Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

The first thousand one hundred and fifty-five chapters attack the enemy Tang Mi (2)

Not only was Tang Mi speechless, her arm was also removed, and her right wrist was also broken.

Two arms hang weakly at the sides of the body, and two big hands are placed on each of the left and right shoulders, controlling her steadily.

Compared with the high-spirited appearance when she brought people from the military in, the current Tang Mi, like a grasshopper in the autumn, can no longer jump up and down.

It all happened so fast, not even a minute in total.

Not to mention Tang Mi, even Xinluo was stunned on the spot.

"You guys." Mianmian looked at Tang Mi, who was being restrained by her subordinates, with a helpless expression, "I don't want her to speak, so why destroy the albums in other people's stores."

The "Brigadier General" detained Tang Mi's two soldiers, their faces were full of praising expressions.

Hearing Mianmian say this, he immediately became uneasy.

"Forget it, it's not an example." Mianmian looked serious, although he still looked soft, but it didn't look like he was joking.

"If you encounter such a thing in the future, just remove your chin, and don't waste things like this again."

"Yes, Brigadier General!" All the soldiers and leading officers present stood at attention and saluted.

The password that everyone shouted in unison has an amazing deterrent effect.

"Okay, take it back to the military headquarters and wait for me to go back and interrogate it personally. I will tell him myself from Commander Shen, you don't have to worry about it."

Mianmian doesn't seem to be afraid of Shen Yi, and the others have no objection to her order.

People from the military came in a hurry and left in a hurry, and they came and went, but no one took away except Tang Mi.

Waiting for the people to disperse, Mianmian turned around, and shook her palm at Xinluo, who had not returned to her senses.

"What, are you dumbfounded?"

"Huh? Oh" Xinluo suddenly returned to her senses, and she didn't dare to look directly at Ruan Mianmian.

"Mianmian, you are so powerful. I didn't expect you to be a brigadier general. You are so young, I really can't tell."

The rank relationship of the Chinese Ministry, with the marshal at the top, followed by the general, lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier general.

Then the colonel, the lieutenant colonel, the major, and then the captain, the lieutenant, the second lieutenant, and so on.

The current first person in the military, Hanli Kingdom, is the title of marshal.

And Shen Yi, although he was already the commander a few years ago, has always been in the rank of lieutenant general. It was not until these two years that he went further and was promoted to general.

Ruan Mianmian is a brigadier general at a young age, which can almost be regarded as a promotion at the speed of light.

Mianmian smiled shyly, with a shy look on his face, "No, it's just luck, I met a few good tasks."

She bowed her head and smiled, with a very small expression like a toot, which made Xinluo rub her head, "How could it be just luck, it must be because of your strength, and the military of our country has another Not those smoky places."

"But Mianmian, that woman was called Tang Mi just now, and she came for me. She has a grudge against me, but I'm not afraid of her. Well, to be honest with you, Shen Yi is actually my uncle, and our relationship is not yet right. public announcement.”

Therefore, it was a bit ridiculous for Tang Mi to bully her in the name of Shen Yi.

And without knowing it, Mianmian was able to fight Shen Yi directly for her.

This made Xinluo more favorable to Mianmian, and she did not hide her identity even more.

"Don't worry about this, Mianmian. I'll call my uncle later. I think there may be no regrets here. He doesn't seem like someone who will help Tang Mi."

Brigadier General and Admiral are two grades apart.

Mianmian has such achievements at a young age, and her future is very bright. Xinluo doesn't want her to offend her superiors because of this.

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