"Hmph, you unfilial thing, how dare you come here!?" Seeing Tang Xinluo, Madam Tang immediately changed her face.

"Everyone, come and see, it's her... She's Tang Xinluo. This unfilial granddaughter of the Tang family actually sued her own grandmother and aunt to court for a little bit of family property. Friends from reporters, you must report truthfully and report the truth. Her unfilial behavior should be made public!"

After Mrs. Tang finished speaking, a large number of reporters rushed over, spotlights, long guns and short cannons, all pressed against Tang Xinluo's face.

"Miss Tang, do you think this approach is inappropriate when you sued your own grandmother and aunt this time? Aren't you afraid of being criticized by everyone?"

"Miss Tang, it has been rumored that your private life is unruly. You have just been abandoned by Lu Shao, and now you have turned your head to fight a lawsuit with your family. In just a few months, Miss Tang has been betrayed and separated. How do you feel now? "

Most of those reporters came here with money from the Tang family, and the questions they asked were sharp and mean, all of which were deliberately aimed at Tang Xinluo.

Lawyer Fan knew that Tang Xinluo was pregnant and was definitely not suitable for an interview here. He immediately signaled his assistant to block the reporter, and he took Tang Xinluo to the court.

However, there were only three of them in total. Even if Lawyer Fan was a well-known gold medal lawyer in City A, he couldn't stand the shoving of these reporters.

"Mrs. Lu, be careful." Lawyer Fan put Tang Xinluo behind him with difficulty.

Tang Xinluo had already been pushed against the corner of the wall at this time, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed in her heart.

She was still too careless, thinking that when she came to the court, she would only have to go to court with the Tang family, but she didn't expect the Tang family to be so ruthless, and even used public opinion tactics.

Being cornered by a large group of reporters, Tang Xinluo could only protect his stomach.

She is not afraid of the sharp questions of those reporters. She is only afraid of being surrounded by this group of people and accidentally hurting the baby in her stomach.

The crowd was crowded and the air became thinner. In addition to the tense atmosphere, Tang Xinluo felt that it was getting harder and harder to breathe, and the feeling of suffocation became more and more obvious.

She leaned against the wall in vain, and suddenly wanted to see Lu Yuchen.

Obviously last night, he had an affair with other women, but at this critical juncture, the first person that came to mind was actually him.

If only he were here...

Seeing that they were about to be surrounded by the group of reporters, a loud horn suddenly sounded outside the courthouse.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the court opened, and five black luxury cars drove in and parked directly under the steps of the main entrance of the court.

Lawyer Fan was relieved when he saw the black Bentley at the head.

Fortunately, the master was here, otherwise Mrs. Lu would have been injured, and he still didn't know how to plead guilty.

The reporter has the sharpest sense of smell. As soon as he saw the five luxury cars driving in, he couldn't care less about Tang Xinluo, and immediately surrounded him.

Just kidding, this is a courthouse, and everyone's cars are parked outside the courthouse according to the rules.

Only these five luxury cars can drive in directly from the gate without any hindrance, and the identity of the person who comes is not simple.

The reporters were holding long guns and short cannons at the luxury car headed by them, for fear of missing any shots.

Tang Xinluo leaned against the corner, saw the familiar black Bentley, her heart was hanging high, and finally fell.

His eyes were red, and his nose couldn't help pantothenic acid.

She didn't expect that Lu Yuchen actually came.


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