He sat down, holding Tang Xinluo's boneless body in one hand, and flipping through the documents in the other.

"This is Tang's stock, my mother gave it to you?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Tang Xinluo showed a bit of embarrassment, "I really feel embarrassed that Mom gave me such an expensive gift. The relationship between us is like that... You say, if Mom finds out in a year's time , how sad it will be at that time!"

Tang Xinluo felt that she was really sorry for the Lu family.

After deceiving Mrs. Lu's feelings, now she has successfully tricked Mrs. Lu. Both women have paid her sincerity, but she signed the damn agreement.

Lu Yuchen hooked his lips indifferently, "If you're afraid of feeling sorry for yourself, then help me give birth to this baby in a healthy way. You gave birth to my mother's grandson and the old lady's great-grandson, and it's too late for the two of them to be happy. , how can I blame you?"

"..." Tang Xinluo thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only way to go.

But Lu Yuchen's words just happened to remind her of one thing.

"By the way, you said last time that Lawyer Fan would draft a new agreement and send it over. As for the new agreement, why hasn't it been done yet?"

Regarding the baby's new agreement, Lu Yuchen kept saying that she would re-sign it, but now that she is almost three months old, she has not seen the agreement yet.

Lu Yuchen was holding her right now. From his point of view, the little woman in his arms had a fair face and looked up at him with a pair of peach blossom eyes. Every blink of an eye was like sweeping the tip of his heart with a feather.

Looking at her like this, the man's eyes sank slightly, and he said lightly, "Maybe I've been too busy lately. Attorney Fan has been busy fighting for Tang Corporation shares for you recently. There will probably be results in the next few days. Wait until then. When the results come out, I'll send someone to help you and bring the Tang family back together."

"It's going to get better in the next few days... so fast?!" Tang Xinluo opened his eyes excitedly, "That's great, Lawyer Fan is really good, I thought this matter would drag on for at least a few months."

After Lu Yuchen skillfully changed the subject, he happily hugged the excited little woman back into his arms.

"It's not Lawyer Fan, but your husband. Your husband has done so much, shouldn't you do something in return, eh?"

That "um", low and sexy, blowing on her earlobe made Tang Xinluo tremble uncontrollably.

Seeing the blush on the woman's fair face, his eyes also darkened.

Biting her earlobe, her voice was hoarse, "Why, do you want it?"


What do you want or not, how dare he ask such a thing!

"I... I didn't mean that, don't talk nonsense." She lowered her head, not daring to look up at him.

Tang Xinluo didn't know what happened to her today, since the kiss in the morning, she seemed to be in a trance all day.

Always unconsciously, you will fall into that very dangerous state.

It was a state of being attracted to the man in front of him at any time.

"It doesn't mean that, why is your face red?" He hooked her chin and lifted her small face up.

Tang Xinluo shyly turned his eyes away, not daring to meet his mysterious black eyes of abstinence, "I, I blush easily by nature, don't think about it, I didn't mean that."

He asked her such a question just now, how could she not blush!

Asking himself if he "wanted it", he could actually say such a thing!

Lu Yuchen suddenly laughed in a low voice, and while laughing, he carried the small thing between his legs and put it away.

Tang Xinluo just sat beside him just now, but this time, he was picked up by him, and his little butt was sitting directly on his thigh.

She knew how dangerous this sitting position was. The last time she was in the car, she sat like this, and she clearly felt the existence of some kind of hard object under her buttocks.

She didn't dare to move at will, for fear of touching someone's love again.

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