Tang Xinluo thought that what she said would make Lu Yuchen very satisfied.

Who knows, after listening to her words, Lu Yuchen not only did not show any satisfaction, but looked at her with cold eyes.

It wasn't until he saw that her scalp was numb and her heart was trembling, he coldly retracted his gaze and stood up without saying a word.

Where is he going?

Tang Xinluo wanted to stop him, but his voice stuck in his throat, so he could only watch him leave the bedroom with a gloomy face.

Is he angry?

Tang Xinluo didn't understand why Lu Yuchen was angry...

She obviously did a good job, isn't that what he wanted?

Don't ask about his whereabouts, don't disturb his arrangements, just concentrate on playing the role of Mrs. Lu.

Tang Xinluo rubbed her temples irritably, she really didn't understand why Lu Yuchen was angry.

Obviously everything was done according to his requirements, why did he show that kind of eyes.

It was as if he cared about her care and concern.

Doesn't he know that those eyes will make her think too much, and she may sink into the mud if she is not careful?


Tang Xinluo lay on the bed for a while before going downstairs. When she went downstairs, she didn't see Lu Yuchen, only saw Ma Zhang with a smile on her face.

"Young lady, are you awake? Come on, come on, I'm going upstairs to call you."

Zhang's mother pulled her to sit on the sofa, and diligently took out a pile of brochures for her to choose.

"Young madam, you haven't eaten anything since last night, so you must be hungry? I asked the kitchen to cook white porridge, don't worry, this white porridge was specially called by the old lady to instruct you to cook it, so you can't eat it. No matter how uncomfortable it is... and these booklets are all sent by the young master, you can choose slowly, tick what you like, and have them all sent later. "

Tang Xinluo was at a loss when he heard this, so he picked up a booklet at random.

As soon as it was opened, it was full of new high-end luxury cars from various brands. It should have been collected and printed by a special person. Each page was a photo of a luxury car, plus customizable colors and a lot of professional data.

Tang Xinluo couldn't understand it, so she asked Ma Zhang suspiciously, "What is this?"

Zhang Ma was bringing a bowl of white porridge over and put it on the table.

She glanced at the booklet in Tang Xinluo's hand, and said happily, "Young master sent them here, saying that the young lady is to pick whatever she likes."

Tang Xinluo couldn't help frowning. Isn't this man's way of giving "gifts" too frivolous?

Putting down the booklet in his hand, Tang Xinluo picked out a few more at random, and found that each one had different contents.

In addition to luxury cars, fancy clothes, and jewelry, there are even expensive furniture, pets, and mansions.

In short, there are everything in all aspects, including almost every aspect of clothing, food, housing and transportation.

Mama Zhang smiled and lifted the lid of the porridge, and gently stirred it with a bone china spoon to dissipate heat.

"Young madam, the young master really loves you. When I came back last night and found out that you were ill, the expression on my face didn't know how distressed it was. I stayed by your side in the middle of the night, until I pulled the needle for you after the drip. I wiped your body again before falling asleep. Young lady, I have been in the Lu family for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen the young master take care of others. The young master is really different to you. "

Tang Xinluo's eyes trembled when she heard Zhang Ma's words. She didn't expect Lu Yuchen to guard her until midnight.

But what does that mean?

Maybe he was just straining her stomach.

"Mother Zhang, I'm hungry. I'll see these things later... Let's have porridge first."

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