Wang Hongyan is from the north, with a height of 1.71 meters, and a very plump and thick figure.

Tang Xinluo, who had just recovered from her illness, stood in front of her, as thin as a chicken.

It all happened in an instant, and the change came too fast for everyone to stop it.

Seeing that Tang Xinluo was about to be thrown over by Wang Hongyan, a big powerful hand suddenly stretched out from the side and pulled Tang Xinluo into his arms.

Wang Hongyan jumped in the air and fell to the ground.

"Yuchen..." Tang Xinluo, who was so frightened that she almost lost her voice, saw who was coming, and then slowly regained her voice.

Lu Yuchen looked down at her, his black pupils narrowed with undisguised gloom.

Tang Xinluo immediately understood the coolness in his eyes, and bowed his head in a guilty conscience, but he directly raised his hand and pinched his chin.

"You know it's wrong, eh?" The corners of his lips sneered, as if he was laughing at her over-comprehension.

Tang Xinluo's face flushed, and she was even more ashamed.

She still has a baby in her belly, so she really shouldn't run out like this.

And something like that almost happened just now, if Lu Yuchen hadn't come in time, maybe she would have...

Thinking of this, he subconsciously touched his lower abdomen with his hands, and looked at Lu Yuchen with a guilty conscience.

"I'm's my fault, I didn't expect it to be like this." Her attitude of obediently admitting her mistake made Lu Yuchen very useful.

His black eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the little woman in his arms. Lu Yuchen didn't care about anyone else here, he just hugged her whole body.

Holding the little woman in his arms, he bit her earlobe and asked in a deep voice, "In the future, do you dare?"

Tang Xinluo wanted to ask what he was referring to, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only shake his head obediently, and whispered, "Don't dare."

Lu Yuchen placed a satisfied kiss on her lips, and she was embarrassed by being held in his arms in public.

The small hand rested on his chest, trying to push him away, but he couldn't match his strength, so he could only let such a large group of people watch a kiss scene for free.

After the kiss, Tang Xinluo couldn't stay any longer. She buried her red face in the crevice of his neck, put her arms around his neck and urged him, "Take me back, I...I want to go back to rest."

"Wait, there are still things to deal with."

Because she was shy, Tang Xinluo wanted to go in immediately.

But he, Lu Yuchen, was different.

The woman here is not worth his shot, but it does not mean that he will not pursue it.


The appearance of Lu Yuchen changed the atmosphere of the scene subtly.

The women who had been so noisy and wished to help Wang Hongyan all calmed down involuntarily.

Lu Yuchen's tall figure of more than 1.9 meters, matched with a black custom suit, not only gave people an extremely strong sense of oppression, but also a kind of innate nobility.

The petite Tang Xinluo was held in his arms, in stark contrast to his tall and cold.

Seeing such a man, there is no woman who does not want to conquer him and get his favor.

It's a pity... such a man who is so high above and like a god, from the moment he appeared, his eyes have been on Tang Xinluo's face.

It was as if his eyes were simply unwilling to give alms to others.

Among the four female classmates who came to make trouble, except for Wang Hongyan who didn't react because of her violent temper, the other three had long forgotten their purpose.

The gazes of the three of them kept falling on Lu Yuchen's face, for fear that they would miss the slightest change in the expression on that handsome face.

It's a pity that the more handsome a man is, the more ruthless he is.

Lu Qi came up with a team of men in black. It only took half a minute to frighten the three girls who were still in nympho so much that they didn't even have the courage to look at Lu Yuchen again.

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