Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1346: Three **** stones

"Ye Chen, that should be the glory of the gods."

On the flight, Blue Moon said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chendao: "Yes, it is best, but the glory is too shining. If there are other people on the twelfth floor, we must see it. We must be careful."

Although the defense has risen sharply, Ye Chen still dare not look down on the legendary supreme.

The place where the **** stone glory is hidden is far away, and the two people who have been flying for a long time have not reached the goal.

At this moment, a black and white palm print from far and near, at an astonishing speed to the leaf dust and blue moon, facing this palm print, Ye Chen feels that the heavens and the earth seems to be a large grinding disc, caught in the inside can not move, There are signs of squeezing out of the sword.

"Awesome martial arts."

The leaf dust was shocked, the sword was out of the sheath, and a sword of arrogance was thrown out.

Blue Moon is one step slower than Ye Chen, and there is no knife and knife to keep up.


The black and white palm prints smashed the sword and the knife, but they also wiped out a lot. The power was ten, and it was easily crushed by Ye Chen and Lan Yue.

The next moment, a black shadow appeared in front of the two, but it was the three elders of the tribe.

"It is the three elders of the tribe of the earthworms. His supreme martial arts is a yin and yang sarcophagus, which is very powerful." The blue moon was sent to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen replied: "I will block him for a while, you will try your best to attack on the side, don't worry about hurting me."

"it is good."

Blue Moon has a little understanding of Ye Chen's defense.


Without any words, the black scorpion was killed. The two palms were shot in a row, and the black and white palm prints were spread out.

"Give me a stop!"

Leaf dust took a deep breath and showed the defensive swordsmanship and fading. Suddenly, the colorful swords filled the light and spread rapidly. Like a huge multicolored light ball, the black and white palm prints fell on the colorful balls. · The loud noise of the slap. Only supported a glimpse, the multicolored light ball burst open, and the remaining palm prints were beaten on Ye Chen.

Dangdang Dangdang...

As if the sound of iron is sounded, these palm prints are powerful and unmatched, but the body of Ye Chen is not weak, not only has not been blown up, but has opened some palm prints.

"How can it be?"

The black scorpion was taken aback. His yin and yang big grinding discs have nothing to do, and the attacking and breaking the defense is not a problem. The other side is blocked by the physical defense alone.

"Broken thirty-six knives!"

The blue moon seized the opportunity and issued thirty-six broken knives to the black scorpion. The knife and knife killed the life and sealed the black sneak line. Of course, Ye Chen was inevitably included.

I can't wait for it. The black scorpion has only a wave of black barriers. The black barrier is under the attack of more than a dozen broken knives. It collapses instantly. The rest of the broken knives swarm up and wrap up the black scorpion. Moving, "Give me a break!" In the end, the black scorpion is the quasi-legendary supreme, the ruined yuan is pure and incomparable. Under the eruption, the force of the fierce sword is forced out. There is some blood on the body.

"Symbolic sword!"

The dreamy sword light bubble spreads, and the black scorpion is shrouded in the blink of an eye.

"not good!"

Black stunned, he knew that he had an illusion.


With a wave of swords, the black scorpion landed, and the shadow of Ye Chen suddenly appeared in the hundreds of meters behind the black scorpion.

"Heavy knife!"

The blue moon body jumped up, holding the blue moon knife in both hands, slamming down to the black scorpion body without the human head, and the dark blue knives were stern and glamorous.

In the middle, the knife was stunned a bit, but soon, hindering the elimination. The knives went from top to bottom and fell into the ground, and the black body was naturally divided into two.

"Death cut!"

"Back to the knife wheel!"

Ye Chen and Lan Yue, one after the other, sandwiched the black scorpion in the middle, each issued the most intensive attack. At this time, they could not give each other a chance to breathe, or else everything that was done before would fall short.

"I am black and sacred and legendary, and I have fallen to such a degree!"

The black cockroach was beaten, and the mind couldn’t turn around.

"Do not!"

A roar rang from countless swords and knives, and a slightly white-silver figure skyrocketed, and all the swords and knives were bounced.

In the wilderness of the mainland, most of the quasi-legendary supremes have no saints. All of their strengths are truly quasi-legendary supreme, without a trace of falsehood. Correspondingly, their qualities are naturally very good, such as black scorpion. The martial arts gods are close to the silver level, only one step away, they can be built into the silver martial arts gods. Once they have the silver martial arts gods, it is the true legendary supreme, the power will skyrocket to a very high level, seriously, the original rot Although the Magic Tianzun is also a quasi-legendary supreme level, but in terms of strength, it is far worse than the black scorpion. The sorcerer is respected by the super-supreme martial arts and has the strength of the quasi-legendary supreme. Of course, this is mainly because the demon gods are worn out. It’s too powerful, it’s not a thing, after all, at its peak, it’s a veritable legendary supreme.

"Quasi-white martial arts gods!"

Ye Chen sighs, it seems that he can't kill the other side. If the other party is the same as the rotten demon, he is sure to kill, and the sorcerer is also a bit martial, and the power loss is too serious.

"When my sword is up to the ninth order, it eliminates the hidden dangers of the bronze martial arts gods, and should also be able to step into the quasi-white martial arts."


When the thoughts turned, Ye Chen took the opportunity to stand up and spurt out, and the blue moon followed.


The black-bellied quasi-white martial arts gods shined, the scattered flesh and blood were sucked back, re-aggregated into a perfect body, of course, the breath dropped a lot.

"Black, what's wrong?"

In the distance, the fire never came.

The black face is blue, "Don't mention it, they are in front, we are catching up."

The black scorpion does not want to be known by the fire to know his own horror. At the same time, he is also worried that the fire is endless and the fire is boundless black. After solving the leaf dust and the blue moon, he has also solved it smoothly. This is not impossible.

The speed of leaf dust and blue moon is so fast that black scorpion and fire endless horses can't catch up.

One hour passed, and the shining radiance of the **** stone lit up again.


The two are happy and the speed increases again.

Finally, the two saw the source of glory.

In the line of sight, a high platform stands on the dark blue ground. On the high platform, the brilliance shines and condenses into a circle of masks. In the reticle, three magical stones float inside, each stone seems to be a Taikoo mountain. It looks like a slap in the palm of your hand, but it gives you a feeling of weight.

"Three gods."

Blue Moon couldn't help but blurt out.


Ye Chen and a sword slammed into the mask, but unfortunately, the mask was extremely strong, and the sword was bounced.

Ps was too tired in Changsha these days. I came back to catch up with May 1st. Some things have to be busy. I got a chapter early today and went out in the afternoon. The next chapter is going to be night.

May 1 double, ask for a ticket, in addition, the plot in the wild gods is all paving the way, the back is the real climax.


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