Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1655 Cough, the first time I saw my mother-in-law

Of course Monica's words lied to them. Madam said, Zhuo Yarong can't be cheap.

The more she tried to drive the lady away, the less they would leave.

But Zhuo Yarong didn't know that Monica's words were false, so she panicked.

"Don't, don't go back to Europe... Xinluo still has Yuchen's child in her belly, she can't..."

"Can you, don't bother Mrs. Lu. Our wife said that the Reddington family can afford the eldest lady, not to mention that the relationship between Mr. Lu and our eldest lady is no longer a husband and wife relationship, and it's just a matter of each other's well-being in the future."

"Monica, what are you talking about..."

Sai Di couldn't understand Zhuo Yarong's misunderstanding of Xinluo these days, and said to her angrily.

"Mrs. Lu, go back quickly. You keep saying that our eldest miss steals people. If that's the case, then what else is there to say! Go away, we don't welcome you here!"

"I... I'm not..." Sai Di and the others didn't listen to Zhuo Yarong's words at all, and pushed her out directly.

Master Lu didn't bother, he said in a low voice, "Take good care of your young lady and let her have a good rest", and then took the initiative to withdraw.

"Yuchen, I... what should we do?" Until this moment, Zhuo Yarong really began to regret it.

It turned out that Xinluo didn't care about Yuchen as much as she thought.

It turns out that the Redington family is not uncommon to marry them.

She looked at Lu Yuchen, annoyed and panic intertwined in her eyes.

"Come on Mom, come back tomorrow. From today, we will come every day to show Xinluo and her mother our sincerity. I hope that before next week, Xinluo can change her mind."

"Yes, yes... You are right, we should show it." Zhuo Yarong stopped refuting Lu Yuchen's words, "By the way, you must be busy recently, so you don't have to accompany me. That... I'll go first. Buy some supplements and go back so that Xin Luoduo can cook something good to send."

"Go and get busy, don't worry about me... From tomorrow, I'll come over by myself."

Lu Yuchen frowned and thought for a moment before nodding, "Okay, take my car and I'll ask Lu Jiu to come pick me up. Mom, be careful on the way, don't buy too much, Xinluo won't be able to finish it."

"I see,

Leave me alone, I'll go by myself. Then I'm leaving, you go to work. "

Lu Yuchen took Zhuo Yarong to the door of the hospital and watched her get into the car and drove away.

The bottomless Mo pupil gradually gained temperature.

After a while, Lu Yuchen appeared outside the VIP ward again.

This time, Monica and Sadie were not embarrassed, but let them go.

When Lu Yuchen walked into the ward, the first thing he saw was the little woman sitting on the bed leisurely nibbling on an apple.

And beside her, stood a slender, beautiful and beautiful middle-aged lady.

The lady looked about the same age as her mother, but her peach eyes that seemed to be able to talk were exactly the same as the little woman sitting on the bed.

More charming than Xinluo, more charming than Shen Wan, needless to say, this must be Shen Zi.

"Hello Aunt, I'm Lu Yuchen, nice to meet you."

Lord Lu politely and frankly accepted Shen Zi's scrutiny.

Not only did he not show any aura that strangers should not enter, but he greeted him very gently in a polite and courteous tone.

Xinluo originally thought that Sai Di and the others would not let Lu Yuchen in.

Seeing him appear suddenly, he was startled.

Hearing him speak again, the apples in his hands fell even more frightened.

This, this... Is this still Lu Yuchen?

Even the number one personality has never been so polite, humble and gentle!

【Continue to write~】

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