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Chapter 1072 Mama was eaten by the big bad wolf (Plus 2)

Dudu was very anxious and wanted to see Mommy wholeheartedly.

However, when the two of them ran to the top floor and just stepped on the last stairway, they were stopped by a few black-clothed men with kinky muscles.

"Children, this is not a place for you to come, go down."

The leading man in black was expressionless and stopped the two little buns.

Although he didn't show it, he was a little surprised in the bottom of his heart.

He was one of the men who were ordered to kidnap An An and Dudu that day, so he naturally knew where the two children came from.

This little girl seems to be very favored by Master Lu.

And this little boy was not so lucky.

Not only was he locked up alone, he was also injured.

"Uncle, I'm here to find me Mama! Uncle, can you let us in, my Mama is in danger now..."

Xiao Dudu puffed up her bun face, and looked up at her uncle in front of her with tears in her eyes.

This uncle's face is so dark and cold, but she is more worried about Mama, so she must not be afraid or retreat.

"Looking for my mother?" The man was stunned and suddenly understood.

I'll go, Master Lu is so... so unscrupulous!

The purpose of tying up two mixed-race children and returning them is to trick their mother into the manor to do that kind of thing? !

Master Lu entered the room with that woman, not a day but a long time.

And these two kids...

The men in black lowered their heads, looked at the little girl who looked up at her, and then at the little boy who was standing beside him, bowing his head silently and not speaking.

Instantly softened.

He said in a deep voice, "Otherwise, wait here, uncle, go and ask for your help."

Even though I know, it's a vain question, and 80% will be yelled back by Master Lu.

But this subordinate really sympathized with the two children.

"Thank you uncle, then uncle, hurry up. There is a big bad wolf in Mummy's place. If you can't find Mummy again, she will be eaten by the big bad wolf!"

The big man in black who had turned and left, almost stumbled under his feet.

Big Bad Wolf?

Lord Lu?

Cough...he wanted to tell the children.

Your mum is probably eaten by the big bad wolf long ago, and it has been eaten several times.


After a while, the leading black-clothed man came back sullenly.

It was just a tentative knock on the door, and he was almost burned to the ground by Lu Ye's wild anger.

"My little one, I'm sorry. This... your mommy can't come out to see you for the time being. But don't worry, uncle will help you see it. There's no big bad wolf in it, and your mommy is very safe."

The man in black squatted down and tried to speak to the little girl in the gentlest voice possible.

Little Dudu's beautiful peach eyes blinked.

Then he tilted his head and thought for a few seconds before suddenly turning his head.

He said to the little boy beside him, "An An, it turns out that there is no big bad wolf inside. Mommy is very safe. We don't have to worry about it."

She hurriedly wanted to see Mommy, just because An An said that Mommy was caught by the big bad wolf.

She was worried about Mommy, not because she was worried that Mommy and Uncle Lu were together.

Dudu is also very smart.

Little Dudu is also selfish.

Uncle Lu is so hot, she seems to want Uncle Lu to be her Baba.

Little boy Yuezheng, with his beautiful and delicate eyebrows, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

He didn't even look at the big man in black who had obviously failed to communicate, and said to Dudu, "The sweeter it is, cry."

"Huh?" Dudu was stupid, expressing that he didn't understand.

An An didn't even lift her eyelids. "Don't you like to cry the most? Little crying bag, cry now. Cry loudly, the louder the better."

Little Dudu bit her lower lip, humming, a little aggrieved.

An An is good or bad, why does An An make her cry...

Seeing Dudu's refusal to cooperate, the little boy Yue Zheng became impatient.

He pinched Dudu's little face, got closer, and whispered something in her ear.

Less than half a second.

A high-pitched cry containing extreme grievance resounded throughout the manor.

[The author has something to say] There are two more~

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