Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1168 He just stared coldly at the woman in front of him

At this time, Lu Yuchen also discovered 'Tang Xinluo'.

After four years, we meet again.

In the cold and indifferent black eyes, intense and complex emotions flashed.

If it wasn't for Youyou still in his arms, he would definitely grab her by the neck the moment he saw her, and ask her why she betrayed him!

However, all emotions were suppressed by Lu Yuchen.

In front of his son, he didn't want to be too violent.

Having owed Youyou for four years, he didn't want him to know what an irresponsible mother he had.

Because of the long sleep, Lu Yuchen, who was the first person, didn't know what happened in the past four years.

But before rushing back to City B, he learned something from his attending doctor.

He knew that the second personality used the 'explosive case' as an excuse to deal with Shi Weizheng's influence and Tang Xinluo's departure.

He has no objection to this.

If it was him, in that case, the problem could only be solved in this way.

However, this is painful Yuyou.

Without him by his side, Tang Xinluo was a cruel mother. Under such circumstances, abandoning their father and son, even if she comes back now, does she think everything can be overthrown?

Thinking of this, the man raised his eyes and looked at 'Tang Xinluo' a bit colder than before.

Wan Weiwei shivered unconsciously when she received Lu Yuchen's indifferent and cold gaze.

what happened?

Didn't Lu Yuchen love Tang Xinluo deeply, why would he look at him with such eyes?

Could it be that her disguise has been seen through by him!

No, not possible.

Her appearance was almost identical to Tang Xinluo's.

Wan Weiwei comforted herself, and soon found the answer from other aspects.

Yes, Tang Xinluo has disappeared since the bombing.

Even if Lu Yuchen loved Tang Xinluo again, seeing him appear, he would probably feel unacceptable.

Since she is not dead, why should she hide for a few years?

Lu Yuchen obviously misunderstood himself.

Thinking of this, Wan Weiwei immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The deeper you love, the more you care about her leaving without saying goodbye.

It seemed that as long as the knot in Lu Yuchen's heart could be unraveled, it would be easy to take him down.

"Yuchen... I'm sorry, I... I didn't expect to meet you here. I know that I am an incompetent wife and mother. I know that after a few years away, I should not appear in front of you again, and should not disturb you. life."

"But...I just want to meet my son, I...I really can't stand the pain without you and the baby..."

Lu Yuchen learned from Wan Weiwei's words that this was their first reunion after four years of separation.

That is to say, it is the first time that Youyou has seen his mother since he was half a year old.

Lu Yuchen misunderstood what Wan Weiwei said about "a few years away" as the four-year separation from Tang Xinluo.

And what Wan Weiwei said of "a few years away" actually refers to the period of time she left after the bombing.

What the two were thinking clearly did not mean the same thing.

But because of the asymmetry of information, Wan Weiwei got mixed up.

Wan Weiwei was already in tears as she spoke.

She cried and looked at Lu Yuchen, not letting go of the slightest change in his expression.

However, there was no expression on Lu Yuchen's face from beginning to end.

He just stared coldly at the woman in front of him, indifferent and alienated, as if she was just a stranger.

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