Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1664 Bringing illegitimate children to appear

Although they didn't know who was at Qinglong Temple, from what Lu Qi said, that person seemed to be determined not to go down the mountain.

"Go, you don't need to say anything this time. Give this thing to him." After Mr. Lu finished speaking, he opened the phone and handed it to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi took the phone and was stunned to see the picture on the screen: "This...this is..."


In the villa, uncle Lu Yunhua sat on the main seat, his slightly cloudy eyes swept over Lu Huanting's side intentionally or unintentionally.

He went down and sat down with the branch patriarchs and the elders in the Lu family.

Just like Lu Yunhua, the other patriarchs and elders in the clan also glanced at Lu Huanting inadvertently.

However, unlike Lu Yunhua, they did not see Lu Huanting, but the person behind Lu Huanting.

Lu Huanting and Lin Tong sat in front, followed by four young people.

One of them, everyone has seen before, is Lu Huanting's only privately acknowledged son, Lu Yishen.

But beside Lu Yishen, the other three who followed were very eyes.

What's particularly strange is that one of the young girls is still wearing a slightly pregnant belly.

The other, Qian Jiao Bai Mei, has a natural charm and seductiveness, which can hook a man's soul in the blink of an eye.

Lu Huanting had already noticed the searching gazes of the patriarchs, and he deliberately did not introduce them. After everyone's appetites were stifled, he led a few juniors to introduce them to the patriarchs and elders present.

"This is the dog is also deep, all the elders have seen it, and I will ask you to support him more in the future."

After Lu Huanting introduced Lu Yishen, he let out a young man and woman who were following him.

"This is my daughter-in-law, Shen Xinchen, the beloved daughter of Commander Shen Yi. This is Commander Shen's only son, Shen Chengle. They happened to be in City A, and young people were curious about our family meeting, so I brought them here by the way. "

"It turned out to be Commander Shen's son and young lady..." When everyone heard this, they immediately took a higher look at Lu Huanting's strength.

I have long heard that Lu Huanting has been prosperous in City B these years, not only became the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, but also

And it has something to do with the military and political bigwigs in City B.

Because Lu Huanting retired from City A, the elders in the clan who didn't know much about him had a much better impression of Lu Huanting than before.

"Then this is...?" Some elders were curious about the other little beauty who followed behind Lu Huanting.

The girl had long hair, black and lustrous, and on her palm-sized melon seed face, Jianshui Qiutong, clear and transparent with a hint of charming charm.

Hearing the elder's question, the girl behind Lu Huanting took a step forward, grabbed Lu Huanting's arm, and leaned her head against Lu Huanting's shoulder.

"Hello, uncle, I'm Lu Aitong, my father's favorite daughter."

Before coming, Lu Aitong had memorized the photos of these elders.

Facing herself at this time, she raised her red lips and smiled, which immediately made everyone around her lose their color.

Beautiful... so beautiful...!

Everyone couldn't help but marvel that Lu Huanting had such a beautiful daughter, and it would definitely be a great help for him to marry and consolidate his power in the future.

It's a pity that these people don't know yet. They thought that she would be the daughter of Lu Huanting's help in the future, and had already slept with the two presidents of Huaguo.

However, because Shi Weizheng had been dead for a few years, Lu Aitong has now changed her hairstyle and makeup. She is much younger than the mature president's wife in the past, so she was not immediately recognized.

"Huanting, your son is married to Commander Shen's daughter, and she is so beautiful. It's your blessing!" Uncle Santang and Lu Huanting had a good relationship and couldn't help saying.

It's just that those two-colored tricks have been placed on Lu Aitong.

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