Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1175 Looking forward to Xiaoyouyou's performance

Shen Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Youyou just skipped a grade to the elementary school, and it stands to reason that she had contact with the head teacher, that is, during the summer camp.

Shen Yi has always been concerned about Youyou's situation. Although he doesn't talk much, he is better than ordinary children in terms of grades and performance in school.

In the past, I was always loved by the teachers.

It is impossible for a normal teacher to have such great hostility towards Youyou.

Others are not from the Imperial Academy, so they may not know.

But Shen Yi knew the situation in the Imperial Academy, and he could see at a glance that there was something wrong with this teacher.

Maybe there are other people behind this.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi already had a plan.

He has removed people now, which will affect the other kids in the class. After the report performance is over, the teacher will be suspended from work.

"Okay, you go back and do your work. I will arrange the performance of my nephew's report. I have nothing to do with you here."

"Yes, yes. Director Shen and Speaker Lu, then I'll go first." The head teacher, like a pardon, ran away without a trace.

She thought she ran fast and escaped.

But she didn't know that as soon as the performance was over, she would be taken to the military interrogation room by Shen Yi's men.


"Uncle, what about my performance?"

The presentation and performance of the summer camp should be recorded in the credits. The Imperial Military Academy has its own teaching system, and such extracurricular activities will always have a very high score.

"Do you have any talents that you are good at? Piano, violin, singing, recitation are all good."

Shen Yi was going to put on a solo show for his little nephew and grandson, which would also score higher than the group performance.

Youyou thought for a while, then shook his head, "I have learned the piano and violin, but I haven't tried singing or reciting, but... I don't want to perform these."

Listen to Mom, he wants to, but he doesn't want to tell anyone else.

"This..." Shen Yi frowned in embarrassment, but immediately thought of a way, "Let's go, my uncle knows what to perform, and my uncle will take you to the backstage to change your clothes."

Before Shen Yi left, he didn't forget to tell Lu Yuchen, "Go to the parent's seat in front of you, so that Xinluo won't be able to find you later."

After speaking, without giving Lu Yuchen a chance to ask, Shen Yi rushed away with Youyou in his arms.


Lu Yuchen's deep black eyes flashed doubts, too many doubts lingered in his mind.


After hearing Shen Yi's words, Lu Yuchen subconsciously thought that 'Tang Xinluo' would go outside to look for him later.

Although he doesn't like the current 'Tang Xinluo', he has been away for a long time, and he doesn't want to miss his son's growth.

The little baby who once could only stay in the crib, has grown into what it is now in the blink of an eye.

Thinking of this, even though he would be disturbed by that woman, he still went to the patriarch's seat.

At this time, a lot of people were already sitting on the parents' table.

Lu Yuchen found Youyou's class seat and took a free seat at will.

At the same time, Wan Weiwei was walking around from the backstage to the front desk.

After Lu Yuchen and Lu Qilin left, she was loyal to everyone's accusations, and after a while, she barely stood up.

She was unwilling to lose like this, she didn't believe that her charm would be inferior to that of a dead Tang Xinluo.

Wan Weiwei quickly picked herself up again, found a place, removed her makeup, and touched it up again.

When she touched up her makeup, she saw the two red marks left on her face, so she made up her mind to deceive Lu Yuchen.

At that time, she was Lu Qilin's mother.

She must torture the little brat who dared to leave a mark on her face.

Wan Weiwei used a thick powder to cover the red marks while fantasizing.

But in her eyes, there is only deep resentment and inevitable victory.

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