"You... you unfilial thing is really like your mother's broom star. Your mother killed my poor son, and now you come to beat me again, you just want to be mad at me, you mother and daughter..."

Hearing that Tang Wang Chunfang started insulting her mommy again, Tang Xinluo's face suddenly turned cold, "This old lady, I don't have time to listen to your big drama. It's nothing important, I'm going to hang up."

"You...you wait!"

Tang Wang Chunfang stopped her viciously, "You go immediately to withdraw the lawsuit. If you can do it, I can still recognize your granddaughter for the time being."

She knew how much Tang Xinluo longed for her approval.

"Impossible." Tang Xinluo said firmly.

"Mrs Tang, for the sake of your age, I'll make it clear to you. It's impossible to withdraw this lawsuit. Whether it's the shares or the Tang family's old house, it's mine, and I won't know anything like Tang Xinluo. Take it less. When Mrs. Tang has time to teach me a lesson here, it is better to discuss the countermeasures with your precious daughter and a lawyer. We will see you in court tomorrow. "

After speaking, Tang Xinluo hung up the phone directly.

Tang Wang Chunfang made several calls later, but she ignored them.


In the Tang family mansion, Tang Wang Chunfang sat in the living room, the hand holding the phone was shaking with anger.

"Mom, that dead girl is too good this time. The lawyer called me just now and told me that she not only wants to get back the 20% of the shares, but also asks us to give up this mansion. Mom, you must think about it. Ways to cure her!"

Tang Wang Chunfang's daughter, Tang Xinluo's aunt Tang Ruolan, came in from the door angrily.

"I'll find a way without you telling me." Old Madam Tang stroked her heart. Tang Xinluo was so angry just now that she almost didn't take a breath.

"Before someone told me that the money-losing goods were taken care of by a rich old man outside. I still don't believe it. Now it seems that this matter must be true, or else where will she get the money to file a lawsuit."

"Mom, now is not the time to find out where her money came from. We should think about it now, what should we do after going to court? After all... those shares were originally owned by that dead girl, and we found someone to forge her signature. , and the transfer of shares was done after finding a relationship. If it is really stabbed now, it will be jailed!"

When she heard that she was going to jail, Mrs. Tang panicked even more.

"No, absolutely can't go to jail." She is so old, if she really goes to jail, it won't be guaranteed at night.

"Ruolan, don't worry, no matter what I say, it's her grandma. If she really dares to kill her relatives righteously, we'll go to the reporters to expose all her unfilial and unjust things, and see who the judge will help!"

Tang Wang Chunfang still has the idea of ​​a rural old lady in her bones, thinking that in the court, whichever side has the most sympathy points, the judge will favor which side.

It's not her fault. The Wang family was originally a peasant. It was just because Tang Xinluo's great-grandfather was rescued by the Wang family during the war. Later, in order to appreciate the Wang family, he made his son marry the Wang family.

Because of this, a wealthy family like the Tang family married a rural woman like Tang Wang Chunfang as his wife.

"Mom, it's all up to you this time! You know, I have no way out now. Tianlang and Mimi have changed their surnames Tang, and they will have nothing to do with their father in the future."

When Tang Ruolan was very young, her husband died, leaving only two children.

The eldest daughter Tang Mi and the youngest son Tang Tianlang.

Originally, the two children were both surnamed Li, but after Tang Xinluo's parents died, in order to snatch the family property and to please the old lady Tang, Tang Ruolan changed the surname of Tang for all of them.

The old lady Tang nodded, "I know I know that the company will be owned by Tianlang and Mimi from now on, don't worry... I will never let that loser from Tang Xinluo take away our Tianlang and Mimi's property."

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