The incoming call displayed on the phone screen was the number on the other side of the villa.

Holding the phone in his hand, Lu Yuchen's eyes drooped slightly, and the expression on his face was indifferent. He looked at the phone screen, wondering what he was thinking.

After waiting for a few seconds, he put the phone to his ear, "Hello."

"Master." On the other end of the phone, Mother Zhang's voice came from the receiver.

Disappointment flashed from the bottom of his eyes, and the indifference on Lu Yuchen's face was a little heavier than before.

"What's up."

His voice was very low, and in Zhang Ma's ears, he always felt a bit gloomy for no reason.

"Master, when are you coming back tonight? It's already this time. If you don't come back, it will be bad for your health if the young lady waits too late."

In normal times, Ma Zhang wouldn't dare to ask Lu Yuchen's whereabouts.

But now it is different. The young lady is pregnant. For the sake of the young lady's body, I believe that the young master will not blame her.

Sure enough, the young master, who might get angry when he asks one more question, didn't get angry today.

"Xinluo hasn't slept yet, waiting for me?" Lu Yuchen didn't even know it, the corner of his lips tickled up inadvertently.

"Well...yes...the young lady has been waiting for you."

Zhang Ma's voice was a little hesitant, but Lu Yuchen heard it immediately, and the corners of his lips that had been raised slightly turned into a straight line again.

He asked coldly, "If she waits for me, why doesn't she call herself?"

"This..." Ma Zhang was at a loss for words, trying to explain, "Young madam... I'm tired so I..."

He interrupted Ma Zhang impatiently, "Take care of the young lady, don't call me if you have nothing to do."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yuchen's mood worsened.

Pulling on his tie, he went to the table, picked up a cut cigar, and lit it.

After a while, a faint smoke ring spewed out of his mouth.

In the smoky haze, he seemed to see a small face as bright as a peach and plum, that small face was smiling at him, the delicate cherry lips, and the blurred peach blossom eyes, there was nothing that was not stirring people's hearts.

Putting out the cigar in the ashtray, the feeling of unhappiness in my heart was deeper than before.

Tang Xinluo...she's fine.

As she said, she obeyed the contract and played the role of Mrs. Lu who was virtuous and virtuous, generous and knowledgeable.

Lu Yuchen's deep black eyes gradually filled with haze, he picked up the phone.

"—Meng Ze, arrange for a popular female star to come up."


The next day, Tang Xinluo woke up early.

She has to go to the court in the afternoon to attend the trial. Yesterday, she had made an appointment with Dr. Zhang to come over in the morning to give her an infusion.

Tang Xinluo went down to the first floor and felt that the atmosphere at home was a bit strange today.

Although it was not very obvious, it always felt that the servants looked at her with some kind of sympathy and pity.

Could it be because Lu Yuchen didn't come back last night, which made the servants in the house think wildly?

"Young madam, why did you come down?" Zhang Ma didn't expect Tang Xinluo to get up so early, and the newspaper in her hand had no time to hide, so she could only stuff it behind her.

"Mother Zhang, what are you holding?"

"Oh, this is today's newspaper. Young lady, please eat first. Don't go hungry. I'll prepare it for you."

Zhang's mother fled into the kitchen with the newspaper, Tang Xinluo narrowed her eyes and saw the tricks in it.

After a while, when Ma Zhang came out with a bowl of white porridge, she almost knocked over the porridge bowl in her hand.

"Young madam, you... don't believe those reports. Those paparazzi reporters are just like that. For fear that they won't make big news, the young master will never do such a thing!"

Tang Xinluo was holding her cell phone at the moment, looking at today's entertainment headlines.

"The popular female star Lin Shiman, the business giant of City A at the night party, has an intimate demeanor, and is suspected of being in love?!"

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