Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1365: Evil star surrender

"My Garro Devil has finally seen the sky again."

The pale gold human figure gradually becomes clear. It is a two-headed four-armed demon. Because the body is sealed and destroyed, now he is the state of the martial arts god, and his martial art **** is a golden martial art god. Promoting to the gold level is a veritable demigod.

In fact, the demons that survived the black wind were all in the state of the martial arts, and the body was sealed for countless years, and it was already wiped out.

A half-devil evil spirit, five legendary demon demons, six people walked out of the cave.

"Welcome adults to get out of trouble."

Inside the canyon, hundreds of Supreme Demons respectfully.

Some of them come from the Mozu, some from the evil spirits, some from the Yaksha, and some from the Greens, but no matter which race, encounter the half-god, they must respect the adults, if To say that Legend Supreme is the culmination of the Supreme, then the demigod has long since departed from the Supreme level and is a higher level of life.

"With me, conquer the Terran Alliance!"

Galois St. Senran.

After being shut down by the Terran and the Gods for many years, Garro Devil has been sighing for a long time. Whenever he wakes up from his sleep, he swears to conquer the Terran Alliance and turn the Terran Alliance into slaves and let them Everlasting world can not turn over, although the Mozu's supreme prison Moro death prison is also open, there must be a human and a half god, but he has confidence in his own strength, to know that he had hidden strength.


The demons of the devils have been screaming in unison, and have been shut down for countless years. It is time to vent, or else they will be mad.


Demon domain, Moro died in prison.

The seal was automatically opened, and a famous Supreme flew out. The last one was a demigod, a human and a half god, and his body was shining with pale golden light.

"Every long time, the universe starry sky will be chaotic once, but who knows, this is just a game, a game to train the strong."

The human race is semi-sacred and refined, and the two sides are open and closed, and the sun and the moon are dull and unpredictable.


On this day, the cosmic starry sky was completely chaotic. Under the leadership of two demigods, the Alliance of Terran and the Alliance of the Mozus came to an astonishing battle. This campaign has 36 supreme degenerations, most of which are just from The black wind and Moro died in prison for the supreme, they were sealed for too long, and like the devil, the strength is far from reaching the peak period.

The most amazing thing is the two demigods.

Although the demigod is suppressed by the will of the universe, it is not comparable to the legendary supreme. The decisive battle between the Galois and the Terran has caused a huge black hole in the universe. It is necessary to know that the super supreme can also make black holes, but It is only a small black hole. The black holes that the two gods have 'made' are enough to devour all things and destroy the laws of heaven. Within a light-year period, there is no object at all.

The war came quickly, and both sides succumbed to the next decisive battle.


The land of the gods.

Ten years passed by.

Among the mountains in the cloud, the evil spirits and the young black robes stand on a hill.

"Who are you?"

The scent of the evil star is ten thousand times stronger than a decade ago. The singular spirit is comparable to the sun in the sky, dazzling and pure, emitting a faint silver light. This is the phenomenon that the martial arts gods were promoted to the silver level. .

"Since you want to know this, telling you is no problem." The black robe young man pulled down the hat that blocked his face, and a dark black long hair fluttered in the wind, as if splashing ink, his eyes, the pupils were dark to the extreme, like two Black holes, at the same time, a horrible magical atmosphere broke out, and the heavens and the earth were dark.

"Magic, is the Mozu!"

The evil star has a glimpse of the eye, and carefully looks at the other side. Suddenly, his pupil is magnified, "The Big Devil Blood!"

"Not bad."

The black robe young man grinned.

"Submit to me! Evil star. You should know, my appearance, what it stands for." The black robe young man looked directly at the evil star.

The face of the evil star flashed a complex look, and then he laughed. "I want to surrender, it is very simple, defeat me, otherwise, how is the big demon blood?"

"Reassured, it is not difficult to defeat you."

Young black robes don’t care.

The evil star is cold, "As legend, the blood of the big devil is really arrogant, but your martial arts **** has just been promoted to the silver level, and I have accumulated for ten years."

"If this is your confidence, then let's get started!" The young man in black robe stood with his hands on his body, and his body was like a sea. With him as the center, the heavens and the earth darkened, deeper and deeper, deeper into the evil stars. Gradually I can't see the position of the young man in the black robe, as if in the sky, it seems to be in front of me.

The evil star was in the heart and the war broke out.

"Take me a trick!"

The whole person turned into a gray streamer, and the evil star boxed to the deepest place between heaven and earth, and the horrible punches were overwhelming.

One hand was behind, the young man in black robe stretched out his right hand, clenched his fist, and banged, and a boxing went out, and the dazzling light shone.

Time and space tremble, the evil star flew back.

"A good light and dark punch!"

The evil star's body shape flashed, and once again rushed to the black robe young man, the percussive punch filled the world, as if there were countless evil stars in the impact.

On the other hand, the young man in black robe is relaxed, his surroundings are dark, but his punching power is shining, which is the special feature of light and darkness.

After a thousand strokes, the young man in black robe suddenly greeted the evil star, and the darkness between heaven and earth gradually integrated into his body. His right fist was getting brighter and brighter than the sun in the sky, glaring, sly, a boxing out. The dazzling light flashed past, and the evil star spit out blood and spurted it out. This punch was too fast, and it was almost time for the evil star to have no reaction.

"Is this the blood of the Great Devil?"

The evil star has such an instant of sorrow.

He asked himself that he was strong enough. No matter which aspect, he was not weaker than the genius who was shocked by the ancient times. However, in the face of the blood of the big devil, he still lost a mess. This is still the case when the other party is not serious. Years ago, from the point of view of the tower, the other side was a little bit more powerful than him. After ten years, the other side actually widened the gap. What is even more terrifying is that the other side’s martial arts **** is actually stronger than him. Isn't it just a breakthrough?

"Do you want to fight?"

Young black robes are faint.

"Forget it, I am not your opponent, I am willing to surrender to you, but if one day, your progress is slow, don't blame me for being away from you."

The evil star took a deep breath and his face was complicated.

The black robe young man smiled and said: "Yes, as long as you have the ability, you can take everything back from me at any time."

Ps: The plot is a bit of a card!

——(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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