"Change your surname?"

The two little buns, together with Xinluo, looked at Lu Yuchen at the same time.

Xinluo was the first to react, "You're right, I almost forgot about it. An An and Dudu really have to change their surnames."

The two of them were originally the children of the Lu family.

Xinluo doesn't care what others say about her, but she cares about what others think about her two babies.

Both children were of Lu Yuchen's blood, and their surname was Lu.

Once, it was helpless.

But now, their surnames should not be taken away.

"In that case, wouldn't Dudu be called Yue Tiantian instead of Lu Tiantian? Hey, Dudu can also be named Baba?"

Xiao Dudu broke free from An An's hand and ran in front of Xinluo and Lu Yuchen excitedly.

Xiaorou dumpling didn't even think about it, so he hugged Baba and Mama.

When she was a child, she was secretly sad for a long time because she was asked by other children why she didn't take her father's last name.

Since then, Dudu has devoted himself to finding a father for himself.

And now, her wish has finally come true.

"Lu Tiantian, Lu Tiantian's mommy, do you think this name sounds good?"

The little guy raised his face, revealing a smile as sweet as her name.

"It sounds good, of course it sounds good."

"That's good, from now on, Dudu will be called Lu Tiantian! Mommy, Daddy, Dudu loves you all!"

With a sweet mouth, Xiao Dudu coaxed Daddy and Mommy, and then went to coax Brother Youyou.

Coax brother Youyou, and then go to La Anan.

"An An, what's wrong with you, why don't you speak? I'll be Lu Tiantian from now on, and you'll be Lu Zheng, isn't An An happy too?!"

Xiao Dudu didn't know what to do and didn't notice at all. An'an's face was full of displeasure.

"An An, what's the matter?" Xinluo was worried about the child and forcefully broke free from Lu Yuchen's arms.

She walked towards An An, squatted down and hugged him.

Xiao An'an still lowered her head and remained silent.

A flash of worry flashed in Xinluo's eyes, and she said softly, "Okay, if An An doesn't want to change his name, then we won't change it. An An is still Yue Zheng, and our An An surname is not Lu, okay?"

Xinluo had already guessed An An's thoughts.

Unlike Dudu, An An has been very sensible since childhood.

Moreover, Yue Ze has always taught him, it can be said that in a certain way, Yue Ze's uncle is like his father.

Xinluo knew that An An admired Yue Ze very much.

The surname Yue, for him, was even an honor.

As a mother, you can see through your son's heart at a glance.

When Xiao Anan heard Xinluo's words, the disappointment in his eyes faded a little, but he was still unhappy.

An An lowered her head and whispered, "But this will cause trouble for Mommy."

He really liked Uncle Yue Ze, and also liked his European grandfather, grandmother and everything in Redington Castle.

It's not that Xiao Yuezheng hasn't longed for fatherly love.

But he is more mature than Dudu.

As early as hiding under the desk and hearing everything, he was ready, no father was prepared.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has empathized with Uncle Yue Ze.

"Silly child, it's just a surname, what trouble can it cause Mommy? Besides, don't forget Mommy's identity. Mommy is the eldest lady of the Reddington family, so she's not afraid of trouble at all."

With Xinluo's comfort, An An finally felt better.

Therefore, Xiaoyuezheng still surnamed Yue, and did not change back to Lu's surname.

And the sweeter it is, it becomes Lu Tiantian.

Lu Yuchen wasn't someone who cared about the rules. An An's surname was not Lu. As long as he was Xinluo's child, he would protect him for the rest of his life.

As for letting him change his surname, it's just for the convenience of the little woman.

But now, Xinluo didn't want to force the child, and Lu Yuchen naturally wouldn't force it.

In this way, after breakfast, Lu Yuchen called Zhuo Yarong in front of Xinluo and the three children.

The account book is still in the market, so Zhuo Yarong has to send it over.

By the way, grandma has to come over and meet the little grandson and granddaughter.

The author has something to say and there are 3 more

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