
‘Tang Xinluo’ showed panic.

"Is the person being trained inside our family Qi Lin? No, I want to go in and have a look."

In fact, everything that happened now had long been expected by this fake Tang Xinluo.

She is Wan Weiwei, Wan Weiwei who came for revenge.

According to Lu Huanting's arrangement, she participated in several plays in City A, and after quickly gathering exposure and popularity, she went to the household registration center to apply for a replacement marriage certificate according to Lu Huanting's instructions.

Before that, Lu Huanting had already prepared a set of identification documents for her without knowing what means.

When the marriage certificate was reapplied, it was also very smooth. Even the husband and wife did not need to be present, and she completed all the formalities alone.

However, Lu Huanting soon told her that she was being targeted.

Lu Huanting's arrangement was originally simpler than the current one. She only needed to get her identity certificate and marriage certificate ready, and after a few plays to increase her popularity, she could file a lawsuit with the court and apply for a divorce from Lu Yuchen.

What Lu Huanting wanted was the other half of Lu Yuchen's property.

If the divorce lawsuit is successful, she will get half of her net worth from Lu Yuchen.

But Wan Weiwei has her own considerations.

She wants revenge, crazy revenge, even if Tang Xinluo is dead, she wants revenge!

She will never forget who pushed her into the abyss.

Who made her wantonly insulted by those filthy and disgusting homeless people.

In order to make Tang Xinluo unable to rest his eyes even if he died.

Wan Weiwei advised Lu Huanting to let her approach Lu Yuchen in another way.

Since Lu Yuchen still refused to divorce Tang Xinluo, then he must have fallen in love with this woman.

She wanted to play with Tang Xinluo's love for men.

She wanted to hold the children that Tang Xinluo left behind in her palm, and abused and tortured them.

Let him surprise his mother's 'resurrection', give all his feelings, and then push him into the abyss.

Wan Weiwei's crazy revenge plan aroused Lu Huanting's strong interest.

He hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

One of his legs was also interrupted by Lu Yuchen.

The unfilial son should not live in the world at all, and his son is not worthy.

So, Lu Huanting found Huo Jingyan, who happened to be the head teacher in Lu Qilin's class, who was from the Huo family branch.

So, a well-planned performance will be staged.

Wan Weiwei rushed into the small room regardless of the teacher's obstruction.

Pushing the door and entering, he saw Xiao Lu Qilin standing in the corner, looking at the roaring female teacher expressionlessly across from him.

"what are you doing!"

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, the female teacher even raised her right hand exaggeratedly.

This was what they had negotiated in advance, in order to make Lu Qilin more attached to her mother who was "resurrected from the dead".

"Stop, who allowed you to do it!"

Wan Weiwei snapped to stop the head teacher's movements, Xiao Lu Qilin saw the figure appearing at the door, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Mom..." No matter how strong and calm he was just now, when he saw his mother at this time, he instantly regained his child's nature.

Xiao Lu Qilin didn't even look at the head teacher, and immediately rushed towards the figure at the door.

Wan Weiwei snickered secretly, and sure enough, her plan succeeded.

The nature of mother and son cannot be destroyed. It seems that even if Tang Xinluo is dead, Lu Qilin often looks at her photos.

Otherwise, she would not have recognized her as soon as she appeared.

The little guy bumped into her arms, and Wan Weiwei hugged him backhand, "Be good, baby, don't be afraid, mother is back."

However, in the next second, the small body that was hugged by her suddenly froze.

Youyou looked up at Wan Weiwei's extremely delicate face, and there was a trace of confusion in her eyes.

[The author has something to say] Today, we can only guarantee four updates, and there will be more updates in the next few days. There is one more update I will write.

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