Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1349: Five major tribal heads

Vulcan is a part of the **** stone, officially becoming a sacristy, although it is only a star--, but the gap between the supreme weapon and the sacristy is very large, but the gap between the sacristy is much smaller.

With a star-shaped sacred device, the infinite power of the fire stabilized the endless fire and black scorpion, which is considered to be the master of the legendary supreme.

The dark blue flame lingers, turning into a fierce unicorn, rushing toward the leaf dust.


The leaf dust shouted and the sword style sounded.


The fire unicorn and the sword gas are in the same place, and the strong shock wave sweeps across all directions.

"Great, it is a legendary supreme."

Ye Chen is very clear, he relies on the Tianjian to have the legendary supreme strength, and the fire is boundless and so on. It is the quasi-legendary supreme strength. If you have the strength, it is naturally extraordinary and easy to deal with.

"But I have a magic sword style. If my heart is not strong enough, it is not my opponent." Ye Chen is very confident in his own magical sword style. Not every saga of the legendary saga is as strong as himself. It should be said that it is rare. As long as it is affected by the illusion, you can find the hole to hit the other's body.

"Fire River!"

Seeing that his own tricks were offset, the fire was bound to send a stronger move. This move came out, and the raging flame turned into a river, which slammed into the past with a huge momentum.

"The move is true."

The leaf dust does not evade and rushes up against the flame river.

"court death."

The fire is sneer.

But in the next moment, his expression solidified leaf dust actually ignored the flame river, and the waves in it swayed, and the raging flame fell on the leaf dust, and it was extinguished at once.

"Symbolic sword!"

Open the last layer of the flame river, the leaf dust appeared in front of the fire, and a sword swayed out.

"not good!"

The fire has bound to try the magic sword style but knows it, there is still no way to defend it.

I want to defend the magic sword unless the heart is strong enough, or cultivate the secret of the supreme power.


Ye Chen’s Tianjian, who wore the infinite shoulders of the fire, was originally intended to puncture the infinite chest of the fire. The other party woke up in advance, and the Vulcan smashed with the Tianjian, making the Tianjian attack trajectory Little by little.

After a sword pierced the infinite shoulders of the fire, the leaf dust gently shook the sword like a powder, and the half of the body of the fire completely collapsed.

"This is a seven-star sacred device!"

The fire was infinitely shocked, and the dust was swept away, lest he be hit hard again.

"You three are not my opponents now."

After the leaf dust retreats hundreds of meters, there is no further attack. It is too difficult to kill three quasi-legendary supremes. It is equal to force each other and desperately to force each other.

The three people are silent, and Ye Chen is telling the truth. They can't allow them to refute and refute a thousand sentences, which is not as good as their own strength, so they are in a very conflicting mood.

"let's go."

Seeing that the three people are not talking, Ye Chen knows that now stiff here will only make the other party angry and angry, and the body shape will fly away with the blue moon.

"Just let them go?"

Blackbird is a bit unwilling.

"What can I do? He holds the seven-star sacred device. It is difficult for him to move him. The legendary Supreme can only force him. But you and I know that the legendary Supreme will not easily take it unless it wins their attention. ”

The seven-level tribes have legendary supreme, so the legendary supreme will not usually be shot, for fear of inadvertently causing other seven-level tribes, causing a big battle, the following people can make small noises, the above people must pay attention to it.

"There may be other gods on the twelfth floor, we will look for it."

The infinite mood of the fire is not too bad. He got a piece of **** stone. He is already satisfied. Before he chased the leaf dust, he was afraid that the leaf dust would reveal the secret, so that the 12th layer of the **** stone could not get it.

Restoring the origin of Tianjian, Ye Chen did not continue to stay in the Shenhuo, the legendary supreme is not terrible, the terrible is the legendary supreme, if it is the legendary supreme of the Shenhuo tribe, I am afraid to fall here.

The days are calm, and Ye Chen and Lan Yue occasionally go out for a stroll and hunt. At other times, they basically stay in the eternal tribe to practice swords and knives. Of course, Ye Chen also began to try to cast the Supreme Sword.

In the middle of the desert, there is a solitary mountain, the top of the mountain is flattened, and a golden cathedral is located on it.

In the hall, there are five golden chairs with one sitting on each side.

If there is a legendary supreme here, you will recognize that the five people in the hall are actually the heads of the five major eight-level tribes, namely the head of the Bauhinia tribe, Kangsiwei, the head of the eagle tribe, the eagle, the cloud tribe. The head of the cloud, the battle tower tribe head collar Titan, Xinghai tribe head collar Chen Tianding.

"Old rules, the time of holding the martial arts is determined by the tower of the gods." Xinghai tribe leader Chen Tianding said.

"That would be fine according to the old rules." Titan agreed, but then he said: "But the details have to be changed. The first person in the ruins of the tower, the tribe in which he is located, gets two times directly instead of the original one. One."

The Bauhinia does not fall over and Constance brows. "So, isn’t it only the top nine who can win time for the Horde?"

"Not bad."

Titan nodded.

"Titan, it seems that you are very confident about the young people in your tribe?" Ying Liexiong looked at the Titan, which is meaningful.

In the middle of the cloud, the tribal leader led the cloud to reach his right hand. "I agree with the Titans."

"Whoever is afraid of it, then it is better to follow this rule."

Ying Liexiong said.

Eternal tribe.

"The five elements of swordsmanship want to be big, it is not a matter of time!"

Ye Chen sighed and the five elements of the sword was his foundation. Once the five elements of the sword were completed, the swords created according to the five elements of the righteousness were all great. At that time, no matter whether it was attack or defense, there was no loophole. Concentrate on the essence of the Five Elements swordsmanship and continue to move toward a higher level. For example, to create a super-swordless sword, you must know that the super-supreme martial arts can't even create the legendary supreme. Only those high-ranking legends can create super-superior. Martial arts, the era of the rotten demon Tianzun, should be the legendary supreme.

There is no progress in the Five Elements Swordsmanship, but during this time, Ye Chen is not nothing. He has cast a semi-finished Supreme Sword. In the process of casting the Supreme Sword, Ye Chen’s amazing discovery, his own destructive sword and immortal sword The meaning is slowly improving. Among them, the bright sword has the fastest promotion and has entered the ranks of the eighth. Perhaps when he succeeds in casting a sword of supreme, he can raise the two supreme swordsmanship to the ninth order. It can reach the eighth-order peak. Of course, this is only a guess. The nine-order to high-sword is not so good.

"Ye Chen, are you interested in going to the Eagles who are not falling?"

On this day, Blue Moon said it.

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