Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1124 Can't wait to see the furry Yuyou

"Then I'll accompany you and bring the three little guys with me." Lu Yuchen wanted to accompany her as much as possible before he left.

"No need, Youyou is going back to school today. I'll take him to school first, and then to Shen's house. The two babies are at home with their mother today, so they won't go. You don't have to go either."

There were still a lot of troubles with the Shen family, and she didn't want to bring the children and Lu Yuchen there until she figured out her relationship with Shen Yi and even the Shen family.

Lu Yuchen didn't force her, he grabbed her little hand and kissed her, "Then when are you going to accompany me back to change the information in the household registration book?"

They also have to re-apply for a marriage license.

Because Tang Xinluo's identity is equivalent to being given up by Xinluo himself, so there are still many procedures that need to be completed.

You must go back to the location of your account.

"Well..." Xinluo tilted her head and thought for a while, "Tomorrow is fine. For Youyou, there is still a week before the end of the summer camp. We will come back then."

"Okay." The man hooked his lips and kissed her lips.

He said hoarsely, "I will also prepare the wedding by the way, three places, one on each side of us."

"Don't worry about the wedding, we're not getting married again."

"No." The man's eyes narrowed.

"You're my Lu Yuchen's wife. I asked Meng Ze. I didn't give you a wedding before I lost my memory. This time, I have to lead you and walk into the church together."

Lu Yuchen lied without changing his face.

As the second personality, he had no luck after asking Meng Ze.

Fortunately, the first personality did not give Lolo a wedding.

And this regret will be made up for by him.

Although Xinluo felt that it was unnecessary, Lu Yuchen insisted on doing so. If he refused again, he would be hypocritical.

After all, there is no woman who does not desire to wear white gauze and go to the wedding hall with her beloved.

"Okay, that's up to you." She leaned against the man's arm tenderly.

The two stayed warm for a while, and then separated again when the three little buns and Zhuo Yarong got up.

After breakfast, Lu Qi accompanied Xinluo to send Youyou back to school.

Youyou grew up so big, and for the first time realized what it was like to be sent to study by her mother.

All the way, Xiao Youyou was very excited.

Even though he was sitting next to Xinluo, his dark eyes did not hide his excitement.

"Mom, there will be a report performance at the end of the summer camp in a week, do you want to come?" Seeing that the school was about to arrive, the little guy finally gathered up the courage and grabbed his mother's sleeve.

"Reporting the performance... Does Xiao Youyou have a show to perform?"

When Xinluo was in Europe, she participated in several kindergarten presentations.

An An doesn't like Taiwan.

It's Dudu, dressed very cutely, wearing little furry clothes, and played the little fat lion in The Wizard of Oz.

"Well..." Youyou hesitated for a few seconds before nodding firmly, "Youyou has a show to perform, is your mother coming?"

His beautiful black eyes contained a light of hope.

In fact, the teacher has always encouraged the youngest Youyou to participate in the report performance, but Youyou's character does not like this kind of performance at all.

However, if his mother wants to come, he is willing to show it to her.

"The show prepared by Youyou must be very, very good-looking. Don't worry, mother will definitely be there when the time comes!"

For Xinluo, the performance of his son's report was something new.

She couldn't wait to see her little Youyou appear on the stage.

Will it be the same as Dudu?

Wear cute furry clothes and act in dramas.

Or dance with other kids.

"Xiao Youyou, what show are you going to perform at that time, can you tell your mother first?"

The car had stopped at the gate of the Imperial Courtyard, Xinluo asked all the way, but Youyou kept his mouth shut.

"On that day, my mother will come and see." Youyou shyly tweeted in her mother's face.

Then he picked up his schoolbag and jumped out of the car blushing.


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