is this?" The Purple Emperor was very curious about Ye Chen and Jin Yihuang.

Jin Yihuang introduced: "He is called Ye Chen. I want to come to you, I should have heard of it, but you and I have looked down on him. His strength is not weaker than me."

"Oh, let you say so, it should be true."

The calm expression of the Purple Emperor has a hint of surprise. He knows the strength of the Emperor King, and Ye Chen can actually compare with him. It is really terrible.

"Ye Chen, he is the purple emperor, the one-handed fan dance, the mysterious and mysterious."

Jin Yihuang also introduced the Purple Emperor for Ye Chen.

The purple, white, gold, and blue young quasi-respected Ye Chen heard about it. Of course, they all heard from the Firebird Emperor. After all, the Italian people of the Firebird Emperor are the Qingyi Emperor.

Slightly talked with the Purple Emperor, Ye Chen walked over to one of the white women.

This woman is not someone else, but it is a mysterious sneak peek at a hundred years.

"Yan predecessors, don't come innocent."

Ye Chen looked at Yan Yan squatting. Compared with the past, Yan 萱 萱 looks more elegant and refined, like a nine-day virgin woman, who seems to be able to see through the fate of the scorpion, with unspeakable magic and charm.

"Ye Chen."

Seeing Ye Chen, Yan stunned his face with a smile. In the younger generation of the real world, the only thing she valued was Ye Chen. After a long time, she gradually became a peer in her heart. She smiled and said: "Don't call me. Seniors, I am only a few decades older than you, call me old, you still call me the name!"

She knows that Ye Chen respects her, but she is not actually a professional teacher of Ye Chen. Seriously speaking, she and Ye Chen are the younger generations of the Dragon King. It is appropriate to call the Dragon King's predecessors, and then, the real world and After all, the outside world is two worlds, why bother to talk about the previous things.

"That's good, contemptuous." Ye Chen also feels that it is not appropriate to call the predecessors again. The life expectancy of the king of life and death is as high as 100,000 years. It is called the predecessor in the real world. Here, age has no meaning, like gold. Yihuang is more than a thousand years old than Ye Chen. Compared with 100,000 years, the gap between him and Yan’s tens of thousands of years is almost negligible.

In addition to the purple coat and Yan squat, there are two men and one woman.

They are an old man, a middle-aged, and an old man.

The old man is called the ancestor of the emptiness. He is one of the oldest of the human races. The middle-aged is the **** of the gods, the old **** is wearing a phoenix, and there is a faucet in his hand. It is quite majestic, and it is called the dragon and mother, it is said that the body contains giant Dragon and Phoenix blood, is a half demon, do not know how these two blood can be combined.

"Young people, you are still young, the inheritance of the old man of God, or leave it to my ancestors is better, you have the opportunity." The ancestors did not dare to look down on a few people, especially the Purple Emperor and the Golden Emperor, the Yangtze River After the waves push the waves, these two people have no doubt, have the strength to compete with any quasi-respect.

Emperor Jinyi smiled and said: "The old ancestors, you don't rely on the old and the old, and then say, the supreme inheritance, the winners get it, even if we give it to you, you may not be able to get it."

"This is what I said, but if you don't argue, will my chance be a little bigger?" The old ancestors still don't give up, he doesn't have a grasp of the struggle from so many people to inherit, how many can go .

Longfeng's mother-in-law frowned: "The old ancestors, you are too young to look at the old man, but he is a rare figure who can compete with the legendary supreme, not as simple as you think, wait to defeat this corpse, then It’s not too late to talk about inheritance."

While Longfeng's mother-in-law spoke, her eyes fixed on a corpse coming out of the giant peak. The corpse's eyes were gray and faint with wisdom, not as simple as a normal corpse.

"Seven people, the strength is not bad, can support me, you can enter the mountain."

The corpse voice ‘moderate, said.

"God old, are you still alive?"

Longfeng mother-in-law was shocked.

The corpse shook his head and smiled. "If a person dies, he is dead. How can he be resurrected? This is just a hint of wisdom born from the body. There is a part of memory."

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