Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1266: a sword of fantasy bubble

Heart sword! !

How strong the power of the heart is, how powerful the swordsmanship is, and the burial swordsmanship can seal the body of the leaf dust, but it cannot seal the heart of the leaf dust.

"Impossible, my funeral swordsmanship, below the supreme, can not block more than ten people, his time and space, is not superior to me, how can I block?"

The Bone Sword Emperor seems to be afraid to believe in his own eyes. The burial sword technique is created by his understanding of the essence of martial arts and his understanding of time and space. He can seal his opponent's time in a moment. Of course, his time is also true. Two realms, not absolute, but Ye Chen’s time is not more than him!

How does he know that Ye Chen has stepped into the realm of the sword, and under the realm of the sword, may be blocked, but after reaching the sword, the power of the heart is incredible, the heart thinks, everything is a fact, the bones of the sword The burial sword technique can't lock the heart of Ye Chen, how to seal his heart sword.

"A terrible burial sword, if I didn't understand the realm of the sword, I was afraid to eat a big loss."

With the example of the Bone Sword Emperor here, Ye Chen’s heart is secretly alert, and can’t ignore some of the older generation’s characters. These people may not be as famous as the young geniuses who are active on the list, but they have lived for countless years. How many killers are there, as long as they give them a chance, they can fully accumulate thin hair and create a terrible martial arts. Of course, the older generation of characters can not be underestimated, the characters on the list of the predecessors, Ye Chen will not be underestimated, and the Golden Emperor is ranked 24th on the quasi-excellent list. This trip to the Holy Land may make his ranking improve. Some, but it is also possible that the ranking will decline, who knows how other people's progress, especially the top ten quasi-esteem, is estimated to have reached the extreme of the quasi-respect.

"My swordsmanship seems to be very strong. In fact, it is still immature, especially compared with the Bone Sword, but I don't have to show it. This is the essence of the Five Elements."

How strong is Senro, and Ye Chen is not very clear. Only by personally testing it on his opponent can he know.

"Muscle swordsmanship!"

The Bone Sword Emperor does not believe in evil, and once again attacks the leaf dust with the burial sword. In his view, Ye Chen should have a treasure that does not fear the time, so he is not afraid of his burial swordsmanship, but the potential of the treasure is limited, and it is impossible to use it endlessly. When there is always power to exhaust, as long as the other party has no treasure, there is nothing to care about.


three times!

Five times!

Nine times!

Ye Chen did not take counterattacks. He was very interested in burial swordsmanship. He repeatedly resisted the sacred swordsmanship, so that he could slowly understand the true features of the burial swordsmanship. As long as he got the essence, even if not all, it has great use for leaf dust. He can fully use this essence, combined with the essence of the martial arts of the Three Realms and his understanding of the meaning of time and space, to create a sword method similar to the funeral sword.

Thirteenth time.

This time, the Bone Swordmaster has done his best, and the burial swordsmanship is full of power, even if it is an audience.

I can see that the time and space where Ye Chen is located has begun to stagnate, and Ye Chen himself is wrapped in a transparent crystal, completely sealed in front of it, and it is a sharp and unparalleled sword.


It’s all in vain, the leaves are not moving, and the sharp and unparalleled swordsman is directly bounced off and turned into nothing.

"White Emperor, you know, what is this means?"

The purple brow brows slightly wrinkled to the side of the white king.

The White Emperor silent for a moment, slowly said: "If I guess well, it should be the realm of the sword, but below the Supreme, I have never heard of anyone who can reach the realm of the sword."


It is Tsing Yi Huang who speaks.

"The night sword family and the evil spirits of the evil spirits have reached the realm of the heart of the sword."


Purple clothes! The emperor's face flashed amazed color. For the Qingyi Emperor, he is still a relatively trusting party and never swears. Uncertain things will not be said.

As for the Night Sword Emperor and the Evil Sword Emperor, the Purple Emperor looked at their details.

As a genius of different races, the possibility of meeting the two sides is very small. Once they meet, they may die on behalf of one party. The title of Night Sword Emperor and Evil Sword Emperor is not the Night Sword Emperor and the Evil Sword Emperor. They are known in their respective races. Sword Emperor, but the Terran does not recognize them, so they have added a word to each of them, just like other races will not recognize the title of Ye Chenjian, may add him a personal word, this is the sword.

From the data point of view, the night sword emperor and the evil sword emperor is naturally very terrible, a quasi-excellent list ranked thirteen, one ranked fourth, certainly not a vain name, the information said that the night sword emperor's big free law has been To reach an extremely horrible realm, I want to come to rely on the heart of the sword to promote this power. As for the evil sword of the evil sword, only know its name, no one has ever seen this sword, below the supreme, I have seen this sword. The people of France are dead.

White Emperor, I haven't seen you for a thousand years. I don't know the strength of your present, and to what extent, the battle of demons is both frightening and exciting. At that time, it was the most brilliant and cruel time.

The purple Emperor's fist is tightly gripped. Now is the time when everyone is gaining momentum. Whoever can make progress, who can really laugh at the end and look down on the stars.

There are a few more people watching the battle. They are the ones who are alone, Chu Zhongtian, and a few people in the Ming and Qing dynasty. Yan Yan also came, and their eyes, without exception, are all concentrated on Ye Chen.

Everyone's eyes are complicated, Yan's gaze is strange, it seems to be on Ye Chen, and it seems that he is not looking at him, but in the end, he is still watching him.

"He is always so dazzling, not afraid of being burned by his own glory?"

Chu Zhongtian’s words are sorrowful, which is not like what he said.

"Some people are born to worship, what we can do, maybe just follow him and witness his legend."

The platform is bright and light.

Thirteen consecutive burial swordsmanships failed, and the White Sword King finally gave up the attack.

"You should understand the realm of the sword, but how much power can you play out of the heart of the sword?"

The Bone Swordmaster has been able to confirm that Ye Chen has reached the realm of the heart sword. Unfortunately, the state of the sword is the most difficult to control. It is difficult to use it to increase the power of the sword. It is difficult to climb the sky. The night sword of the night fork family is An exception, as for the evil sword of the evil spirits, no one knows what is going on.

"I don't need a mental state, I have a sword, please advise."

Get the essence of the martial arts of the Three Realms, Ye Chen can naturally use the heart of the sword to push up the power of the sword, but the Bone Sword is not worthy of his doing, and Senro is enough.

The body is relaxed, the right arm is raised, and the flying sword is in a straight line with the eyebrow.


Ye Chen’s swords and hands disappeared, and the illusion became a dream bubble. In the meantime, the whole world was quiet, and time and space seemed to be replaced by a bubble-filled world. In these bubbles, the white bones saw their own The idea, seeing myself in dodge, is resisting.


The white bones of the Sword Emperor splattered with a blood flower, the blood flower is so beautiful, intertwined with the bubble.

Change to the limit, the opponent's inner changes will be absorbed.

This sword needs to consume a certain amount of soul power. Of course, it also contains a trace of the heart of the sword. After all, Ye Chen has reached this realm. Even if it is deliberately used, there will be a trace in the invisible. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qdHan.cwm) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to mqpdian. Cam reading.

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