"Xinluo..." Zhuo Yarong looked at Xinluo holding her grandson and grandson'daughter, she always felt empty. ,.

Xinluo comforted her son, and now she is finally free to solve Zhuo Yunfei's matter.

"Mom, why is he here?" Zhuo Yunfei didn't even ask about the dispute with Dudu and An An.

Zhuo Yunfei's mouth is so arrogant, Xinluo has experienced it. Even if An An did something wrong first, she didn't intend for An An to apologize to Zhuo Yunfei.

Xinluo didn't mention the dispute just now, and of course Zhuo Yarong didn't mention it either.

She stammered and said: "It didn't take long for you to leave, that... Uncle Yuchen came here. The child's mother and sister are unable to take care of him for the time being, and Uncle Yuchen is a big man who will not take care of the child. , I don't feel relieved about 'handing it over' to outsiders, so I just..."

Of course, children like Zhuo Yunfei should not know about the dirty things that Tang Mi and Zhuo Mingfu did.

So Zhuo Yunfei still didn't know that Tang Mi was his biological mother, and still called her sister, Tang Ruolan's mother who died of illness.

Xinluo suddenly remembered that Tang Mi was able to hold on to her current position because she already had Zhuo Mingfu's flesh and blood in her stomach for two months when the incident happened.

But when I saw Tang Mi that day, walking with high heels and swaying, it didn't look like she was pregnant at all.

Is that kid gone?

Forget it, leave her alone, and solve the immediate problem first.

Zhuo Yarong is her mother-in-law, and her ears have always been soft. Xinluo considered it for a few seconds before she said, "Mom, Yuchen's uncle, there is only one now. You...you should understand."

"I...I understand..." Zhuo Yarong wanted to speak for Zhuo Mingfu, after all, it was her brother, but she knew that what Xinluo said was right.

Zhuo Mingfu did that kind of thing, let alone Lu Yuchen, who was the second personality, couldn't tolerate him, even the first personality couldn't tolerate him.

"But Xinluo, Lu Yuchen's uncle... No, my eldest brother. My eldest brother has already left, he has self-awareness and does not dare to appear here. He just left Feifei behind and asked me to take care of... He is a child, you Look……"

Yes, a child can never be thrown out.

What's more, Zhuo Yunfei was indeed the only seedling of the Zhuo family.

If Xinluo really threw him out, Zhuo Yarong might not say anything now, but when she recalled this in the future, she might complain about Xinluo.

Just as Xinluo was about to tell the story of Zhuo Mingfu's collusion with Lu Huanting, there was a sudden noise outside the 'door'.

The servant came to report: "Master Lu is back, madam, young madam, are you serving the food now?"

Zhuo Yarong originally wanted to wait for Xinluo to eat, but then Zhuo Yunfei came and tossed all the way, unknowingly delaying until now without eating.

"That's right, look at my head, it's really old and useless, I almost forgot about dinner." Zhuo Yarong instructed the servant to go to the study to call Master Youyou, pass the dishes by the way, she picked up Zhuo Yunfei and went to the restaurant Walk.

"Yuchen is back, Xinluo, come over quickly too."

Obviously, this was trying to 'touch' fish in muddy waters, and let Xinluo let Zhuo Yunfei go by eating.

Seeing Zhuo Yarong leaving with Zhuo Yunfei in her arms, Xinluo sighed faintly.

Alas, what to do?

After all, she is her mother-in-law, and she is also a child who can't make waves.

She can understand Zhuo Yarong, the only seedling in the Zhuo family is naturally protected, but...

Xinluo narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking of the cooperation between Lu Huanting and Zhuo Mingfu. The dark eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, why didn't she borrow Zhuo Yunfei to contain Zhuo Mingfu? !

The author has something to say and there is more~

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