Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1283: Desperate

"My burying swords only have a few petals falling, and he actually has dozens of pieces?"

The Bone Swordmaster knows how difficult it is to practice the funeral swordsmanship. There are dozens of films and several pieces. It seems that the difference is ten times, but the power is at least a hundred times different. The funeral flower is used to display the funeral swords. About a few hundred petals fall. That is the supreme, the weakest supreme, and more than a hundred times stronger than the strongest quasi-respect.

"No, how can he bury his sword?"

Suddenly, the Bone Sword Emperor thought of the key points.

In the front of the corner, Ye Chen did not display the funeral swordsmanship, so the white bones of the Sword Emperor was the first time to see Ye Chen cast a funeral sword, and suddenly did not react.

"Is he learning the essence of burial swordsmanship while fighting me."

The Bone Swordmaster feels a little chilly.

In the face of Ye Chen’s burial swordsmanship, Night Sword Emperor feels that his soul has been frozen, and the spirit of the Swordsman does not play any role. It is necessary to know that the burial swordsmanship is the leaf dust, not the white bones, the leaf burial Swordsmanship, the state of the heart of the sword is still frozen, unless the mind of the sword of the night sword is much higher than the leaf dust.


The night dissipated, and the body of the Night Sword Emperor weathered and disappeared with the wind.

At this moment, everyone in the audience understands that Ye Chen does not fight back. It does not mean that Ye Chen has no counterattack force. The Night Sword Emperor lives in the tragedy from beginning to end.

"Pervert, mad."

The four-winged dragon king was all stunned, and it took him half a day to return to God.

He decided that once he met Ye Chen, he directly abstained, and this metamorphosis was left to the Emperor and the Sword Emperor. He did not want to encounter it.

"I am old and still want to live a few more years."

The black and white old man feels old for the first time. If the dead Lich King is resurrected, I am afraid that he is not willing to go to the leaf dust. Until now, Ye Chen has exposed a bit of skill, no one knows, at least black and white old people can’t see If you want to see it, he doesn't want to see it. It costs a lot.

The corner fight continues, and there are fewer and fewer people in the audience. Maybe at the end, there are only two people facing each other.

The Bone Sword Emperor did not have such a good luck this time. He met the Emperor of Heaven. He no doubt, he chose to abstain, and he lost his right to fight for three times and was sent out of the Shura community.

Then, the Tsing Yi defeated the third-ranked giant gold war emperor.

Yan 萱 遇到 met the Wu Emperor. Although the strength of Yan 萱 不 is not weak, but the Wu Emperor is too strong, Yan 萱 萱 萱 冤 冤

"Ye Chen, we will meet again."

On the glade field, facing the leaf dust, God bless the queen.

Originally, she thought that she had gradually caught up with Ye Chen, but when she saw Ye Chen again, the facts told her that the gap between her and Ye Chen not only did not shrink, but also had a tendency to widen, which made her very discouraged. At the same time, I admire Ye Chen very much. I have to know that for so many years, she has never admired anyone, even if it is the Tianmo Emperor and the evil sword emperor, she has not admired it. Ye Chen let her know that what is shocking, so-called Genius is in the eyes of the other party, maybe like ordinary people!

God bless the Queen’s abstention, Ye Chen has no feelings. He is different from everyone. The only belief is that he is on the peak. The more powerful opponent, the easier it is to arouse his fighting spirit and war. He is also more able to inspire him. Potential, he always believes that he can't do it, he just doesn't want to do it.

Now, Ye Chen has begun to understand the true meaning of the Shura community.

Using a strong opponent to cultivate a supreme, who can go to the end, whoever becomes supreme has the greatest hope, because there is only one shortcut to become supreme, that is, invincible momentum and confidence. Under normal circumstances, Ye Chen wants Becoming supreme, at least after thousands of years of accumulation

I believe that the Emperor and the Evil Sword Emperor are equally aware of this.

Very tacit understanding, the three eyes converge, accompanied by murder.

The old man in black and white lost to the evil sword king.

The white king lost to the emperor.

The Four-winged Dragon Emperor abstained three times!

The gold warlord lost to Ye Chen!

Finally, the entire arena, there are only four people left, four of today's strongest quasi-respect.

They are Tianmo Emperor, Evil Sword Emperor, Wuhuang and Ye Chen.

Only one of the four people can reach the top, and only one person has the hope to become the supreme in the shortest time, and stare at the stars.

At this time, even if you die, the four will not take a step back.

The first to play is the evil sword emperor and the emperor.

"Wu Huang, it is time for you to fall. This era is the age of our young people." The big sword behind the evil swordsman floated out and fell on his hand. Every time he said a word, his sword would Soaring a point, the last word said, the violent sword is like a raging wave, a wave of waves, never ending.

Compared with the evil sword emperor, the age of the emperor is indeed not small, it has been more than 20,000 years old, but since it can become a martial artist, the natural momentum is very strong, facing the sword of the evil sword, the emperor is like a giant mountain above the sea. Even if the waves are fierce, they can't shake him a point, but instead make his momentum more concise and honest.

"I have the feeling that defeating you will make me a supreme."

In the eyes of the Emperor Wu, the light of the hot flashes, when he stood with the evil swordsman, the threshold of the supreme, clear in his eyes, at your fingertips.

"Is it? Unfortunately, there will never be this day, pick up the sword."

The evil sword king holds a big sword, and a sword slashes to the emperor.

This sword is simple and unpretentious, but the sword meaning contained above clearly distinguishes the sword from the sword, and it is the eighth-order sword in the middle. In addition, the sword field that the evil sword emperor radiates, like the leaf dust, has reached the first In the late eight-eighth, in conjunction with the realm of the sword, this tentative sword is ten times more dangerous than most of the masters.

In the Shura world, outside the bronze gate, dozens of tall phantoms stand there. Behind them, there are a group of people who have lived and died in the Eight Emperors. They are all people who have entered the Shura community before.

As for the phantom is the projection of the supreme.

The Giants camp, the golden warrior said: "I was defeated by the sword emperor Ye Chen, and now there are only four people in it, the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor Sword, the Emperor and the Emperor Ye."

He is the only one outside of the four, the last one to leave the Shura community.

"Oh, the Terran actually took two, good things."

The Supreme Projection in front of the Golden Emperor laughed.

In front of the Terran camp, a projection sighs, but fortunately, there are two Terrans, but the two juniors of the Mozu and the evil spirits are also not good!

"There are two people in the Terran, and the King of the Devil has never lost. I hope that this time will remain unbeaten." The Supreme Project of the Mozu camp glanced at the Terran camp.

On the glade field, Ye Chen sighed.

The Emperor Wu died, and died under the evil sword of the evil spirits. The sword of destiny is a sword that is more than a hundred times more powerful than the sword. This sword can dominate the fate of others.

Standing up, Ye Chen and Tian Mohuang appeared in the arena.

"It’s finally our turn."

The Emperor of Heaven raised his head, a pair of scorpions, full of magic.

Ps: Ask for a ticket!


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