Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1370: Two hundred years of leaf dust disappearing

Two hundred and thirty-seven chapters of the two hundred years of leaf dust disappearing

In the thirty-third year of the disappearance of leaf dust, Baiji Juggernaut officially retreats. He needs to work hard to return to the peak period and gather his own body. The demigod loses his body. It seems that the impact is not great, but it has certain limitations for future development. .

In the thirty-fifth year of the disappearance of leaf dust, Yan smashed into a supreme.

At this point, in just a few years, the universe has three more thousand-year-old supreme stars, each of which is the only one, the gods are supreme, and the Yan is stunned. These three are all broken into supreme within a thousand years.

Being a supreme is a good thing, but it also brings a lot of trouble to Yan.

Among the supreme stars of the universe, more than 90% are men and few women, which also leads to the female supreme being very fragrant. After all, everyone wants their partner to be a female supreme, so that they can grow old with themselves and live to the sea. On that day, therefore, on the bright side, in the dark, many of the supremes have come to look for Yan scorn, hope that Yan 萱 can become their companion, including a legendary supreme.

In this regard, Yan shunned one by one, she would not find these people even if she was looking for a partner. Many people were hundreds of times older than her.

I know from some secret news that Yan Yan is a confidante of Ye Chen, a good friend. Therefore, most of the Supreme is very restrained and will not make strong things. Only the legendary Supreme Heaven from Moro’s death prison Hook Supreme does not care who Ye Chen is. He is very fond of Yan Yan. This is a woman who gathers the world and is a rare woman. It is rare in the world. It can be cultivated to the supreme, even rare to the extreme. If the Six Wings Supreme and God You Supreme is an excellent bloodline, then Yan 萱 is a collection of women's excellence.

Tianshou Supreme wants Yan Yan to be a partner. There is still a reason for his partner.

In fact, many supremes are before becoming supreme. They will try to leave their descendants, because once they become supreme and want to have their own children, the other half must also be supreme, such as Ye Chen wants children. Then Xu Jing and Murong must be supreme, otherwise they will not be pregnant.

Tianshou Supreme does not know how many years he can live, so before he dies, he needs to cultivate a supreme, and this supreme nature is best his child.

It seems that the ‘sinful and sultry’ Yan’s scorn is naturally the scent of the old guy’s eyes.

Fortunately at the crucial moment. Zhenwu Supreme prevented the Heavenly Hook Supreme, Ye Chen and other peerless geniuses came out from the blood of the Dead Sea. It usually looked very gentle, but once he angered him, he would suffer his anger, if the leaf dust came back. Knowing that the Heavenly Hook Supreme forcibly makes Yan sneak into his companion, there is no doubt that it will fall out with the Sky Hook Supreme. Maybe it’s just that Ye Chen is not the ultimate opponent of the Hook, and it’s a loss, but as long as the time is given to Ye Chen, There are times when you surpass the Heavenly Hook Supreme.

Whether it is leaf dust or loss, or leaf dust strong suppression of the sky hook supreme. They are not what Zhenwu Supreme wants to see. Within the Terran Alliance, harmony must be maintained.

With the sacred armor and the martial arts god, the martial arts supreme retreats several times, and warned the other times.

"Oh, I am a legendary supreme, how distinguished I am, and I dare to obstruct me."

As a legendary supreme, Sky hook Supreme is very proud inside, I want to be at the beginning. He is also a peerless genius. If he is not locked in the death of Moro, it is possible to become a demigod.

"I will reinvigorate and restore my strength. No one can stop me when I am out."

Tianshou Supreme decided to retreat. The resources to restore strength have been collected almost enough for him to use it.

In the second hundred years of the disappearance of the leaf dust, the unparalleled emperor Ajiu succeeded in breaking through and became the supreme. He almost became the supreme in the Millennium Supreme, which also represents his potential is terrible, but the light has been given by Ye Chen. Covered up, as for the solitary and Yan squats can become the supreme in the millennium, in fact, many people's expectations, but many things are uncertain, want to be supreme, but also to look at the heart, not just look at talent savvy.

Become the supreme Ajiu, the title is the top ten supreme, as for the unparalleled supreme is certainly not desirable, too exaggerated.

At this point, the Terran has three young people who have become supreme, all of them are the Millennium Supreme. Of course, in addition to the Terran, other races have young people to become supreme.

There are two Mozu people, one is God Supreme, and the other is older, already more than two thousand years old.

One of the evil spirits.

One of the Yaksha people.

Two barbarians.

Two giants.

Originally, the Mozu is impossible to have only two. The evil spirits and the Yaksha are the same. It is impossible to have only one. Unfortunately, the top talents of them are all dead in the Shura battlefield. The ones who kill them are the leaves. Dust, leaf dust is stepping on their bodies, and finally became the supreme.

Except for the new supreme of the Mozu, who is more than two thousand years old, the Millennium Supreme of the universe has reached eleven from the original one. If you add the evil star Supreme and Ye Chen who have been missing for many years, it is twelve. .

If the leaf dust is the sun, then they are the stars, blooming their own brilliance.

However, few people know that there is also a sun shining in the dazzling light, the leaf dust is the white sun, the other side must be the black sun - the big demon king lineage.

"There are so many thousands of supremes at once, is this going to make the universe starry?"

Some of the supreme secrets are communicating.

It’s really a thousand years of supreme. In the long years of time, it’s not bad to have one in one era. This time there are more than a dozen.

"The Millennium Supreme is a trump card. I am afraid that in the future of all races, more young supremes will be born."

"Well, this is inevitable. The Millennium Supreme is only the first batch."

"We have all the potential, just look at these young supreme performances."


The land of the gods.

In the past two hundred years, Ye Chen has long integrated the sword-defending style into the power of the righteousness, and even the most difficult to integrate the magic sword style, but also the power of the righteousness.

During this period, the abandoned tower was once again.

This time, it is still the first result of the Yechen Tower. The sword-guarding style combines the strength of the auspiciousness. It may be a single fight. He may not be able to defeat the first demon of the great demon king, but on the tower, he is undoubtedly the most Strong, with the sword-keeping style, he reached the 788th floor, and the first demon statue reached the 777th floor, still one layer apart.

As for the third place, the difference between the two was a big one. I don’t know when it started. Others have already been far more than two.

Only the top five, only Ye Chen is not a legendary supreme, even Kang Xueli, the war bear has become a legendary supreme.

Not being able to become a legendary supreme, there is such a strength, although it is horrifying, but the limitations are also great, after becoming a legendary supreme, you can continue to develop, without becoming a legendary supreme, the basic strength is too much, and less After a period of accumulation, it will become more and more obvious.

Ps: My micro. Letter. is jianyoutaixu, the public number sword tour is too empty, welcome everyone to add me.


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